All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1482: I'm fine, okay

"Why? A little scared?" Shen Long glanced at the stage, and the big guy was concentrating on practice. No one noticed the two of them, so he asked, he knew what kind of person He Xiaoping's mother was, and knew why He Xiaoping was This reaction.

"Neither." He Xiaoping showed a confused and tangled look. About her relationship with her mother, she always felt a little different from other families, but how could it be different, she couldn't say it; in front of outsiders, she also Reluctant to mention these, except for Shen Long, because from the first meeting to the present, Shen Long has been helping her, and has long won her trust.

"Go, let's go to the back!" Shen Long took He Xiaoping back a little bit further, and it was farther away from the stage. They certainly could not hear the dialogue between themselves and He Xiaoping, and remained in the sight of others. This will give people a sense of security, but will not cause unnecessary trouble.

"Although I don't know what is happening in your home." Actually, I know. "But from your expression, you should have encountered a problem. Can you tell me something? Sometimes, an outsider can help you analyze it. Analysis, you can see more clearly. "

He Xiaoping opened his mouth, but still did not say it, because she neither knew where to start, nor whether she should talk to Shen Long; Shen Long was not discouraged, he continued, "I am a little older than you, Life experience is a bit richer than you, and I have seen a lot of situations. Since you do n’t want to say, then I will try to guess. "

"On the train you came to our regiment, I heard you talked about your signing up for the army. Generally speaking, if it's not appropriate, other people would just run three or five recruiting offices, but you ran away. Eleven, and listening to what you said, there should be no family to accompany? It feels as if you are desperate to escape from that family. "

He Xiaoping didn't speak this time. She lowered her head and silently thought about the original things. It seemed to be the case. She stayed in the stepfather's house very repressed.

"I can only talk about this in private. In fact, many people are not qualified parents. They don't like their children at all, or they do not know how to express it in a proper way although they like it." This view may not be new in later generations, but now it is somewhat counter-productive. After all, China's tradition of filial piety has lasted for thousands of years.

He Xiaoping's eyes showed a worried look. She quickly looked around and found that no one noticed a little relief. If these words reached outsiders' ears, would he be in trouble?

After the panic, He Xiaoping thought about the meaning of Shen Long ’s words carefully. Then, if he thought about it, his words did n’t seem unreasonable. It was difficult for her mother to hurt herself, but her mother wanted to maintain such a family. The set of means that must be exercised does make her feel uncomfortable.

She has always believed that her mother sacrificed herself for her daughter ’s superior living environment. Even when she scolded herself, she did not vent, but hated why she could n’t integrate into this new family; she loved herself, but she was It is this way of loving yourself that hurts you, so when you receive this letter, you are worried and afraid to meet your mother.

"Then ... what should I do?" Shen Long's words came to her heart, which gave her a sense of dependence on Shen Long. Yeah, who can these things be said to before? No matter what they say to them, they will probably only flirt with one sentence. Is there any parents in the world?

This question is actually very complicated. Even in the increasingly enlightened future generations, all you can do is to work hard to learn how to be a good parent? What's more, He Xiaoping's younger age may be better. Now that she has grown up into adulthood, the childhood that has influenced a person most has passed, and many things have begun to take shape.

Some people say that the lucky people are cured by childhood, and the unfortunate people are cured by childhood; He Xiaoping has not cured the misfortune left by his life.

"What should I say?" Shen Long raised his head and looked at the stage with his eyes empty. "If it was before liberation, it would be really awkward, because at that time, all the people lived together, even if When you get married and have children, you still have to continue to be influenced by your parents; but now, the lifestyle of this large family has gradually been split, and more of you will live alone in the future, and occasionally go back to see your parents. "

As Shen Long turned his head and looked at He Xiaoping ’s eyes, “You ’ve left Modu now. In our group, it is foreseeable that you will also develop in the army for a long time in the future, and rarely have the opportunity to return to that family It's gone. "There are still a few years before the dissolution of the cultural troupe, and Shen Long is also confident that he and He Xiaoping will stay.

"In short, no matter what kind of memory the original family brought you, you are now free! You have come out, you are no longer the little girl eager to leave the family, you have found it in a new environment As long as you are stronger, it will be difficult for them to interfere with your life. The fate of a person is ultimately on their own. "Shen Long encourages this unfortunate childhood with a slow but firm tone girl.

"In the past, you were afraid to make your family angry and afraid of not giving you meals, but now this is not necessary. You have the salary to support yourself ~ ~ Even if they don't care about you, you don't have to be afraid? Even ... Even if you occasionally act against your parents ’wishes, but as long as you can prove that you ’re doing it right and lead a better life, I think they will feel happy? So, the most important thing now is to make yourself happy some."

When hearing these words, He Xiaoping's tears couldn't help but rolled out, and his cheeks were soaked. No one had ever said such things to her.

"Since you are not happy, when you see your mother, don't talk about the things at home, talk more about what you are in the group, you also have good sisters such as Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, and so many good colleagues, Talk more about these will naturally become happy. "Shen Long felt that he had already said enough," Okay, wipe your tears, take a rest, and then continue to rehearse, if you have any questions, please contact me at any time. "

"Hmm." He Xiaoping responded softly, sat here for a while, dried his tears and returned to the stage.

"Yo, Xiaoping, why are you crying? Captain Liu scolded you? Don't go to your heart, he is also for your own good." Someone asked with concern.

They also felt that He Xiaoping was a little absent-minded in rehearsal just now, and Shen Long's requirements for the performance were always strict, all because of why Xiaoping was criticized.

He Xiaoping smiled like never before, "It's okay, I'm fine."

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