All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1504: Start shooting

"This story is great!" The political commissar said with emotion after seeing it. He was undoubtedly impressed by "The Garland under the High Mountain", and his eyes were a bit red. "Come and tell me that you have collected these materials from there of?"

Shen Long talked about what he saw and heard on the front line, and talked about his exchanges with Hao Shuwen, Chen Can, and several heads of the military region after he came back. "It can be said that except the part of the red flag that does not fall, Find the prototype in reality. "

"It's nothing like this, literary works, it's not ridiculous to copy reality completely. With your modification, the whole theme has been sublimated, which can give people a stronger impact." Political commissars are not laymen, and have no opinion on such treatment.

"I'll take a good look, and then discuss it with the head of the group. If there is no problem, I will send it to my friends from the movie studios tomorrow. Your manuscript is better than what they received before!" The manuscript said that he had also read a little script received by the movie studio.

The scripts were also adapted from real events, but there were some problems with the flattening and simplification of some characters, which was far less than the blood and flesh of this work by Shen Long.

Of course, a good literary work does not need to worry about being buried. Soon after the political commissar sent the manuscript, he immediately received a call from Modu. "Older, this time has helped us a lot. Xie Dao is very concerned about this work. It ’s full of praise. He intends to put down the job at hand and shoot the movie first.

"The factory also very much supports Xie Dao's decision. Both the machine and the staff use the best. Be sure to shoot this movie in the shortest time and show it to the audience in the country! By the way, the original author Liu Feng Comrades are not convenient to come to the devil? If it is troublesome, Xie Dao can do it in the past. Just take a look at the front line, experience the atmosphere of the battlefield, choose the appropriate shooting location, and cooperate with the local garrison. "

"If Xie Dao could come, it would be better. After all, Liu Feng still has a task on his body." The political commissar responded with a smile. Now, Shen Long is all in the cultural troupe, and the troupe is now shouldering condolences to the front. The important task of the show, he suddenly left to go to the devil are somewhat inappropriate.

After a few days, Xie Dao hurried over, went straight to the cultural troupe, and found Shen Long. Xie Dao was a famous domestic director. As soon as he came, the whole cultural troupe was alarmed. Everyone asked me again. It was Liu Feng who wrote the book and was fancy by Director Xie, planning to make a movie.

"I knew that it was definitely the famous hall made by Captain Liu. Hey, did you say we have a chance to play a role in the movie?" Hao Shuwen began to look forward to it. The girl didn't want to be a star like Chen Chong.

"Suizi, Suizi, you have been helping the leader to organize the materials these days. Do you know what he wrote? Hurry up, do we have a chance?" Hao Shuwen asked Xiao Suizi, and Lin Dingding beside him also erected Ear, she naturally wants to go to the movies.

"It's really possible, the head of the group wrote about our cultural troupe's visit to the front line and the scene of brackets going to the front line. If the director needs it, we will definitely be more suitable than other people to play directly." Xiao Suizi thought Want to say.

This is also one of the changes made by Shen Long. Since they belong to the cultural troupe, it is not appropriate for the cultural troupe to appear there at all, and they did contribute to this war. As for the issue of brackets, they naturally want to inspire More disabled soldiers' self-improvement spirit, but also let the people understand their difficulty.

When Hao Shuwen was excited, Shen Long was having a good time talking with Xie Dao in the office, "Xie Dao, I grew up watching your movie." Red Girl Army "," Women's Basketball Five ", we all like it Look."

I heard that Xie Dao temporarily stopped other plans and started to prepare this movie, but I do n’t know which one he stopped. According to the time, "Ah, Cradle" should have been finished. The next step is probably "Tianyun Mountain Legend" and "Wrangler", right? Zhu Shimao's thick eyebrows and big eyes are the protagonist!

"Thank you, Comrade Xiao Liu for providing us with a good story. I want to shoot this story at a glance, so I came here to discuss with you how to make a movie." Xie Dao has already made 56 or 7 years this year. For more than 20 years, it was no problem to call Shen Long a little Liu.

"You are willing to come to direct this movie, it is really good, we need our cooperation, we must do our best to do it." Shen Long is very assured of Xie Dao's ability.

Director Xie is the leader of this generation of directors. He can quite easily tell a complete story of succession and transition. He is good at grasping the audience's psychology and pursuing a popular narrative. In the film style, he draws on the strengths of Hollywood and other foreign films. The movie is not only loved by the audience, but also has a high artistic value.

From now on, it is the peak period of his creation, and he has created a large number of artistic masterpieces such as "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" and "Furong Town", of course, including "The Garland under the High Mountain". This movie was originally his It was just that Shen Long took this work out a few years in advance.

If Xie Jinneng has been shooting movies, Chinese films may not have experienced the winter of the 1990s, but unfortunately he was scolded by Zhu Dake in an article in 1986 ~ ~ led Chinese films to a detour The next generation of directors ignored the preferences of ordinary people and blindly photographed literary and artistic works of Qu Gao and widowed, almost letting Chinese movies die completely.

"First we have to adapt the script into a script, and then find a suitable shooting location, and the cooperation of the local garrison ..." Xie Dao is also polite, and directly clarified the problems facing him.

"I actually amended the script. You should look at the modified part first." I am also familiar with this job. I have written the script for Kai Ge and Lao Mouzi, and also written for Hepburn. Have.

"As for other problems that can be solved, I have been to many places on the front line to help you find a suitable shooting location; you are sure to welcome such a film when shooting such a movie, and we will certainly be able to cooperate with you as much as possible." The superior leadership passed, and they all agreed.

Whether they need humans or weapons, they are willing to cooperate without affecting the war. They can even adjust the veterans participating in the war to help them, so that they can perform that spirit.

Xie Dao stayed here for a while with Shen Long, made all preparations, and then officially started shooting.

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