All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1494: Wounded battalion

Shen Long went out of the hospital and ran all the way to the place where Hao Shuwen performed, and when they saw Hao Shuwen singing in the middle of the crowd, "You see a red glow on the mountain, that is not red glow, it is red Panzhihua; Panzhihua, youthful Flowers, beautiful life, splendid years; when you are fighting in blood, do n’t forget the Panzhihua in your hometown ... When you return triumphantly, we will meet under the Panzhihua ... "

This is Shen Long ’s another song on the train-"The Fiery Panzhihua", which is the train stopped at Panzhihua ’s station. He came down to breath and saw it when he saw a group of recruits from Panzhihua going to the battlefield. This song The song is also the theme song of the movie "Pride it, Mother" that reflects this war.

No matter if it came from Panzhihua or wherever, the soldiers who heard this song were immersed in it, and their mouths smiled, awakening their memories of their hometown.

When Hao Shuwen finished singing, Shen Long beckoned to call her, "Have you finished the show? If you're done, leave it here to others. Come back to the hospital with me!"

"Okay, I'm going here!" After coming to the front line, Hao Shuwen also lost the arrogance of the past. Without asking why, he obediently obeyed the order and hurried down to make arrangements, then left with Shen Long.

On the way back, they received He Xiaoping, Zhuoma and Chen Can, these are the best literary and art workers in the regiment, Shen Long wanted to give the wounded soldiers the highest quality performances.

"It ’s urgent now, I wo n’t give you a specific program, but remember, you ca n’t sing songs that have words like sacrifice in the lyrics, you have to sing positively." The soldiers are doing it for themselves without sacrifice. I regret it. If we hear similar words again, we might be surprised. People's psychology is actually very sensitive.

"Understood!" The people responded in unison, and then followed Shen Long into the ward where the disabled soldiers were placed. As soon as they entered, they suddenly froze.

The army is a serious but lively collective. No matter where they performed before, the soldiers were sitting upright, their eyes exuded with excitement, and the scene was full of uplifting atmosphere.

But here it ’s different. Some soldiers who lost an arm leaned on the bed without saying a word; some soldiers who lacked one leg covered their heads with quilts and did n’t want to touch anyone; To feed the soldiers, he never opened his mouth ... The whole ward was filled with a depressive atmosphere, which was very different from the atmosphere in the military camp.

"Head of the group." Hao Shuwen looked back at Shen Long. In the past, she used to be the host for the opening remarks, but today on this occasion, she was a little bit open.

"I'm coming!" Shen Long took a step forward, walked to the center of the ward, and said in as gentle a tone as possible, "Dear comrades, we are members of the XXX Cultural Corps to pay tribute to the heroes." Let's take Hao Shuwen and others together Qi gave them a military salute, "We have brought some literary and artistic shows for everyone, I hope you will like it."

The wounded soldiers looked at them, and it took a long time for the sparse applause to be heard. Some people smiled bitterly. I have become like this. Then I still want to listen to you sing. See you dance?

Shen Long beckoned, Hao Shuwen stood in front and sang the song "Green Flowers in the Army", "The cold wind is falling, the army is a green flower ... I sincerely wish my mother, I wish my mother health and longevity, until the celebration Come home again, and then visit a good mother; there is a good girl in my hometown, I often dream about her, the men in the army are also affectionate, and I would like to accompany you to go to the world ... "

Hao Shuwen deliberately lowered her voice. Shen Long had already told me while on the road. These patients' bodies are still very weak. Many high-pitched stimuli will make them feel uncomfortable. It is best to sing with a relatively gentle tone.

At the beginning, the wounded soldiers were still expressionless, but when I heard Hao Shuwen singing to her mother and singing to the good girl in her hometown, someone finally could n’t help crying, first one, then second, third, last Almost all the soldiers in the ward cried, and the cry covered Hao Shuwen's singing.

"Head of the team." He Xiaoping pulled Shen Long's sleeve nervously, she was worried about something going wrong.

"It's okay, it's okay, just cry out, just cry out!" Shen Long whispered comfortably, and some things were uncomfortable in his heart. After crying, he could finally vent a little. After the vent, the cloud in his heart could be dispersed. some.

"Xiaoping, Dolma!" Shen Long quietly pointed to the soldiers who were crying the most. The two immediately understood that they quickly took out the handkerchief to the bedside, lifted the soldiers up, wiped the tears for them, and warmed up. Persuaded.

"It's good to cry." The Dean also came over. Seeing this scene, he and Shen Long had the same opinion. Lao stubbornly thought that something would happen to him.

"Chen Can, let's play a harmonica, just play" Yingshanhong "." Shen Long asked Chen Can to perform the show instead of Hao Shuwen. The trumpet sound he is best at is a little loud, and it is just right to change to the harmonica. Not suitable, this kind of pure background music can be better.

Then Hao Shuwen also joined the consolation team. The three girls wiped the tears of the soldiers one by one, listened to their words, and then whispered comfortably. When they heard the emotion, Hao Shuwen couldn't even hug a soldier, and the soldier immediately froze. After staying, I forgot to cry, and my face turned red when I brushed it.

The show lasted for two hours, and the soldiers were more or less emotional. They are still very weak. After a while, they were tired again ~ ~ Shen Long gave them a good rest and promised to come back tomorrow.

On the second day, we continued to mobilize the capable personnel of the regiment to perform for the wounded soldiers. Compared with yesterday, these soldiers were more or less rejuvenated, and there was a little color in their eyes.

The Dean was very grateful for this. "Thanks to you, otherwise I really don't know what to do. Now their situation is much better. Many people are willing to let the nurses feed."

"This is not enough. We must not only keep them alive, but also let them rekindle their hope for the future." Shen Long shook his head, not complacent.

"It's not easy. Now who has a disabled person is not easy to support. They are afraid of dragging on the family." The dean shook his head. These are not things they can solve.

"Yeah." Shen Long nodded, and he naturally understood this, so how can I help them rebuild their confidence? He suddenly thought of a solution.

"Chen Can." Shen Long beckoned and called Chen Can. "I will give you a task, and you will return to the Cultural and Cultural Regiment as soon as possible ..."

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