All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1483: thank you

After some persuasion by Shen Long, He Xiaoping was in a much better mood. Yeah, I have left that house now and started a new life. The past things will make it go well, even with the dance steps. .

"Xiao Ping, you are not dancing right. This is the scene where you played the ghost and saw the sacrifice of your father. You have to jump out of the feeling of hatred and sadness. You can't dance so cheerfully." The actor had to come over to help her correct it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was a bit confused when I encountered something." He Xiaoping quickly apologized, but there was still a smile on his lips.

"This is such a good thing, so happy?" Someone teased.

"You're so kind to say people, haven't you been happy ever since you received the certificate?" He Xiaoping's appearance did not cause unnecessary conjecture, because these actors are almost like this today; this is a collective second-class Gong, how could it be unhappy?

"I think today's rehearsals are all here. Should I talk about a combination of work and rest? Since Ning Political Commissioner has given everyone a holiday, they will all rest and go out to take a turn and adjust their emotions as soon as possible. Anyway, you are like this now. Practice has no effect. "Shen Long came over and drove them all away.

He Xiaoping was at the end. When she walked past Shen Long, she solemnly thanked Shen Long, "Thank you, I am not worried about seeing my mother now."

"That's good, still that sentence, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time." Seeing her like this, Shen Long also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that his step-by-step method still works, if there was no previous success. It is estimated that even if it is the same, He Xiaoping can't hear it.

Now she has just enjoyed the feeling of being honored and realizes that she is also a person who can do something, so she has some confidence in meeting her mother.

Yes, she was so eager to get rid of that family before. After coming to the cultural troupe, she felt the warmth here. The haze in her heart gradually dissipated, but the sudden arrival of her mother made the haze slowly emerge again. When she still had inextricably connected with that family, she was worried.

It is okay now. After Shen Long ’s enlightenment, she realized that this kind of connection is only a connection. She can still continue to lead her life without returning to the family that made her feel depressed.

After two days, He Xiaoping ’s mother finally came from Modu. A middle-aged woman appeared at the door of the cultural troupe, carrying a suitcase in her left hand and a net bag in her right hand. The contents of the net bag were visible to people: a metal Big biscuit buckets and a big sugar box are all golden and splendid. In other people's eyes, empty boxes and empty barrels are worth a lot; a net bag also contains a bunch of bananas. Now, bananas are a luxury for this inland city , Hard to see when waiting,

The woman was not tall and fell short by the things in her hand. He Xiaoping saw him from a distance and quickly greeted him. For the first time in many years, he smiled in front of his mother for the first time, "Mom, you are coming , What are you doing with so many things? "

The mother is also looking at this daughter who has become a little strange, with a radiant look, a new military uniform and a new hat, and a military medallion affixed to her chest. Compared with the girl, it is almost two people.

But after all, it was her own daughter, and the mother was very pleased to see this change in her daughter. She took He Xiaoping to marry her husband, did n’t she want to make her such a person? Just like the children of her new husband's family.

"Yo, the change is so big, the army is really the place to exercise people." The mother attributed He Xiaoping's change to the exercise of the army. She put down her suitcase and tried to reach out to touch the military medal on He Xiaoping's chest. She just saw it in the newspaper. The award-winning news of He Xiaoping decided to come to see her, but when she was about to touch it, she shrank her hand back again, a little afraid.

He Xiaoping didn't say anything about taking off the military medal and put it in the mother's hand, at the same time a little guilty, because after receiving the military medal and the certificate, she immediately took a picture and sent it to her father, but not to her mother.

"Eh, be careful, okay, okay ..." The mother carefully held the military medal, as if holding the extremely precious jewels, watching carefully.

"Mom, let's go in. I'll show you around." He Xiaoping took her mother back to the dormitory and put down her luggage. By the way, she distributed the cookies, candy and bananas she brought to Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi and Lin Dingding. The convention of the cultural troupe is just like Xiao Suizi assigned chocolates from the friendship shop to the big guys.

The mother looked at her daughter and Hao Shuwen with a smile, which made her heartfelt relief, because these are enough to show that the daughter is doing well here.

The mother left for a day in the cultural troupe, and he thoughtfully took a leave for He Xiaoping so that she could take her mother to look around and go around the city; when buying local souvenirs in the city ’s shops , He Xiaoping took out his savings and bought something for his stepfather and those brothers and brothers ~ ~ Xiaoping, you grew up. "Seeing all this, her mother's nose was a little sour. She felt that everything she had done was worth it. She didn't know that it was her way of doing harm to her daughter.

He Xiaoping had no intention to explain all this to her mother. As Shen Long said before, she did n’t have to continue to live in this family in the future, as long as her mother felt happy.

When she sent her mother to the train station and saw the medal on her chest, the staff at the train station regarded her as a hero, and invited them to sit and wait in the office, and asked them to get in the car in advance and changed the picture for He Xiaoping's mother. Hard sleeper ticket.

He Xiaoping has been able to face these now. She thanked politely, made up for the difference in the ticket price, sent her mother to the carriage, waved to her on the platform until the train disappeared into sight.

Back to the group, He Xiaoping took out the candy cookies and two bananas left in his cabinet, stuffed it in his green army bag, and then came to the rehearsal room to rehearse as usual.

After the rehearsal ended, she helped Shen Long pack up the props together, and waited for all the props to be packed up. The other comrades went back, and when there were only two of them, He Xiaoping took the contents of the bag and handed it to Shen Long It was brought to me by my mother, and I ... specially left you a bit, thank you. "His face turned red when he spoke.

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