All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1499: On-site recognition

"In addition to you, there are all members of the cultural troupe. Please gather as soon as possible and go to the meeting place." The correspondent's face was full of sweat. It seems that he had run through many places before he found Shen Long.

"I'll be here soon. May I ask what is the matter?" Shen Long asked quickly, secretly guessing in his heart, there seems to be no big move on the front line recently?

"It's a good thing. The military district is here to reward you. Hurry up and find someone!" The correspondent's face was full of envy, and he had not yet won the opportunity to reward him.

Reward! Although Shen Long led the cultural troupe, he has received many rewards, but this time he got it on the battlefield, which is very different from those in the past. It is not a concept at all.

"Uncle Liu!" Bracket's eyes are also full of envy, but unfortunately he is not a soldier, and this reward for soldiers is destined to have nothing to do with him.

"Don't envy, when you go back, you can definitely get your own reward. Didn't you just say that the street has called you?" Shen Long touched his head again, which is completely unnecessary. What he did for the People's Army and the PLA soldiers will not be forgotten.

"That's different!" The parenthesis distinguished that in the minds of ordinary people in this era, the status of the army is different. In fact, it is the same now. They are still the most lovely people in our ordinary people's hearts.

"Okay, I won't delay the time. When I go back, I will accompany you to attend your commendation and awards meeting." After saying a few words, Shen Long left in a hurry.

When they found He Xiaoping, Xiao Suizi, Hao Shuwen, Dolma, Chen Can and others, they were also excited. Their thoughts are the same as Shen Long. As soldiers, the honors gained on the battlefield are the most precious.

Everyone quickly sorted out their military capacity, and under the leadership of Shen Long, they lined up neatly and trot all the way to the meeting place. This award commendation meeting is a small-scale meeting. After all, the front line is still fighting and there is no way to model all heroes. They all gathered together for a meeting, so the representatives of the military region went to each place to issue the awards.

However, at the meeting, the head still read the names of all heroic models, "Under the correct leadership and command of ......, with the vigorous support of the people of the country, especially the governments of all levels in Yunnan Province and the people of all ethnic groups in the frontier, our military region participated in the victory. Completed combat missions, achieved major victories, and played the national prestige ... "

"In this battle, the majority of the combatants who participated in the battle, resolutely implemented the operational guidelines of the CMC, and highly promoted the" five revolutionary spirits "advocated by the CMC. They are brave and tenacious, perseverant, obey orders, obey orders, observe discipline, and withstand the flames of war. Training and tests have gained valuable experience. "

After the foreword, the head of the military region formally announced, "The military region decided to give the following units and individuals the honorary title; give the following units credit."

"Bronze the three battalions of a certain regiment of the frontier troops with the honorary title of" Heroic Battalion ... "Award the honorary title of the seven companies of a certain regiment of the frontier guards with the title of" tightening hero company ", and award the three companies of the frontier troops with the title of" courageous and tough hero company " Honorary Title ... The honorary title of the Sixth Company of the Frontier Defense Corps was awarded the honorable title of "Able to Guard the Hero Company".

As soon as the honorary title of each heroic model unit is pronounced, the head will stop for a moment, and then there will be enthusiastic applause on the scene, especially when the name of his troops is remembered, the soldiers on the scene are cheering all over the sky.

"Head of the team, when will we be here, I am so nervous now ..." Hao Shuwen whispered in the crowd, she felt that she was almost excited and jumped out.

As soon as her words fell, she heard the Chief Minister announce, "Confer the title of‘ Model Workers ’Troupe of XXX Cultural Workers’ Troupe! ”

"Ah ~~ The leader, it's us! It's us! We have been awarded the title of Heroic Cultural Troupe!" Hao Shuwen and others screamed excitedly.

"I didn't expect that our art troupe could still get the honorary title!" Chen Can didn't think about it. He originally thought that he would remember first-class merits or something, because in the history of our army, it seems that the art troupe won the honorary title never happened.

But thinking of them as the first team to come to the front to console the performance, and so many new programs have been arranged, inspiring the fighting spirit of countless soldiers, especially for the disabled soldiers have made such a big contribution, and found a practical The method has saved many heroes for the country, and they are also worthy of this honor.

The soldiers of other troops at the scene also applauded and applauded them. The contributions made by the cultural troupe after coming to the front line were all seen in the eyes. They deserved this honor.

Shen Long took the stage to receive the certificate of honor on behalf of the cultural troupe, and the next is the list of personal honor titles, "Tao Shaowen martyr, deputy squad leader of a company of the frontier defense force, was awarded the honorary title of" style of fighting hero "; awarded to the company of the frontier force. The instructor and self-professed martyrs are honored as the "heroic devoted model instructors."

"Conferred the honorary title of" * -style combat hero "to the marshal of the special guard company of a certain group of the frontier guards; awarded the honorary title of" demining hero "to the platoon leader of the engineering squad of the special guard company of the frontiered troops; awarded the honorary title of" demining hero "; A group of five company warriors, Yanlong Martyrs, was honored with the title of "Lone Gallbladder Hero ..."

The Rock Dragon Martyrs mentioned by Shen Long and Liu Yingchang won the honorary title, and most of the honorable titles were martyrs ~ ~ The only ones who can survive are the ones that ordinary people cannot do. Meritorious service.

"... The comrade Li Jianeng, the militia squad leader of the second branch of the state-run Hekou Farm, was awarded the honorary title of" Militia Fighting Hero "; the martial arts militia Shen Yulong, a martial soldier of the Yunguo State-run Hekou Farm, was awarded the honorary title of" Former Militia Hero. "

"This command, Commander Yang Dezhi, Political Commissar Liu Zhijian!"

After the order was issued, the audience burst into warm applause again, cheering for the heroic units and heroic models.

After coming down, all the members of the Cultural Regiment looked around the order. When they went back, they even held the order on their chests. When they went, they saw the soldiers saluting and paying respect.

Soon, Shen Long received new orders, the new frontline condolences to the performance team and the new inspirational model for the disabled have arrived, they can go back and take a short break, and then wait for the opportunity to come again.

Shen Long and their work were really hard during this time. Some of Xiao Suizi and He Xiaoping's weaknesses could not bear it. They accepted the order and embarked on the return train.

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