All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1493: Dean's request

In fact, the battle heroes born in this war are far less than those that occurred on the peninsula in the northeast thirty years ago, and they are not as good as the war of liberation and the war of resistance against Japan. The reason is that the scale of the war is one aspect and more important. What is most of the time in this war is that our army is absolutely dominant.

This is one of the few wars that our army has fought under an advantage since the founding of the army. At the beginning, it may have caused a decline in the army ’s combat effectiveness due to the turbulent years in the past. Many fighting heroes like Rock Dragon and Wang Can It was born at this stage; but with the deepening of the fighting, our army quickly reversed this situation; for the other party, this war is a war of dumping the country, and for our country, it is just a good opportunity to train troops.

Such a good sparring is not easy to find, then hurry up and seize this opportunity, everyone take turns, today you go up to see what the real war is like, and tomorrow there are new troops rushing to the battlefield, everyone has a good time; this While fighting fiercely, the reform and opening up there continued without delay.

At the end of the fight, not only the army has been tempered, but the economy has gradually improved, and even large-scale disarmament is possible. I do n’t know how the opponent ’s reaction to the news of our army ’s disarmament. I believe it must be very speechless?

"Old Liu, since you can write a good work like" Cavalry Company, Charge! ", If you have time, write down the stories of these heroes, let the big guys know their stories." Liu Ying Long patted Shen Long's shoulder, and then got up, "Okay, it's not too early, you are tired all day, hurry back and take a rest."

"I remember this. I will let the best female soldiers in our regiment carefully collect these stories, write them into manuscripts and submit them to the newspaper, and then I will find inspiration from these stories and write a better one. The work came out. "Shen Long solemnly promised his business, in fact, even if Liu Yingchang didn't say it, he would do it.

After Liu Yingchang left here, Shen Long did not go back to sleep, but went to the battlefield hospital to help for a while. He was driven away by the doctors until two o'clock in the morning and returned to the tent to rest for more than three hours. Get up again.

"It's still the same as yesterday. Divide into several teams, perform in different units in batches, go to the battlefield hospital to help, Hao Shuwen, Zhuoma, He Xiaoping, Chen Can ... You several should take the lead and pay attention to the arrangements of the relevant chiefs. You must also take good care of your comrades in the regiment. "At the morning meeting, after a short training session, Shen Long began to make arrangements.

"Guarantee to complete the task!" Hao Shuwen, He Xiaoping and others took their men to salute Shen Long, and then lined up neatly to their respective goals.

Shen Long left Xiao Suizi and told the story of Yanlong and Wang Can, "There are definitely many more such stories. You must hurry up and collect similar materials these days, oh, yes, not only It is for combat troops, for the medical system, the logistics system, and the local people, as long as it is valuable, it can be collected. For example, the doctors we met in the hospital, their work is equally hard, and their deeds are also commendable. . "

There are actually many heroic models like Zhong Huiling. Wars never belong to the army. Our army is strong for this reason and has become invincible; if these stories can attract more medical staff and logistics personnel ... … Coming to the front, I believe it will definitely save the lives of more soldiers?

"Well, I remember! Make sure to complete the mission!" Xiao Suizi also paid a respect to Shen Long, and then led a local soldier to various camps to do interviews.

Shen Long returned to the hospital again. He felt that it was the most effective to stay in this place now. Today, a group of wounded soldiers came down. As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he joined the ranks of stretcher teams and secretly added dilution to the hospital again. Fairy water.

After all the wounded soldiers were put in place, the dean of the hospital called Shen Long, "Old Liu, your cultural troupe has worked hard these two days, but it has helped us a lot."

"This is nothing. Compared with what you have done, we are not worth mentioning here. Comrade Dean, you should haven't had much rest for a few days? Or taking advantage of the free time now, a little Squin for a moment? "The dean's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. When he talked, his eyes couldn't open.

"It's okay, I can stand it." The dean waved his hand. He is the best surgeon in the hospital. Many seriously wounded people can only let him perform surgery. Can he rest?

"Time is precious. I wo n’t say anything more. I ’m sure you know the situation in our hospital. Some soldiers suffered too much injuries. I have to ... have to amputate them." I couldn't help crying, "What a good young man, these are children aged 18, 29, 20, and sent to me, but I can only saw their arms and their legs!"

"Wait .... When these soldiers wake up, many people do n’t eat or drink, or even hit their heads against the wall. They ... They said: It ’s better to sacrifice, to sacrifice glorious generations, and to **** the painful life "Ah!" The Dean thumped the table painfully. In fact, as a surgeon, he saw too many similar things, but so many injured soldiers appeared in front of him at once ~ ~ He still could not hold it. .

Shen Long sighed and patted his shoulder lightly, while using the magic of calming his mind, so that he could calm down a little bit, otherwise the dean would have to have an accident, and the stress on the battlefield not only occurred in Those who fight on the battlefield will also affect these front-line medical personnel.

"We were too busy before, and there was no good way. We could only let the nurses take care of it." With the help of Shen Long, the dean eased over. It ’s getting better, so I ’d like to ask you to help, find a few people to come and show the disabled soldiers to see if they can make them feel better? ”

The dean may not know much about postoperative psychology, but he met so many times and always summed up a little experience, so he made such a request.

"This is the purpose of our coming to the front." Compared with those soldiers of other troops and even minor wounded soldiers, these soldiers with severe injuries and disabilities are the most in need of encouragement, Shen Long solemnly promised, "I will find someone, Choose a few suitable programs and give them a show! "

After speaking, Shen Long got up and went out to find someone.

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