All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1506: Bloody style

The second song is naturally "From the beginning". This war made many soldiers become disabled soldiers. What Shen Long did in the frontline hospital can only relieve a few people. If they run all the hospitals once, they rely on them alone. It is estimated that this cultural troupe will not be exhausted, although other cultural troupes are also learning this song, but this is still not enough.

This is not just a problem for disabled soldiers themselves. When they return to society, they have to face the eyes of ordinary people. Therefore, it is also important for these people to know their glorious deeds and understand them.

So Shen Long added this paragraph to the movie. After watching it, Xie Dao was very moved. Not only did he not cut it down, but also took this paragraph as the highlight, and asked a young and beautiful actress to come out as nurse Jiangyan.

I borrowed the hospital in the station and used makeup techniques to make those actors into disabled soldiers. These actors were more professional than Hao Shuwen and He Xiaoping. They immediately entered the state, and the scene became a little lifeless; then Shen Long appeared with a bracket. He did what he did that day.

Cries and laughter sounded successively. The actress ’s confession revealed her true feelings. Xie Dao also nodded, and then Lian Yunwei came out to sing "From the beginning", and the cameraman pulled the scene from the disabled soldiers. Swept across his face, capturing the delicate changes in their expressions.

"Okay! This one is over! Xiao Li has performed well, and Xiao Lian's song is also well sung. After the filming is finished, you will have to go to Modu with us and record these songs again in the recording studio. Xie Dao applauded. The live singing was just to create an atmosphere. The real singing voice still needs to be re-recorded in post-production.

"Yes, it should be." Lian Yunwei quickly agreed, not to mention that this was originally said to be good. He was also happy to be able to go to Modu. Now, young people of this era, who doesn't aspire to Modu?

"Xiao Liu, there is such a good song in both parts. You have to take out the part of the flag-inserted piece that is at least not lost to these two songs, otherwise I will not agree." Hey, this song It is indeed a good song, but Xie Dao is also worried when he is happy. It is the climax of the whole film that Liang Sanxi inserts the flag and the person does not fall the flag. If there is no high-quality song, then The movie is just anticlimactic.

"Don't worry, the song has already been written. Yun Wei and Shu Wen are practicing these days. If you don't worry, I will let them sing to you later." Shen Long said confidently, this song is Chorus of men and women, he arranged for Lian Yunwei and Hao Shuwen to cooperate.

"Go, just today's filming mission is also completed, let's listen to the two of them sing now." Xie Dao was always at ease and could not wait to hear it soon.

After many days of joint training, Hao Shuwen and Lian Yunwei were also ready. They came to the front and picked up the microphone to start singing. Lian Yunwei sang first, "Maybe I say goodbye and will not come back again. Do you understand? Do you understand? Maybe I fell down and will not get up again, do you still have to expect permanently? "

"If this is the case, do n’t sorrow, the flag of the Republic has our blood-stained style; if so, do n’t sorrow, the flag of the Republic has our blood-stained style; maybe my eyes can no longer be opened, do you Understand my silent feelings? Maybe my long sleep will not wake up, do you believe that I turned into a mountain? "

"If this is the case, do n’t be sad, there is the love we give in the soil of the republic; if this is the case, do n’t be sad, the love we give in the soil of the republic; if this is the case, do n’t be sad, there is Our **** style. "

Then Hao Shuwen followed up, "Maybe your eyes can no longer be opened, I deeply understand your silent feelings; maybe your long sleep will not wake up, I will believe you have turned into a mountain; if so, I will not be sad, The soil of the republic has the love we give ... If so, you do n’t sorrow, I do n’t sorrow, the flag of the republic has our **** style. "

The picture that the man did not fall is the most memorable picture in this war, and this "Blood Stained Style" is the most memorable song in this war. 》 It ’s really appropriate to match this picture, and the lyrics are also very suitable for the scene. It is very suitable for the theme of the picture. It is just tailor-made.

"Xiao Liu, it's amazing! This song is so good." Xie Dao applauded with the other members of the crew, and some people even came up with ideas, "We can play this song twice, the first time with the male part. It was released when Liang Sanxi sacrificed; the second time the female voice was used, and when Liang Sanxi's wife Han Yuxiu presented flowers for him, the two places echoed each other. "

"One question and one answer shows the dedication of the heroes and the support of the military and ordinary people to the soldiers. This method is good." Xie Dao listened to this opinion. "Can you talk about any good ideas?"

"I think ..." Xie Dao is a director who is very good at listening to other people's opinions, so the big guy started to speak immediately.

Shen Long also joined in the excitement, "Xie Dao, I also have some thoughts about Liang Sanxi's sacrifice. Of course, it is just some opinions of the layman, and I don't know if it is right, don't you see it."

"Xiao Liu, do n’t you be humble? Although you have n’t studied movies, but you have been in stage dramas, there are some similarities between the two. Do you have any opinions? Not like a soldier! "Xie Dao laughed.

"Eh, then I will say, I think this lens can be expressed in black and white?" Shen Long said.

"Black and white pictures? At that time, the technical level was not enough, and there was no way to make black and white pictures. Now that there is color film technology, why do you want to use this?" The photographer asked puzzled.

"In fact, not all black and white pictures are used." Shen Long took a piece of paper and simply outlined the sub-lens script. "You should look at the picture of this lens."

Everyone nodded. Shen Long took another red pen, and painted the red flag red, and added some points to Liang Sanxi. These were the places where the shot was injured. "The tone of the whole picture is black and white. Only the red flag and Liang Sanxi are in color, which can form a sharp contrast and make the picture more impactful! "

This is the method used by Spielberg in "Schindler's List". The image of the little girl in red is impressive; Jiang Wen also used it in "The Devil Is Here".

"Hey, this method is good!" Xie Dao shot thigh!

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