All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1490: "Green Flower in the Army"

"... Going to the frontier is to defend the country. I am not afraid of the wind and rain. I sincerely wish my mother good health and longevity. I will return home after the celebration and visit the good mother. There is a good girl in my hometown. I often dream of her. , The men in the army are also affectionate, and they are willing to accompany you to the world. Because of the heavy responsibility, they have to put down the love first. Baiyun flutters to take my love, and the green flowers in the army give her ... "Hao Shuwen also singing Crying, she missed her mother too.

Yeah, who can't miss his mother? In the singing, the warriors of the iron bones all left their own tears; a group leader who led the team couldn't help but worry, and whispered to the political commissar, "This is about to go to the battlefield. Is it a bit crying? Okay? When people saw it, they thought we were afraid! "

"I think it's very good. Just now, Head Liu was right. The soldiers must be homesick, mom, and object. It's better to cry in your heart. The crying person is also comfortable." The political commissar pointed out Pointing to the head of the head, even the head heard the song and couldn't help but think of his gray-haired old mother.

This is the famous military song "Green Flowers in the Army" in the future. It was improvised by a soldier. It tells the feelings of the recruits when they first joined the army. Because the song is catchy and talked about the hearts of the soldiers, this song is very It soon spread widely among military brigades, and later the words "green flowers in the military" also became synonymous with female soldiers.

Shen Long changed the lyrics a little bit, but it ’s just right to use it here. It does n’t have the ambitious ambitions of the previous military songs. Although the lyrics are rough, they are very touching, as if the comrades were talking in their ears, it sounds Especially feel kind.

At the end of the song, unprecedented applause broke out in the car, and even the soldiers in the next car did not watch the programs of their cars, and they rushed here to listen to Hao Shuwen's singing.

"Sing it again! Sing it again!" The soldiers applauded desperately with tears, and urged Hao Shuwen to sing it again, and there were more and more people pouring in the car, and it was about to fill up the car Too.

"I sing, I will sing to the big guys again, but don't you all flock here, it will affect the normal operation of the train, you go back and sit down, I will sing in the next car." Hao Shuwen was ordered by the soldiers without giving orders from Shen Long. Our enthusiasm was infected, and I could not agree to wipe out my tears without taking care of my tears.

"Come in our car first! Come in our car first!" The company commander and battalion commander didn't work. The soldiers in the other cars were still squeezing here. Hearing Hao Shuwen's words, they squeezed at the junction of the two cars. The soldiers immediately gave up their positions and invited Hao Shuwen to sing in their cars first.

Xiao Suizi and He Xiaoping, who were performing in the next car, did not complain about being abandoned, but instead gave thumbs up to praise Hao Shuwen. This song is indeed good.

"The carriage first restored order, and Comrade Hao Shuwen went there first." Shen Long added, the two carriages next to him suddenly became silent, and the soldiers sat upright in the seat one by one, as if they were to be inspected by the leader.

In the end, Shen Long chose the car in the back, and there was a sudden warm welcome in the car, and the sigh in the front was sighed. Hao Shuwen comforted the car in the front and went back to the car to start singing again.

"Xiao Ping, Sui Zi, you two come down first, help me copy a few more song scores, and everyone in our group will learn this song." Hao Shuwen's vocal words must not be overwhelmed if she keeps singing. Come for her.

"After hearing the words of so many soldiers, I can't write such a good word. You are so powerful, Captain." Xiao Suizi expressed his admiration wholeheartedly, but He Xiaoping did not speak. No matter how powerful it is, it should be.

The three people and the teacher above quickly copied the lyrics music scores and distributed them to the hands of each cultural troupe member. The members who got the song scores hurried to Hao Shuwen immediately while watching the lyrics and humming with Hao Shuwen whispering. Learn this song in the shortest time.

"Comrade Liu Feng, can you also copy the lyrics for us? Our soldiers also want to learn this song!" The head of the same carriage came and asked.

"No problem, wait for our team members to learn well, and then I will teach you to sing!" Shen Long promised, so a piece of lyrics was born from them, and was distributed to the soldiers on the train, and then these soldiers began to copy, and it didn't take long. Kung Fu, the song's lyrics and scores are almost all manned.

This probably set the record for the fastest spread after the creation of the new song? Looking at the soldiers who copied the lyrics quickly, Shen Long thought silently.

Someone could finally replace Hao Shuwen. Hao Shuwen's voice was a little dumb when she came back, but she didn't feel a little tired, but she seemed energetic. "Head, someone wants you!"

"Shuwen, you sit down and rest for a while. Xiaoping poured water for you and cut a few slices of Sydney in. You quickly drank Runrun's throat." Hao Shuwen was arranged, and Shen Long could only care about following her Soldiers.

"Hello, Comrade Liu Feng! I'm a reporter from the People's Liberation Army Daily." The other party first introduced Shen Long to the salute ~ ~ and then said, "I was going to the frontline for an interview this time. I did n’t expect to encounter such a touching scene on the train. Can I have an interview with you? Can you tell me about the process of creating this song? "

"First of all, it is explained that this song was not written by me alone. Teacher Fang is the author of the song. Comrade Hao Shuwen also made outstanding contributions in the creation of the song." Shen Long first emphasized this point and then copied how he copied it. ... Oh no, it was the story of the creation of "Green Flowers in the Army".

The reporter carefully recorded, and took the most original scores and photographs, and let Hao Shuwen sing it for everyone again, picked up the camera and shot a lot of them against Hao Shuwen and the soldiers in the car, and then another one. The carriage interviewed the soldiers and listened to their hearts.

The train finally reached the nearest train station from the front line. They should get off the train. When the train was about to stop, the reporter found Shen Long and showed the manuscript he had just written. "The first thing after I got off the train It is to let people send this manuscript to the society as quickly as possible. Head Liu, do you see what needs to be revised? "

Shen Long took a look at it again. Although it was a little sensational, he basically restored the story. He returned the manuscript and murmured in his heart. Does this mean that I have made credit again before getting off the train?

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