All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1498: Newspaper again

After a while, the soldiers sang along for a while, and the nurse urged them to take a rest. Shen Long and others quickly retreated and watched the soldiers falling asleep at the door; unlike the usual, these soldiers When I fell asleep, there were tears in the corners of my eyes, or smiles in the corners of my mouth, no matter what the expression, I slept more than before.

"Their emotions have finally eased, and then they can get a good night's sleep, which is also good for their recovery." The nurse Jiang confessed bravely just now and whispered.

"Yo, Xiaojiang, you don't see that you're still so bold ..." The nurses and Xiaojiang at the side joked, and the nurses and doctors also smiled for a long time.

The dean smiled and did not speak. He took Shen Long and left quietly. Let ’s not mix it up on this occasion. When he arrived in his room, the dean said with emotion, "Oh, I would n’t know if I had your help. When will these wounded soldiers renew their fighting spirit? "

"Just like your accusation is to heal the sick and save others, these are what we should have done! Encourage morale and appease the military. We just did what we should do." Shen Long laughed, and he is in a better mood now. child.

"That's what I said, but no one can come up with this method." The dean was impressed with Shen Long's methods. First, he used the performance to ease the emotions of the wounded soldiers, and then please come to brackets to demonstrate the disabled person. The spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement, followed by generous speeches to awaken them, and finally ended with the magnificent "Restart from scratch", this set is combined, the effect is excellent.

Oh, the brave confession of nurse Xiaojiang was just an accident, but on this occasion, the effect was exceptionally good, and the haze of the big guy's heart was dispelled at once; well, she turned around and praised her.

"Our people are still too few, we can only care about here, we can't help ourselves in other theaters." Shen Long sighed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you find a way, comrades in other theaters will follow along. If you want to promote advanced experience, our experience is very much! It is estimated that it won't take long before the song" From the beginning "will be played in all hospitals on the front line. Right? "The Dean expressed comfort.

"You do n’t have to do anything else today. While I do n’t need surgery now, let ’s quickly write the article that I said before. This is all valuable experience and should be submitted early." Submitted one day earlier, Maybe it will save the lives of several more soldiers.

Some disabled soldiers, in fact, as long as their injuries are well rested, they can continue to live, but this sudden blow makes them lose the courage to continue to live, and this method, this song is the best prescription.

"After writing, you should rest well too!" The blood in the Dean's eyes was heavy again, and Shen Long patted him again on the shoulder, helping him to pass a trace of true energy, while pondering, waiting for him to fall asleep At that time, he secretly gave him some diluted fairy water, he could not have an accident.

"Speaking of hard work, you are no easier than me these days." The dean said while writing a swift article. Shen Long has to help stretchers, organize performances, and take care of patients these days. , No less than him.

The two of them worked for almost all night, and finally wrote this plan for the psychological recovery of disabled soldiers after surgery. The dean immediately found a correspondent to send him to the rear as quickly as possible, and then squinted on the table for a while. , Immediately picked up the scalpel to join the emergency rescue.

Shen Long also continued his work. The parenthesis stayed here for two days and left. Chen Can, Hao Shuwen and others were also with him. Of course, the tenor who sang "From All Over" was also indispensable. They will go to There is another hospital nearby, where there are also disabled soldiers who need to provide spiritual comfort.

Shen Long stayed here and scattered all the members of the other cultural troupes to perform literary programs for the nearby army. He was in charge of the overall situation and carefully studied the materials submitted by Xiao Suizi. She also saw what she saw in the wards of disabled soldiers. The article was written in the form of reportage and delivered to relevant newspapers and magazines.

It did n’t take long for someone to send the latest newspaper from the rear. The People ’s Liberation Army Daily published the full text of Xiao Suizi ’s article, and someone wrote a special article to praise them, praising the cultural corps where they were for the frontline soldiers. Warm, thank them for awakening the fighting spirit of these disabled soldiers.

The newspaper greatly praised their methods and methods. Shen Long also saw that the rear was already looking for inspirational examples of disabled people everywhere, and invited them to give a speech on the front line, soothing these disabled soldiers. I believe that with the encouragement of these people, these The unfortunate child soldiers might go better in the future?

This man, do n’t be afraid of encountering unlucky things. As long as there is so much energy, as long as the fighting spirit learned in the army is not lost, even if you encounter even great difficulties, you can survive it.

Of course, the compliment of "From All Over" is also indispensable. The newspaper said that there is really no more suitable for the disabled soldiers than this song. They called on other literary and artistic workers who went to the frontline to condole the performance and learn this song as soon as possible Sing to those disabled soldiers.

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu, the street called me today, and they praised me for coming, saying that I gave the street and won glory for our Rongcheng. When I go back, they will let me participate in the commendation meeting!" For a while, Bracket came back and said excitedly ~ ~ to attend the conference and accept the commendation, but this is something he dare not think about.

"It's all you deserve." Shen Long touched his head. "How many people have you saved and how many families have been saved." Of course, your own life has also changed completely.

"Uncle Liu, thank you. If you didn't help me all the time, I now ... I'm afraid I still look the same." As he said, the brackets also cried.

"As long as you are fighting, you are not afraid of not having a good life. Are you tired these days? If you are tired, do you rest for a few days?" The parenthesis was not good at all. Shen Long was afraid that he would be tired.

"I'm fine, I can still hold on." Brackets are at the moment of the highest light in the first half of his life. Even his name appeared in the "PLA". How could he give up easily, and he can feel that the soldiers are I really need him.

"That's good, someone will replace you in a few days, and then I will take you home." After a while, Shen Long they should go back to repair.

"Head Liu, the military area is here, let you go to a meeting!" A correspondent hurriedly approached.

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