All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1503: Red flag

The so-called burst point is like Wang Cheng in "Children of Heroes" said, "Shoot at me for victory!", Or the protagonist in "*" raised the explosive package and chanted "For the new China, advance!", Or It was Sun Desheng who had only one arm left to charge the devil alone, which could ignite the audience's passion.

These scenes can be fictitious, because literary and artistic works are still somewhat different from reality. Literary and artistic works are the sublimation of reality, making beauty more beautiful, and making ugliness more ugly. If everything is based on reality, then it is not literature and art. Work, but reportage or documentary.

If you want to add a breakpoint to the "garland under the high mountain", the most appropriate is no doubt the scene of Liang Sanxi's sacrifice. In the original work, Liang Sanxi's sacrifice is described in this way.

"Beijing" fought bravely, but lost its fighter plane because of stink bullets made during decades of turmoil and was killed by the enemy; Jiu Lian finally stood on the main peak of the 364 highland, and when everyone celebrated their victory, the remnants of the enemy shot cold guns. Liang Sanxi was shot to save Zhao Mengsheng. At the end of his life, his right hand was tightly clutching the pocket on his left chest, and he said feebly to Zhao Mengsheng: "Here ... there is me ... a bill owed ..." in his shirt pocket The comrades-in-arms found a blood-stained debt statement, and each loan recorded on it totaled 620 yuan.

This plot cannot be said badly, but it is easy to remind people of the bridge sections used many times in the old revolutionary film. Martyrs always remember to let their comrades pay the last party fee for themselves at the time of sacrifice. The same bridge section is used more, It is easy for the audience to feel aesthetic fatigue, and this paragraph will make the audience feel a little depressed, and it is difficult to explode emotions.

So what should be changed? Shen Long quickly searched the film and television works, literature, and even news reports about the war in his mind. In the end, the picture in his mind was fixed on a red flag; this red flag can be said to be the whole war leaving the most people Is it one of the most profound and classic memories?

This war left many classic pictures showing the bravery of our army. Among them, the most classic and the most widely spread are three sets of pictures. The first picture is the picture of Zhou Qiubo, the hardest scout before his execution. The military scouts went deep into the enemy ’s back, and were captured by the enemy ’s artillery shells. The enemy called for foreign reporters to take pictures of his timid appearance before he died.

When taking pictures, they intimidated Zhou Qiubo on his knees to defame the image of our army and inspire his morale. However, the scout with the hardest bone knew this well, he vowed to die without kneeling, struggling to stand up, his eyes full of anger Light.

The second one is an oil painting, an oil painting of a soldier with blindfolds standing between heaven and earth. This soldier is a "first-class combat hero" Shi Guangzhu. In the battle to recover Laoshan, Shi Guangzhu is a group of four Squad leader and acting platoon leader; during the attack on enemy positions, Shi Guangzhu was wounded four times and eight times. His left eyeball was knocked out and his right eyeball was scored with two shrapnel. He insisted on commanding the battle and led the entire platoon to capture Highlands 57 and 50 completed the combat mission entrusted by their superiors.

After the war, Shi Guangzhu was awarded the honorary title of "Fighting Hero", and his heroic deeds were included in the book "The Warrior and Strong Shi Guangzhu", a comic book library for young heroes who preserved the border. Later, a painter created this oil painting based on his deeds.

What is even more rare is that Shi Guangzhu did not give up because of losing his eyes, but relied on tenacious perseverance to overcome the unimaginable difficulties of ordinary people, learned Braille, and then entered the Chinese Department of Shenzhen University, studying Chinese language and literature, and finished reading Shenzhen. Undergraduate degree in university has become the first blind person in China to obtain a bachelor's degree.

He has created many literary and artistic works, published more than 540 poems and essays in various journals at home and abroad, and won national literary awards 17 times. Many works have been translated and widely disseminated by Russia, France, Britain and other countries. He is known as China ’s "Pavel Korchagin".

Probably the most famous one is the "Grass" he wrote and sang at the Spring Festival Gala in 1985. "No flowers, no trees, I am a grass that no one knows ..." Songs are a household name.

But the most famous is the "red flag that never falls", which was photographed at the Battle of Two Mountains on April 28, 1984. After our soldiers attacked the main peak, they put the red flag on the main peak. He has actually sacrificed. His body and the red flag form a triangle, which stands on the battlefield filled with smoke.

Unlike the flag-inserted photos of the US military during the Soviet occupation of Berlin, this photo does not show the joy of "victory", but is full of tragic atmosphere, telling people an ordinary PLA soldier's understanding of loyalty.

The prototype of this photo is Zhang Daquan, deputy company commander of the second battalion and the fifth company. After his sacrifice, he was awarded the title of "First Class Battle Hero". He was hailed as the "Laoshan First Martyr". In front of the Heroes' Cemetery, this land is still guarded.

Some people also said that Liang Sanxi in "The Garland under the High Mountain" was based on him, because when cleaning up the relics of Zhang Daquan, the officers and soldiers of the Five Company found a delinquent's 700 yuan bill owed to them, they did not expect that Usually the deputy company commander used the salary to buy canned food for the soldiers to improve the food.

They concealed Zhang Daquan's mother and donated money to pay the bill. After learning that, Zhang Daquan's mother refused to survive and took out the money from the 2,000 yuan pension to pay it back. UU reading

This picture was enough to be the explosion point of the entire movie, and it was comparable to the scene of Wang Cheng and * at the time of sacrifice, so Shen Long modified the scene of Liang Sanxi after he calmed down.

When the nineth company was about to attack the main peak, the flag bearer sacrificed, and then Zhao Mengsheng took over the red flag and continued to charge. When reaching the top of the mountain, Liang Sanxi found that the remaining enemies were aiming at Zhao Mengsheng. It was too late, so Liang Sanxi rushed over and grabbed Zhao Mengsheng. After the red flag, the enemy's bullet hit Liang Sanxi. Liang Sanxi used his last strength, firmly nailed the red flag to the top of the peak, and then gradually fell down, and the red flag formed an unbreakable triangle ...

After the war, they found the deficiencies in Liang Sanxi's pocket, and then they could connect to the rest of the plot. They just modified the details of Liang Sanxi's sacrifice, and the whole work became more shocking.

Shen Longyun wrote in a pen, he revised the plot in one breath. After writing, the whole person felt hearty, and then picked up the article to see from the beginning to the end, and then nodded silently, he has done everything he can do, the next is See the opinions of the movie studio.

He carefully copied the manuscript and handed it to the political commissar.

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