All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1486: The war started

Have you been to Qinghai before? Is there anything special there? "He Xiaoping came to Shen Long and asked casually, but she actually sweated in the palm of her hand."

"No." Actually, I've been there, and I still made a pair of young people there, but Liu Feng was definitely not there. Before He Xiaoping showed an awkward look, Shen Long continued, "But Well, I heard some veterans in Qinghai say that the grasslands there are different from those in other places. "

"It's a picturesque place! The sky is blue, the grassland is vast, the flocks of cattle and sheep, and the sea of ​​flowers is dazzling. The sea of ​​rapeseeds is dripping thousands of miles. I ’m so drunk, I ’m forgetting to return ... Oh, right, and the Qinghai Lake ’s anchovy, Chaka Salt Lake left the sky like a mirror ... "Shen Long recounted what he saw and heard with Jinbo before he went to Qinghai .

Speaking of time, Jin Bo should have returned home from the military horse farm in Qinghai? I do n’t know if there is a girl named Tsering Yangjin ...

"It's so beautiful, I hope the show is over, and I will have time to see it." He Xiaoping showed a yearning look. Well, of course, it's better to go with him, without anyone else, not even Shuwen and Suizi, just us both.

"There will be time next, it will be fine to rest for a night or two at the military horse farm. Then we will perform more programs for the cavalry regiment at night." If you run so far, if you do n’t let the members of the regiment They look at the local beauty, will they regret it?

"Okay, the head of the group, you will take us to visit more when the time comes." He Xiaoping doesn't know the means of Lin Dingding, she is already very happy to talk to Shen Long about things other than work. After leaving, I went back to my seat and sat there dumbly.

If he put it before, He Xiaoping dared not do so. In He Xiaoping's view, I am a girl no one likes, how can I hope to get the love of others? Therefore, when Lin Dingding wandered between the doctor and the photography officer, Hao Shuwen and Chen Can flirted by fighting, she had never thought that such a thing could happen to herself.

Even Xiao Suizi would secretly write a love letter or something to her favorite object. Although she didn't dare to send it out in the end, she finally thought about it, but He Xiaoping didn't dare to think at all.

But now it's much better. Shen Long has warmed He Xiaoping's heart and reawakened her longing for love in the past few years, especially after seeing his father in his hometown and feeling his father's love for him, He Xiaoping Finally realized that there are people in this world who love me.

There are also letters that the cavalry soldiers wrote to her after watching the show. The fiery words in her heart made her look blushing, but also let her understand that I am also worthy of pampering.

In addition, she is now the captain of the dance troupe of the cultural troupe. She has joined the party and received various commendations. She feels that she has been qualified to be a model like Liu Feng ... Well, it may be a little bit worse. , But you should try it anyway? Is it a pity if you miss it even if you dare not try it?

So there was the dialogue just now. She sat there stunned for a while, and even when Hao Shuwen came back, she did n’t find it. Hao Shuwen reached out and shook her hands in front of her eyes, "Xiaoping? Who got your soul off? what?"

"No, no." He Xiaoping hurriedly explained, but her hurriedness further confirmed Hao Shuwen's conjecture, making trouble to tell her honestly, frankly resisting strictness.

"I said Xiaoping, don't be afraid, you should consider these things now." Xiao Suizi looked around and whispered that although love is restricted in the cultural troupe, it is always better than other troops. It's nothing to hide from the leader.

"That is, who you say, we can help you as a staff officer." Hao Shuwen suddenly reached out and rubbed the thick hair on He Xiaoping's head. "Hey, I didn't expect it. Like a little Douding, I did n’t expect how long it would take to become a big girl. "

"Thanks to you for taking care of you." He Xiaoping sincerely thanked her. She wanted to thank many people, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, and Teacher Yang who gave her the opportunity to be on stage.

He Xiaoping has never revealed who she likes. She knows that Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi will not laugh at themselves, but she always feels that she has a little inferiority.

As usual, this performance was very popular. After the performance, the head of the Cavalry Regiment heard Shen Long saying that he would take a day off here and take his members around. He immediately arranged the most docile horse.

Shen Long did not engage in any group trips, so he let the big guy go wherever he wanted, as long as he did n’t lose it, the head of the delegation also sent someone to look after him.

In this situation, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi and He Xiaoping will all act together, and this time Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi directly throw He Xiaoping aside, giving her the chance to create a separate and friendly meeting, and then laugh Haha left.

He Xiaoping summoned the courage to start looking for Shen Long, and secretly prayed that there was no one else beside him ~ ~ As a result, her wish was fulfilled. Shen Long really walked on the grassland alone on a horse; He Xiaoping quickly greeted him. , So one person became two people, and one horse became two horses.

The two of them also do not control the direction of the horse's progress, so they hold the reins so casually, and do not need to pay attention to the direction of the progress. As long as he is around, there is no need to regret what beautiful scenery she missed. Anyway, she only has him in her eyes.

They didn't say anything about your love, they just talked about the things around them and cared about each other's lives. This was enough.

When returning to the barracks to rest, He Xiaoping was silly to have been alone for a long time, even with a smile on his face even though he fell asleep, although there is no certain relationship today, she can feel that he does not hate himself, and maybe even a trace of like it .

In the future, I will contact them a few more times, maybe I can show my heart. Well, when I go back on vacation, I will buy him some food and give it to him. It is estimated that he will understand by then.

Soon, they took the train back from Qinghai to the three-story red building. He Xiaoping did not wait for the holiday notice, but ushered in a news that surprised her even more, and the war began.

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