All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1492: They are heroes

The performance continued from the afternoon to the evening, and the soldiers were still reluctant to leave. The battalion commander of this battalion had to come out and give an order, "Comrades, I can understand everyone's mood, but everyone also needs to understand the comrades of the cultural troupe!" Such a thing, they have already regarded the cultural troupe as their true comrades.

"They have worked hard from the moment they get off the bus, they have been performing hungry for you, and have helped the hospital. So far, they have not rested or eaten; so let's go back to rest first, let these comrades rest and rest, OK?"

Under the persuasion of the battalion commander, the soldiers left sympathetically, and the battalion commander immediately asked the cooking class to send them the prepared meals, and they all ate.

The battalion commander found Shen Long with a rice bowl on his face, with gratitude on his face, "Team Leader Shen, I didn't expect to see you here again; the soldiers enjoyed your show, and the tense mood can finally be relieved, Have a good sleep! "

"This is what we should do. Compared with your contribution, what do we count?" Shen Long said modestly, and then asked, "Have we met before? It's really embarrassing, when will we see you?" Meet? "

"My surname is Liu, you just call me old Liu; in fact, it's not really seen. I've seen you. You probably didn't notice me at that time!" The battalion chief smiled and said, "I wasn't actually in infantry before. Service, but when the cavalry unit was disbanded, because my military technology was okay, so I did not retire and was transferred to the present. It was wrong; when you went to our troops to perform, the big guy watched "Cavalry Company , Charge! "I cried all the time."

"When you left, a lot of us sent them. I squeezed my strength to the front and shook hands with you. I didn't know until I went back. This story was written by you. After I went back, my comrades couldn't do it enviously." When talking about this, Liu Yingchang was a little embarrassed, and then looked up, "Now, other troops must be envious of us, they can't see the program there."

"They will be there soon. Our literary and art soldiers are also soldiers. The cultural troupes of other units are estimated to be on the way." Shen Long said modestly.

"That story is so well written." Liu Yingchang and Shen Long again talked about "Cavalry Company, Charge! "Although he has arrived in the new army now, he is still full of nostalgia for the cavalry, and he has been talking about it for a long time.

"It is mainly the deeds of the revolutionary martyrs that moved you. I just wrote these stories and then moved to the stage!" Shen Long finished eating at the same time, handed a cigarette to Liu Yingchang, and then said, "Actually, I heard a lot of touching stories in the hospital just now."

"There is a Dai warrior named Yan Long. He is from the Manjinglie Brigade of Menglong Commune in Jinghong County. When he first entered the army, he didn't even speak Chinese, but the boy was very clever. Take the bowl and follow: gather, the squad leader made a gesture, he took the gun and left. "

"At this dexterity, he studied Chinese and military skills hard, and soon became a good shooter and bombarder in Lilian. The big guy kindly called him the dragon."

"Shortly after the war began, his Chinese teacher Yang Changlong sacrificed. The four squads he was in became the vanguard of the No. 78 highland as a sharp knife class, but at the beginning of the battle, the rock dragon disappeared and waited for success. He was only met again when the troops withdrew from Height 78. "

"It turned out that Yanlong just touched the enemy's side and killed 56 enemies; the big guys were shocked by this record. The company commander immediately verified the report and the division political department gave him a first grade merit, but did not wait. The command of first-class merits reached the front, and the Rock Dragon sacrificed in battle ... "

When Shen Long was telling, Liu Yingchang only listened silently, and occasionally took a breath. He heard that at the end he took the last breath and stepped on his cigarette butt, as if he were stepping on an enemy.

"I have also heard of the deeds of Rock Dragon, this is a good soldier, and he has not lost our People's Liberation Army's face! Actually, since the war began, there are many glorious deeds like Rock Dragon."

"Oh, then you talk to me again!" Shen Long drew out the notebook and began to record by the moonlight in the mountains. He felt he had to spread the stories of these heroes, even if he missed any one, it would be a pity .

"Our division has a recruit named Wang Can who joined the army last December. After joining the army, he also trained as hard as Rock Dragon. Before the war, the chief thought that he had been a health worker in the village and asked him to go to the health team. Reluctantly, he only wanted to go to the Sabre Class, and even the long leader failed him, so he became the combat team leader of the Sabre Class. "

"After the battle started, Wang Can and the sabre squadmates had been charging forward and launched an attack on the No. 4 highland. Due to the strong construction of the Jiaozi Devil Formation, the three charges were unsuccessful. The time of the total attack was about to expire. The platoon leader led the Wang Can combat team to blast the Vietnamese military fortifications, and just rushed out of a mountain road. The platoon leader was shot and sacrificed. "

"Waiting to the command of the deputy platoon leader, Wang Can rushed out, seeing that he was about to reach the point of attack, Wang Can had two bullets in his abdomen, and his fellow comrade Yue Qiugen, who was beside him, also sacrificed. The machine gunner who shot at the muzzle and knocked out the devil went on ~ ~ and threw the blasting barrel. "

"The enemy's bunker was destroyed, but Wang Can was hit and sacrificed by a bullet hit from the side ..." Liu Yingchang wiped his tears. "When I went back to inspect the relics of Martyr Wang Can, I found that two of them were too late. The letter that went out, as well as the medal of the Liberation War Crossing River sent to him by his father ’s colleagues. "

"In the letter, Wang Can wrote: 'War will be dangerous, sacrifice is for revolution ... To protect the safety of the motherland and hometown construction is glorious; dear mother, if you receive this notebook, then I will You must have sacrificed, mother, do n’t be sad, do n’t cry, think about how many predecessors and revolutionary youths have bleed and sacrificed for the cause of the revolution; there are 3 sons beside you, and a little sister, put one Son should contribute to the motherland ... '"

Speaking of this, Liu Yingchang couldn't say anything more. The warrior, who had never fallen in tears when he was shot on the battlefield, cried and whimpered while covering his face.

Shen Long wiped her tears and silently patted Liu Yingchang ’s shoulder. "They are all heroes."

Yes, Rock Dragon and Wang Can, and many other warriors are heroes, and their deeds must and should be passed on.

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