All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1502: Break point

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There are several main characters: Zhao Mengsheng, Liang Sanxi, Jin Kailai, gunner Beijing, Zhao Mengsheng's mother Wu Shuang, Lei Shenye Lei Jun, etc., Shen Long struck their characteristics one by one in their minds.

Zhao Mengsheng is a young soldier, um, it's not difficult to do, just write according to Zhong Yuemin and Yuan Jun, they are very familiar with this kind of person Shen Long, but there are still some differences, Zhong Yuemin and Yuan Jun certainly have a variety of Problems, but if they encounter a war, they will definitely not like to avoid it like Zhao Mengsheng, they must think that their opportunity to make a contribution is coming.

Shen Long has seen many front-line combatants like Liang Sanxi on the front line. Also in the "Sword" world, Shen Long has also contacted many such simple warriors. He and Xiao Suizi have many similar materials. Characters, it is not difficult to write such characters vividly.

Shen Long, such as Jin Kailai, gunner Beijing, and commander Xiaojin, has also seen it many times and is confident in shaping such a character.

Then the remaining problem is that Chief Lei Lei and Zhao Mengsheng's mother Wu Shuang. Senior Lei general such as Lei Jun, Shen Long has only contacted in the world of "Sword", in which Liu Feng has never seen. You have to find ways to get in touch with such people in order to have the right reasons.

It's not difficult to do. List the outline first, and then ask Ning Political Commissioner for help. He must know some suitable candidates. Then he can meet him and chat with him.

Zhao Mengsheng ’s mother Wu Shuang was originally an unselfish old revolutionary. Due to the turbulence of that decade, she became a long-sleeved diplomat. Such a person is described in detail in the second half of "Sword", but Liu Feng It ’s easy to question such a person in his identity, because he has no contact with such a person.

But it doesn't matter. There are no wives of senior leaders in our cultural troupe, but the children of senior leaders, Hao Shuwen and Chen Can are just fine. Just call them and talk.

After thinking for a long time, Shen Long called Hao Shuwen over and told her the matter again. Hao Shuwen immediately filled with indignation. "Yes, yes, there are people like me. I dare to go to the frontline of a girl's family. We are so sorry! "

Needless to say, something similar happened during this period. After all, the impact of the past decade on the army was too great, and many people sent their children to the army to avoid social unrest. Such as Zhong Yuemin, Zhang Haiyang, Yuan Jun, and Zhou Xiaobai in "Scarlet Romance".

They did n’t really want their children to be soldiers, they just wanted to use this place as a haven and as a springboard for their children ’s promotion. As soon as they encountered a war, they were immediately worried, afraid of their children ’s problems, and then tried to adjust their children. To a safe place.

These people are not all the characters of Zhong Yuemin and Zhang Haiyang who are eager to take risks, eager to war, and eager to make achievements. They will also be afraid when they encounter war, and they will also want to escape. This has a certain impact on the morale of our army.

"Just in our family there are such people ..." Hao Shuwen talked about some of the news she heard when she was on the phone with her family these days. Of course, many of these people have been punished and even tired. His parents.

"If I said they deserved it, people like this should be expelled directly." Hao Shuwen was somewhat gloating and proud of herself. She was famous in the yard this time, his parents' faces when they went out There is light.

Shen Long wrote down all of these, of course, did not record a specific name, and then let Hao Shuwen go out to call Chen Can in and asked him the same question.

When Chen Can heard Shen Long ’s question, he immediately understood that he had seen through his identity. Although Chen Can was a leader ’s child, he had strict requirements on himself, so he was naturally disregarded for such deserters, so he was obscure. Several representative tasks were given, but his character was much more cautious than Hao Shuwen, and did not mention the specific names and family background of these people.

And according to Shen Long ’s estimate, it ’s estimated that he listened to other people ’s affairs, and should not have much to do with their family; this is enough for Shen Long. He is not a person in the disciplinary department and wants to hold these people accountable. As long as you know that there are people of this kind, you can do this kind of thing.

After busy with these, Shen Long took the outline and draft to the political commissar, and after obtaining his approval, he went to the War Banner Cultural Corps to find the political commissar of Ning and made his request.

"Your book is well written. Let's face the problems when we are soldiers. Since these problems do exist, why can't we write them?" People like Zhao Mengsheng dissatisfied the senior leaders of the military region. Said some wind.

After thinking for a while, he introduced several military commanders with similar characteristics to Chief Lei. Shen Long had previously made credit on the front line. After hearing the name of Shen Long, most of them readily agreed to meet and chat with Shen Long. After talking for a few days, Shen Long also had a deep understanding of how to shape such characters as Captain Lei.

Well, the next step is to formally revise the article. It must be revised at the beginning. The original work was started a few years after the outbreak of the war, and now the war has only just begun.

So Shen Long moved the time forward ~ ~ changed Li Quan, the creator of the Song and Dance Troupe of the Quancheng Military Region, into the creator of his own cultural troupe, and Xiao Xiaozi was used as a prototype.

Xiao Suizi wanted to interview Zhao Mengsheng, who had just been awarded first-class merit, but Zhao Mengsheng said that he felt ashamed and unwilling to be interviewed. After Xiao Suizi's patience and excavation, it triggered the following things.

After listening to Zhao Mengsheng's deeds about Liang Sanxi, Xiao Suizi was going back to publish these in writing, and happened to meet Liang Sanxi's mother over to pay back the debts. Together with them came Zhao Mengsheng's wife, who was a military doctor She also came to support the front.

At the end, Zhao Mengsheng and others sent flowers to Liang Sanxi and other martyrs. They saw Captain Lei in the crowd. Only then did they know that the gunner Beijing was the son of Captain Lei.

With a little modification in this way, the whole story is in line with the current logic. The specific details can be adjusted according to the amount of material collected on the front line.

After spending a few days, Shen Long finished writing the whole story, but when he finished studying carefully after writing, Shen Long was still a little dissatisfied. He felt that this work still lacked a point that could ignite the audience.

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