All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1488: Go to the front

"I'll take a look with you! Anyway, it's too early to leave, and the rest will let them talk again tomorrow." Shen Long got up and went out with Hao Shuwen, said to the big guy, and then went to Hao Shuwen's dormitory .

Entering the dormitory, I saw Lin Tingding holding his stomach with two little white hands. When he asked, Lin Tingding would say 70% in Shanghai dialect and 30% in Mandarin, "The stomach hurts again, this stomach swells like a ball!"

Even when she was ill, she did not forget to sell her cuteness, but she had a little cuteness in her pity. Perhaps it was this appearance that attracted the physician to let him willingly give Movado watches to Linding.

Lin Dingding made many people love it, because she endlessly endangered various minor diseases, a bit like Lin Daiyu, but not as sad as Lin Daiyu, she looked at Shen Long pitifully, "Head, I It ’s an old problem, it ’s not a big problem, just rest for two days. I can go with you! ”

Because of such a foundation, everyone believes that Linding is sick when he is sick, and is not as easily suspected as He Xiaoping. This is also the place where He Xiaoping was most envious of Linding when he first came to the cultural troupe; because she often gets sick at the right time, Then I swallowed my stomach like chewing peanuts.

Of course, she offered to take the disease to battle, but Shen Long couldn't agree, "Since you are sick, you should take care of it first. Don't go this time, and wait until you get better next time!"

"Oh, oops, leader, why are you so unlucky, at this time if you don't get sick sooner or later?" Lin Dingding said with tears, and seemed to be sad for missing this opportunity.

Shen Long shook his head secretly. He knew Lin Dingding's thoughts, and knew that the girl was a little clever, but she was only clever. She wanted to fulfill her wish and marry the children of the chief's family.

Perhaps for ordinary people, beauty is a scarce resource. Lindin Ding can rely on his own beauty to do whatever he likes and easily get a lot of convenience; but in front of those people, beauty can be easily obtained, only beauty If you do n’t attract them, you have to have other strengths.

For example, Hao Shuwen, she has such a family background, so she can easily marry Chen Can, and Chen Can will never marry Lin Dingding. What support can Lin Dingding's family provide him?

And even if she was lucky, she was caught by a blind mouse, and she might not be able to live; middle, after she married the head son ’s third son, her life was not so good. The sister-in-law of this family was also born in the compound When everyone else was busy as an educated youth, she went to university to study medicine. After graduation, she went to a big hospital as a doctor, just like Zhou Xiaobai.

Ersao is also in a similar situation, so they do n’t think much of Linding, and often speak sarcasm at home; Linding does not scramble. Her husband did n’t give her a chance. She wants her to read a correspondence diploma first and then arrange for her. This is a good job, but Lin Dingding is sleepy when he reads a book, and finally Mao did not learn.

When Lin Dingding's husband is about to go abroad to study for a blog, he can't stand this girl who is worthless except for her good looks. Even if you want to go abroad with me, do you have to know a foreign language? You do n’t even turn the foreign language books here. Will you accompany me when I go out, or will I serve you? Then divorced Lin Dingding and drove her out of the house.

In the end, Lin Dingding could only go abroad with an overseas Chinese who was much older than her. Every day he worked in the back kitchen, and finally the beauty also left her. This living is just an example of completely smashing a good hand.

"Lin Dingding's illness is not serious. Let's take her with her. Maybe she will be on the road. Her solo is still very good." Xiao Suizi was a little unbearable and whispered good words for her.

"It might be possible to go to another place to perform, but we are going to the front line this time. What if she is still sick at the front line? Doesn't it need someone to take care? And the front line drugs are already very nervous. How can we get rid of those injured? Where did the soldiers take the medicine? "Shen Long shook his head and refused to say Xiao Suizi.

Xiao Suizi glanced back at his dormitory. This time it was the same as the previous few times. It was the three of them who left Lindin Ding behind, but it was not that they isolated Lindin Ding, but Lin Dingding gave up.

"Going to the front this time, you have a heavy burden. In addition to performing arts and cultural performances, you have to talk more with the soldiers and collect more materials, whether you are writing an article or arranging new programs based on these materials. We must pass on their deeds to more people. "Shen Longdo said a few words.

"Well, I will do it with my heart." Xiao Suizi nodded. In fact, other units have noticed her and wanted her to be a reporter. Xiao Suizi refused because she was reluctant to do the art troupe. Now it's just right. Both jobs are fine. Concurrently.

Since it's the front line, it is best to come up with new works created according to the actual situation on the front line. Shen Long still has the responsibility of leading the team. There are not many opportunities to chat with ordinary soldiers, so he wants to let Xiao Suizi helped himself to share some, and then came up with suitable works based on these materials.

After talking with the enrolled members one by one, a group of members with good physical condition and excellent professional skills was selected to form the first group to go to the front line for performances ~ ~ At this time, the approval of the superior department also came down By the way, they expressed great affirmation and praise for Shen Long ’s application, approved their request, and reminded them that they must ensure their safety and not affect the combat of the combat troops.

Shen Long read the reply from the superior department in the face of the entire regiment, "Comrades, we are the first team on the literary front to rush to the front. We must do our best to lead by example, follow the orders of the superior, and obey the front. Refers to the arrangement of the combatants and delivers the best programs for the brave soldiers. "

At the time of departure, Ning Political Commissar and other leaders of the military region came to see Shen Long off. "You are the first literary and art workers to go to the front. I am proud of you."

"If it is not old, I am afraid to be a drag on the front line, I want to go with you." Ning political commissar also sighed, he admired the courage of Shen Long and others, and envied them for such opportunities, this When going out this time, as long as nothing happens, when they come back, they will surely receive countless commendations and rewards.

After the farewell ceremony ended, Shen Long took the members of the Cultural Regiment and the soldiers of other troops to board the train to the front, preparing to go to the front.

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