All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1484: Make new achievements

"Since I came to the army, you have been taking care of me. This time, my mother brought me some food, so ... so I wanted to express my gratitude, nothing else." He Xiaoping finished putting things down Blushing away.

Know that at this time, if a male soldier gives something to a female soldier, whether it is bought or made by him, it will be regarded as a show of love, not to mention that the female soldier gave it to the male soldier.

Shen Long accepted it with a smile. Although He Xiaoping emphasized it, did it really mean nothing? Shen Long thinks it may not be necessary? What are you doing to blush? Is it radiant?

The arrival of He Xiaoping ’s mother seemed to be a dividing line. From the day her mother left, He Xiaoping gradually became more cheerful, and they, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, needless to say, they could talk and laugh when they met other soldiers in the regiment, but Occasionally, when she meets Shen Long alone, she will habitually blush.

But soon they did n’t have time to think about He Xiaoping ’s changes. As the cavalry troops were disbanded, Shen Long also led Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, and He Xiaoping all over the country, to the Mongolian grasslands, the Western Region Gobi ... The disbanded troops performed to relieve their inner sadness and pressure.

They have achieved success again and again, "Cavalry Company, Charge! "Has become the most anticipated program of these troops. Every time when the host announces the name, although the performance has not started, the soldiers will give warm applause. Every time the applause can be spread to ten miles. Go outside.

When the show ended and all the participants stepped on the stage to thank the soldiers, all the soldiers stood up and applauded them with tears.

They also went to the place where the show was born, the military horse farm in Aba Prefecture, because this unit was about to be disbanded. When I saw them again, the commander ’s eyes were not right, and there were tears. "I did n’t expect it. It ’s up to you to watch your performance, but I did n’t expect that we would disband when we meet again. ”

Shen Long has seen many meetings during this time, but every time he meets again, there will still be a lot of sadness. This is like ... It seems that the workers who have worked in the factory for many years suddenly heard that their factory has closed down. It is inevitable that there will be reluctance to the past years, as well as confusion and worry about the future.

At this time, everything that was said was pale and weak, and Shen Long could only bring other comrades together to pay a respect to the leader. This ritual was not only for him, but also for the soldiers who left youth on the saddle. our.

It was the same as last time. When the show started, there was a rattle of horseshoes. From the cracks in the curtain, we saw two thousand cavalrymen seated neatly.

Only this time, no one was in a panic, and no one would worry that the war horse would rush to the stage, because they have experienced many times in the same scene.

He Xiaoping danced confidently with the background music on the stage. She is now happy and fully able to adapt to this environment. She even started to enjoy it. Especially when she played, she was one of the few female actors. In an instant she became the pearl of the palm of the whole group of 2,000 people, and the whistle of the applause and the sound of the horse's honk sounded.

She was not disturbed, and her mind remained calm and immersed in the dance. Since they like themselves so much, then reward them with the best performance.

By the end of the year, "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 All the members were invited to Beijing to participate in a higher-level performance. This time the Ning Political Commissar and the head of the delegation came. The first few times, they just let Shen Long lead the team; but this time is very different. Watch the performance or It is a general, or a character of the same level or higher than the general.

Along the way, the actors are both excited and nervous. They are excited to perform for so many big people, and the reason for the same is the same. Before, they had no such experience, only those who were the best individuals or groups on the military arts and culture front. In order to have such an opportunity.

Shen Long and Ning Political Commissar, the head of the delegation and others carefully placated all the way to allow them to participate in this performance with a stable attitude, and then also achieved success. Those generals and big figures all applauded and encouraged, several of them encouraged The veteran general who came from the cavalry troop also shed tears like the soldiers.

After the performance, they did not leave the capital immediately, but left to participate in the commendation meeting for the entire army. All members of the "Cavalry Company, Charge" won the collective first class because of the outstanding contributions made during the dissolution of the cavalry troops. Gong, Shen Long, Xiao Suizi, Hao Shuwen, Zhuoma, Teacher Yang and others received individual second and third merit awards for their outstanding contributions to this program.

It was arranged for them to be awarded by several veteran generals of cavalry troops. Later I heard that these were specifically requested by them. An old general said, holding Shen Long ’s hand, "Although the cavalry troops are slowly disbanded, but as long as With your show, as long as the show continues, our heroic cavalry troops will never be forgotten! "

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why they can get collective first-class work! Shen Long stood straight ~ ~ The glorious deeds of the predecessor heroes will never be forgotten! The glorious tradition of the cavalry force will continue in other forces. "

This is indeed the case. In this year ’s military parade, the battle flags of the 100 heroic troops let countless people keep in mind that there are cavalry troops. The advance hero company for entering Tibet was drawn from the first regiment of the cavalry division of the Western Region Military Region. 137 warriors of seven nationalities.

They showed the glorious tradition of the cavalry troops. During the more than a year of advancing and stationing in northern Tibet, the advance company successively had 63 officers and soldiers gloriously sacrificed. In September 1951, the former Northwest Military Region granted the company the "Advance Hero Company in Tibet" Honorary title, and each officer of the company was honored with first-class merit, and Li Disan was awarded the honorary title of "People's Hero".

The old general did not speak, but shook Shen Long's hand vigorously.

It's almost New Year now, and soon after receiving the commendation, they embarked on the return train and returned to the three-story red building within a few days. The Ning Political Commissioner called Shen Long and found the head and the delegation after entering. Several other major cadres are present.

"Liu Feng is here, sit first." Ning political commissar greeted Shen Long to sit down, and the head of the group was also happy, so Shen Long could not help but start to guess, what good is this time?

"This time you are called to come mainly because of two things ..." Ning Political Commissioner said.

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