All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1501: "Wreath under the mountains"

Hey, did you start preparing for the movie so early? Oh yes, "Pride, Mother" started preparing for shooting this year, and then released next year, and Shen Long also saw many documentary filming staff on the front line. It is also the practice of various countries to use film and television programs to promote Not surprising at all.

"Have they not found a suitable script now?" Shen Long asked. He had originally wanted to write the same as last time, and then to see if he had the opportunity to adapt it to other types of literary works. I didn't expect to have hope so soon.

"Where does a good script say you can have it?" The political commissar shook his head. "There are a lot of creators who go to the front line to collect the wind, but they are going later than you. It is estimated that they have not collected enough materials now; you went there before. For a long time, I have also created such good works as "Cavalry Company, Charge!"

"It just happens that I have a few old folks working in a movie factory, and they called me here, and I would like to ask you to help create a script. If it's appropriate, they will hurry up and shoot." The political commissar introduced.

"I have some ideas. I have been sorting the materials since I came back. The general context of the story already exists. The next step is to think about the details." Shen Long nodded.

"Then hurry up and I won't disturb you. If someone comes to interview, I can help you to drag you. Anyway, you don't like these things." The political commissar made arrangements.

"Then I will go back and continue to prepare." Shen Long left and returned to his office, closing his eyes and starting to figure out which work to choose. There are actually quite a few movie works of this period.

For example, the "Pride, Mother" mentioned earlier tells the story of my border guards, such as a steel torrent, marching towards the border between the two countries, and striving to clear the road for our army ’s major troops and demining bravely.

There is also "Hua Zhi Qiao", which tells the story of ordinary soldier Huang Yongliang who grew up in the process of participating in the war and sacrificed for the glory of the country.

"Thunder Field Acacia Tree", based on Jiang Qitao's middle story "Acacia Tree on the Thunder Field", tells the story of five local university graduates who went to the military academy to enroll in the war and experienced the test of life and death in the war; it is worth mentioning that Jiang Qitao is also the writer of many classic TV dramas such as "Sword of Swords", "Emperor Hanwu", "Righteousness on Earth".

Operation "Lightning" cooperated by Yindu Agency and Bayi Factory tells the story of a reconnaissance unit of our army that penetrated the enemy and destroyed the enemy's heavy artillery positions. Famous actors such as Sun Haiying and Zhao Xiaorui appeared.

In "Moon of the Fifteen", Fang Xiaomei and Yuan Shaolin are a pair of lovers. One day, Yuan suddenly received an order from the superior and went to the front with Fang Xiaomei's brother; Tian Jing and Fang's brother are also a pair of lovers. A reporter fell in love. During the battle, Yuan Shaolin was seriously injured, but remembered to keep up with the front line, and captured a batch of battlefield video materials, so that the people of the whole country saw the figure of the soldiers fighting in front ...

Compared with this movie, the song of the same name has been circulating in later generations for a long time, but it is still a good movie.

But in the future, as long as people talk about the film about this history, there is only one first in everyone's mind, that is, "The Garland under the High Mountain", directed by the famous director Xie Jin, Lv Xiaohe, Tang Guoqiang, Siqin Gaowa and so on.

The story of "The Garland under the High Mountain" is very simple. Li Yuan, the creator of the Jinan Army Song and Dance Regiment, came to the third battalion battalion of an infantry regiment in Ailao Mountain, Yunnan, and interviewed the battalion instructor Zhao Mengsheng; Zhao Mengsheng was born in a revolutionary family. In the war, the first-class merit was honored.

For more than three years, he did not envy the flowers and willows of the big cities, quietly fighting in the border areas of Yunnan, and mobilized his lover as a military doctor to also serve in the frontier outpost; however, he refused to be interviewed many times, so his deeds have not been Can be seen in newspapers.

Asked carefully, I realized that Zhao Mengsheng had always been ashamed. When he went to the company, he just wanted to follow the curve and mobilize for a higher position for himself. He and the company commander Liang Sanxi had repeated conflicts with the master's style.

Zhao Mengsheng therefore wanted to mobilize the company, but when the transfer order came down, the order to join the battle also came. Liang Sanxi scolded Zhao Mengsheng, saying that he was acting as a deserter, and Zhao Mengsheng had to stick his head to the front.

In the brutal war on the front line, Zhao Mengsheng was inspired by Liang Sanxi, Jin Kailai and others, and gradually grew up, realizing his duty as a soldier.

In the last war, Jiulian finally stood on the main peak of the 364 highland. Just as everyone celebrated the victory, the remnant enemy came to a cold gun. Liang Sanxi was shot to save Zhao Mengsheng. At the end of his life, his right hand was tightly clenched to the left. In the pocket on his chest, Zhao Mengsheng found a blood-stained debt statement in the pocket of his shirt. Each loan recorded on it cost a total of 620 yuan.

Zhao Mengsheng and the soldiers did n’t give Liang Sanxi ’s bills to Aunt Liang. She originally planned to pay the company commander by Lien Li, but before she left, Aunt Liang and Yuxiu refused the soldiers according to the instructions from Sanxi ’s family letter. With good intentions, take out the pension and the money brought from home and insist on returning the account.

At the end of the film, Zhao Mengsheng led all the comrades and Li Yuan of Jiulian, carrying a wreath of flowers woven into the mausoleum of the martyrs, and dedicated the wreath to the tomb of the martyrs.

This story is not like the previous movie ~ ~ has created a bunch of simplified and flat characters, without ignoring some of the problems in the army, the characters are fresh and true; it completely shows Zhao Mengsheng from The process of transforming a soul deserter into a strong warrior.

This movie shaped a group of soldiers with blood and flesh. After the screening, they were widely praised, and Liang Sanxi became the most popular soldier image in the country.

Shen Long recalled the creation process of the next work. The author Li Cunbao should still be on the front line to do interviews and write reportage. It wasn't until three years later that he began to create this one. As for the film's release, it will be seven years later. Too.

This time is a bit too long, and now it is such a good work that is needed to let the people of the whole country understand the war and which heroic fighters, how can it be delayed for so long?

Then let this movie be born ahead of time. Shen Long took the pen and wrote the words "The Garland under the High Mountain" on the manuscript paper, and then began to think about how to adapt it.

The main context of this story can be referenced, but the details must be adapted according to the materials collected by themselves, so as to achieve better results.

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