All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1507: Back to the front

Xie Dao was also a master-level director. He didn't know the advantages of this technique, but he was limited by the times. He didn't expect it for the time being. Shen Long knew this immediately.

"This paragraph uses slow motion, black and white background to express condolences to the martyrs. The red on the base allows the audience to focus more on Liang Sanxi and the red flag, so that the theme is more prominent; then mute, put this" Bloody Style! "Xie Dao immediately thought of the most appropriate expression.

His cheeks are flushed with excitement, and he has outlined this picture in his mind. With this set of lenses, not only the whole movie will go up a step, but his artistic career will also be raised to a higher level. It can be said that there is no Sorry!

"You still say that you are a layman? That layman can come up with such a good way! Haha, Xiao Liu, I think you can be a director!" Xie Dao patted Shen Long's shoulder excitedly.

Do n’t you really say that, I also think I can. I have mixed with Laomouzi and Kaige for so long, and now I have mixed with you again. I used to mix with big directors such as William Wheeler and celebrities in the history of the world. Even the stage dramas have been lined up, and even if the ears are dyed, the routine of being a director is thoroughly understood.

Oops, when would you give me the task of being a director, I also have a fun time, um, I am not determined to be for that reason, and definitely not want to be a director because of some rules.

"The shooting angle can be like this ..."

"The rendering of the scene atmosphere can be taken ..." Photographers, artists, etc. are also addicted to this plan and immediately discuss it on site, hoping to start shooting this group of lenses tomorrow.

However, the crew's shooting plan was prepared step by step. Until the next day, they still had to follow the plan until the final shooting of the war scene. This plan was officially used.

With the help of all the crew and the local garrison, Xie Dao finally completed the shooting work, and he can go back to the magic to go to post-production. "Xiao Liu, we will work overtime once we return, and strive to put this film in the shortest time. Take out the work and dedicate it to all the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who participated in the war and to the people of the whole country. "

"Then thank you guys for your hard work, and I hope you can get the work out soon." Shen Long shook hands with Xie Tao and said another opinion, "Thank you, premiere ... I mean this When the movie was first unveiled, could it be placed near the frontline? Let these fighters see this movie for the first time? "

Shen Long almost talked about leaking. At this time, there was no such thing as a premiere, at least not in China.

"Well, these warriors really should have seen this film in the first batch, and I will bring a copy to them when the time comes." Xie Dao immediately agreed to come down.

His mind is full of post-production, and he did n’t think so much, but there is no shortage of brains in the crew. Someone immediately thought that if it really went to the front line to send movies to the soldiers, those heavyweight media would definitely Come interview? Maybe even CCTV will come. In this case, our crew is in the limelight!

"Head of the team, Xiaoping, then we two will go to the magic capital first. We must get back to work as soon as possible. What are you going to bring?" Hao Shuwen and Lian Yunwei will also leave with them. In the recording of the first episode, if there was a chance to go to Modu before, Hao Shuwen would definitely not have fun, but nowadays, she is a little bit reluctant.

"Do n’t worry, your main task now is to cooperate with Xie Dao. Can you go shopping in Modu for two days after you ’re busy? , You two are also very tired running around. "Shen Long said with a smile.

Sent them away, Shen Long and He Xiaoping, Xiao Suizi, Dolma, Chen Can and others repaired in the barracks for a few days. When they recovered, they immediately returned to the front line and began their condolences performance.

As before, they performed cultural performances for the soldiers while cooperating with the work of the hospital. Compared with the first time they came, the burden on the hospital was significantly lighter.

Shen Long thought about it for two main reasons. The first reason is that as the war continues, our army's strength has been tempered, and it has become more and more dominant on the battlefield. In this case, the number of injured soldiers will naturally be less. The second reason is that the medical conditions of our army are also improving, and the number of doctors coming from the rear is also increasing, so it goes without saying that the medicine is natural.

This is a good thing, Shen Long is also very gratified; according to historical data, in this 10-year war, the casualties of our army are mainly concentrated at the beginning of the war. Decline; followed by sending troops in turn to train at the front.

China regards its opponent as a grindstone for military training, but the other party has to devote national efforts to cope with it. There is no way. This is the gap in national strength. They chose a wrong opponent.

The Chinese side was also calm after winning the war ~ ~ didn't try to occupy the enemy's territory. After destroying the enemy's industrial facilities, it retreated, occupying several strategic points and continuously bleeding the enemy Thus avoiding the dilemma of the US military that year.

Looking back at these historical data, Shen Long couldn't help but want to take a look at the real front line. Although we are from the cultural troupe, since we have all come here, it is a pity not to mix it up. It was because there were other things before. Be busy. Now that the novel has been written, the movie has been filmed, and the new song has been released.

I don't have to stare at myself every day in the hospital. As for consoling the performances, what are Xiaoping, Dolma, and Chen Can leading them, it is better to take the opportunity to take a look at the front?

Well, I ca n’t let the regiment know about it. I dare to go because I have confidence in my strength. If they go there, it will add chaos to the front line. Although there will not be such a large-scale war now, but each other The special war between them was very cruel, and Shen Long did not want to hear any unfortunate news.

Thinking about this, he immediately went to find a familiar deputy commander. His troops are now fighting in the frontline cat's ear hole. He returned the wounded soldiers this time.

After listening to Shen Long ’s request, Deputy Head Liang was hesitant, “Head Liu, this is not a joke on the front line.”

Well, now Shen Long has officially become the head of the group, and the level has been adjusted to the level of the battalion, which is only one level lower than the deputy head; Shen Long understands the idea of ​​the deputy head, after all, he is a cultural troupe. I feel that my military technology is not good enough.

"Otherwise, let's try it on the shooting range first?" Shen Long laughed.

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