All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1487: Ready to go

This news disrupted the plan of the cultural corps. Although they were civilian staff, they had to make their own contributions when the war broke out. So Shen Long immediately announced the termination of the leave, and all the staff returned to the cultural corps to stand by; Located in the southwest, many troops from other places will meet here, and the cultural troupe will perform for these people.

Looking at the young and immature faces, Shen Long couldn't help but feel sad for a while, because he knew that many people would never come back after leaving here. This performance may be the first time they watched a literary performance in their life. It may be the last time.

The members of the group up and down were also infected by this atmosphere. Their expressions were serious. When it was their turn to take the stage, they all scored twelve points, and even Linding was no exception.

The girl who seemed a little childish on the stage sang the theme song "Heroic Hymn" of "Children of Heroes" on the stage: Feng Yan sang the heroes, listening to the ears of the surrounding mountains, listening to the ears ... At the end of the song, her eyes rolled Tears, because in the dignified eyes of these young soldiers, she felt the atmosphere of war.

They sent away one unit after another, and then kept reading the news of the war in the newspaper. They also learned from the newspaper's words and the soldiers returning from the front that they felt the brutality and cruelty of the war.

When I saw these and heard these, people in the Shen Longzhao group had a meeting, "Everyone knows the current situation. The battles ahead are fierce. I think we will stay behind for safety. The performance of the soldiers about to step on the battlefield is not enough. The soldiers ahead also need spiritual comfort. "

After all, our country has not experienced a large-scale war for many years. The chaos in the previous years also affected the army. Perhaps the old generals who came from the war years thought that this war can maintain a relatively stable state of mind, but for those young For soldiers, this stimulus is really big.

So they also need to use literary and artistic programs to soothe their moods. This is not what Shen Long wants to use to accumulate qualifications for himself, but it is indeed necessary.

On the front line, these soldiers tightened their strings for almost 24 hours. Coupled with seeing their comrades sacrificed by themselves, and seeing that their former companions who were training and playing together could no longer wake up, their mood became even more tense. However, people are not made of iron and steel after all, this string will be broken when it is tightened, so at this time they are sent a literary program to relieve their nervous mood and let them hold the negative emotions in their hearts Being vented is good for maintaining combat effectiveness and allowing them to gradually recover their health.

There are many people who survived the war, but they can no longer return to ordinary life. Their deepest memory still stays on the smoke-filled battlefield, which has caused all kinds of misfortune in their lives since then, Shen Long Hope to bring the cultural troupe to reduce their misfortune.

"So I want to report to the superior department and apply to take some of the group members to the front line to perform." Shen Long continued, "Of course, this performance is voluntary registration, the group is not forced, and taking into account the special circumstances of the front line, will also After a round of screening of the enrolled members, those whose physical conditions do not meet the standards, do not go this time. "

"I support Deputy Chief Liu's opinion. The fighters on the literary front are also fighters." Most of the people who participated in the meeting expressed their approval. The only one who did have opinions was not to let them go, but to worry whether they would be against the front. Combat produces interference.

"On this point, when we reach the front line, we will definitely obey the orders of the front line commanders, and we should be arranged farther away from the crossfire line to perform for the temporarily withdrawn troops, so it is unlikely to interfere with the front line. "The battle of Shen." Shen Long analyzed, the comrade who gave his opinion nodded and nodded in recognition of Shen Long's explanation.

So the agreement was reached, and Shen Long immediately drafted an application, and several leaders signed it and handed it to the superior department.

Next, Shen Long convened the whole regiment to hold a meeting and said this matter again. After a short silence, the big guy actively signed up. As the previous leader said, the fighters on the literary front are also fighters and can participate. They will also be proud of such activities.

And Shen Long has already used "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 Demonstrated his ability and won many people honor. Those members who did not have the opportunity to participate in this show have longed for new opportunities. Now that the opportunities are there, how can they not sign up? Even if there are a few people who don't want to sign up, they are embarrassed to sit when they see the big guys so enthusiastic.

In the end, almost all the groups signed up, but Shen Long did not bring everyone, but screened according to the results of the previous discussions. Some older or physically injured ones stayed. Going to the front line, if you are in poor health, it is really not suitable for going.

Then they checked their physical fitness, physical condition, etc. If they were not in good physical condition, they could not go. If they are not in good physical condition, do not go first.

After the screening work was completed, the selected ones were ecstatic and the unsuccessful ones were unwilling to accept. No matter whether they could or could not go, Shen Long did a separate conversation one by one ~ ~ Encourage, encourage those who are selected.

"Are you sure you want to sign up to the front line?" When Chen Can came in, Shen Long asked again, this person is a little special, someone has already greeted Shen Long through the channel.

"Well, I am also a soldier of our regiment." Chen Can said seriously, "Head Liu, maybe ... maybe you heard some news and received some greetings, but I want to say that you don't care This is what I am going to, and we are definitely not going to the forefront. Safety is basically guaranteed. "

He thought about it clearly. His identity is secret or not. Put it in the eyes of some caring people. When he sees that he hasn't gone, he will definitely say that all the other girls have gone. Why didn't you Chen Can go? Isn't it ... These words are not good and will affect his future, so he did not hesitate to reject the family's kindness.

"Well, you go back and prepare." Shen Long nodded and asked him to go back. Next is Hao Shuwen. Her situation is similar to Chen Can. With Shen Long's understanding of her, she will probably make the same decision.

"Chief, can you tell me more about it later? Linding is sick." Hao Shuwen said as soon as she came in.

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