All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1489: Mom, don't worry about it

"Yo, why are there so many female soldiers? Are you medical soldiers?" As soon as they got on the train, they attracted the attention of other soldiers. Among the male soldiers full of trains, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, Zhuoma, He Xiaoping, etc. The female soldiers are too eye-catching.

"They are literary female soldiers who go to the front to console the performance! Like us, they are soldiers of the XXX Cultural Corps. Although we cannot go to the front to fight like you, we also have to support you in our way! Like heroic brothers Salute to soldiers of the troops! "Shen Long took the lead to stand up and salute all the soldiers of the troops present. These soldiers are undoubtedly absolutely worthy of their respect. .

All members of the regiment also stood up and saluted solemnly; under the leadership of their respective heads, the soldiers of these combat units, engineering units, and medical units also stood up and saluted, "Salute to the comrades on the arts and cultural front!"

After paying tribute to each other, Shen Long's expression was not so serious, and a smile appeared on his face, "The line is still far from here to the front, lest everyone be bored, let's show you some programs, if the big guy has What kind of shows can you stand up and show yourself? "

After speaking, he assigned the members of the cultural troupe to each car, ensuring that each car had at least one member of the cultural troupe to perform for the soldiers in this train.

This move was quickly welcomed by all the soldiers, and they were about to go to the front line. Although their respective troops were ready, the soldiers inevitably felt a little nervous. After all, this is going to the battlefield; so the big guy The children were sitting on their seats dumbly, and the atmosphere was inevitably depressed.

Now it ’s okay. Someone came out to perform the show. Whether it ’s a solo song or a dance, they can divert the attention of the big guys a little and relax these nervous warriors.

Hao Shuwen sang the "Heroic Hymn" which Linding is best at. Although she is the squad leader of the dance team, she can sing a few words. It must not be as good as Linding, but it is enough in such occasions.

Singing and singing, the soldiers hummed, "..... why the battle flag is picturesque, the blood of the martyrs stained it, why the earth is always spring, and the life of the hero blooms ..."

Shen Long was walking in the carriage while patting the beat, and carefully observing the soldiers ’reactions. It was also exquisite to go to the frontline to console the performance. What program was more suitable was chosen. This was something that required careful consideration. He tried According to the reaction of these soldiers to find the right program.

When he walked to the back row, he found a young soldier crying with his mouth covered. Although he was desperately suppressed, the whimper could not be controlled.

Shen Long stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, "Comrade, what's wrong? Did you remember something sad?"

"No, I'm just ... I just miss my mother! I don't know if I can go back to the front line this time, so I can't come back, so ... so I cried without holding back." The little soldier said with tears.

"Zeng Dehong! Why are you crying again? I still embarrassed our second class in front of so many people!" The squad leader next to him turned his head when he heard the voice. Although the words were a little harsh, his concern for the little soldier could not be concealed. of.

"It's okay, it's okay, sometimes it's better to suffocate and cry out." Shen Long hurriedly stopped. "Anyway, it's about to go to the battlefield, homesick, mom, or even the objects at home, it's nothing. What a shame! "

The squad leader saw that the row of martial arts on Shen Long ’s chest did not speak, and the other soldiers laughed softly, but with a smile, many people shed tears like Zeng Dehong, yeah, who ca n’t miss home What?

Shen Long and Hao Shuwen either patted their shoulders, or comforted them softly, or asked about the specific situation softly. Under their comfort, the big guy gradually stopped tears, and Zeng Dehong smiled embarrassedly, "Let everyone I laughed. Let me sing a song for our hometown! "

In the warm applause of the big guy, Zeng Dehong came to the front of the car and sang a folk song of his hometown. Shen Long and Hao Shuwen listened carefully in their seats. After he finished singing, another soldier stepped forward to everyone Blowing the bamboo flute.

"Head of the team, I think I just chose the wrong song just now. They are about to go to the battlefield. I sing" The Blood of the Martyrs ". Something seems to be a little bit bad, or I'll change another one later?

"The period of the revolutionary war is somewhat different from what it is now. At that time, we were fighting every day, and the revolutionary predecessors were accustomed to war." Shen Long nodded his approval. "Most of these fighters now live in peacetime, and their concerns are definitely Unlike the predecessors of the revolution, there should be new songs to sing to them. "

"Chief, will you still write songs?" Hao Shuwen heard what Shen Long said.

"I don't know how to compose, but I heard the words they said just now, but I have a little urge to write lyrics. You call Teacher Fang in front, he will compose, and after I finish writing, see if he can come up with a suitable one. Here comes the song. "Shen Long took out a pen and paper from the bag and wrote it. In fact, he would of course compose music, but Liu Feng would not.

Hao Shuwen immediately walked through the crowd and found Teacher Fang back. When they returned, Shen Long had written the lyrics. The two extended their necks and hurriedly looked at it again, could n’t help but praise, “Head , Your lyrics are so well written that they are in the heart of the big guy. "

"If such good lyrics make me compose ~ ~ I really don't dare to write." Teacher Fang was hesitant.

"It's okay, the three of us have discussed it. I'm actually a little bit clueless. Otherwise, I'll hum it again, and then you can revise it, can Shu Wen also make comments!" Shen Long hummed.

Teacher Fang drew the staff on the paper, and began to outline the score according to Shen Long ’s humming, while Hao Shuwen offered his opinions from the singer ’s perspective.

With the cooperation of the three people, by the next morning, this brand-new piece of music had been completed. Hao Shuwen took the score and hummed it twice.

She took the sheet music and walked to the front of the carriage. "Yesterday, the head of our cultural troupe Liu Feng and teacher Fang listened to the big guy's heart and wrote a new song for everyone. I will sing it to everyone now. I just got my hands, and please comrades for your tolerance if you do n’t sing well. "

Song for us? The soldiers looked at Hao Shuwen in astonishment, and the song slowly sounded, "Cold wind is falling, the army is a green flower, dear comrades, do n’t miss home, do n’t miss mom ... Mom, do n’t worry about me, my baby has grown up ... "

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