All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1505: True performance

"Xiao Liu, I'm really sorry. You just asked you to work again when you came back." Before the shooting, Xie Dao said to Shen Long with some embarrassment. During this time, in addition to correcting the script, Shen Long helped him choose the right one. In addition to the location of the location and the cooperation with the contact troops, he will also take the third batch of cultural troupe members to the frontline to condole the performance. When the shooting started, he had just returned to Rongcheng.

"It's okay, is it all for work." Shen Long said indifferently, "I also want to make this movie early, so that the people of the whole country know the merits of frontline soldiers."

"Wow, that's Tang Guoqiang? It looks more handsome than in the movie." Hao Shuwen, He Xiaoping, and Xiao Suizi also came. They were staring at Tang Guoqiang's eyes. At this time, Tang Guoqiang was handsome.

Lin Dingding also came, and she went to the frontline to avoid anything. She was more active than anyone when she encountered this kind of thing. Just from the expression of Hao Shuwen and others, she seemed to be a lot colder to her. Actual evidence, but the big guy has a steel scale in his heart, and they don't look at Lin Dingding's actions.

"Look at it carefully. You will have to take part in the filming." Shen Long and Xie Dao greeted each other and came over to tell them; Xie Dao did not make any major changes to Shen Long's script. Those adjustments he made still remain. For example, the red flag that does not fall down, and then the scene of the cultural troupe members going to the front line to console the performance. Later, Hao Shuwen will definitely appear in this later time.

"Hmm, we all watched it well!" Hao Shuwen and others nodded again and again, blinking at Tang Guoqiang and others.

There are two main locations for this film, one is in Rongcheng, mainly shooting the scene before Zhao Mengsheng, played by Tang Guoqiang, was released to the company; the other is the front line, where the Rongcheng part has less space. You can go to the front.

Of course, they will definitely not be allowed to go close to the battlefield. These trainings can be completed at our military training base slightly similar to the frontline terrain. The troops stationed there will cooperate with them to complete the shooting and play our military soldiers or The enemy's army uses its own weapons or whatever.

Do n’t worry about the costumes and weapons of the enemy, our seizures are quite a lot, and they can fully meet the needs of filming.

"Chief, can I help you this time?" Lin Dingding moved to Shen Long and whispered. She also wanted to be a movie star like Chen Chong. She also fantasized about being attracted by Xie Dao.

"The cultural troupe in the movie had condolences on the front line, so try to find comrades who have experience in this area to play in the filming process. Besides, Comrade Lin Dingding, aren't you in bad health? It's very hard to make a movie, You still have to raise your body before you talk! "Shen Long refused Lin Dingding quietly.

There was a chuckle next to him, and Lindin Ding turned around and saw that several female cultural workers who had participated in the frontline condolences performance were biting their ears. They seemed to be laughing at Lindin Ding.

"I was sick when it was time to endure hardship, and it was all right when I saw a good illness. That was such a cheap thing." They were disdainful of Lindintin's previous behavior.

"Hey, that is, the atmosphere has changed in recent years. If you put it in the previous years, you have to pull her out to fight." After Shen Long gradually mastered the cultural troupe, the atmosphere in the regiment changed, and the big guy naturally looked down on Such a person as Lindin.

Xie Dao soon finished shooting in Rongcheng. Lv Xiaohe playing Liang Sanxi, Tang Guoqiang playing Zhao Mengsheng, He Wei playing Jin Kailai and Siqin Gaowa are all experienced actors, plus Shen Long ’s Coordination work is also in place, so film shooting is progressing quickly.

Next, it's time to go to the location near the front line. Xie Dao brought the cast members, and Shen Long also brought Hao Shuwen, He Xiaoping, Xiao Suizi, Zhuoma and Chen Can. They will continue to the front line after the filming is completed. Carrying on the next round of condolence performance work, as for Lindin Ding, naturally there is no drama.

Hao Shuwen was not excited when they didn't start shooting, but when they really got to the camera, they were all tense one by one, either their expressions were stiff, or they forgot their lines, or they sang out of tune.

"Stop for a moment." After obtaining permission from Xie Dao, Shen Long approached them and called them, "What's so nervous? You haven't seen the world yet. With so many people under the front desk, you are not afraid, Why are you scared now? "

"Head, that's different. Anyway, I felt nervous when I saw the camera." He Xiaoping Khan came out.

"Don't be afraid, don't worry about the camera, you just treat it as if it didn't exist, just like when you went to the frontline to console the performance." Shen Long comforted, what's so difficult, and it's not that you play other roles, or just perform in person. , "Think about how you were feeling and how did you do it? Just follow that."

"I'll let them cover the camera first, you guys come again." Shen Long found a piece of cloth to cover the lens. Without the camera in his heart, these people were a lot easier.

And the following soldiers who cooperated with the performance are about to step into the battlefield, so they temporarily forgot to play the movie, and one by one returned to the usual nature.

"Good way." Xie Dao gave Shen Longshu a thumbs up ~ ~ secretly let people turn on the camera and shoot them at them.

With this experience, the next big guy's performance will be much smoother, and the shooting at the beginning will soon be completed, and the most critical part will be reached.

This is the scene where the cultural troupe came to see them off. Hao Shuwen, He Xiaoping and others were dancing behind, and a male singer started singing songs. Remember, the troops will start; do n’t cry quietly, do n’t worry about it, when I return from the battlefield, and then visit my dear mother, ah ... ah, I will wipe my mother ’s tears. "

"... How can the jackal be trampled if the camellia is waiting to be released. If I am honorably sacrificed in battle, you will see blooming camellia, if I am honorably sacrificed in battle, you will see beautiful camellia ... .. Camellia will accompany her mother ... "

This is one of Shen Long's episodes for the movie "Goodbye, Mom", and it is also one of the classic military songs of this period. After the birth of the song, many troops will sing this when they are assembled to the front. First song.

As for several other songs, Shen Long has already prepared.

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