All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1512: Confession

What's wrong? It's only a few days since I left? Did something happen in the regiment? He Xiaoping was shocked by Shen Long's appearance, and quickly greeted him.

When he approached him, he hadn't spoken yet, He Xiaoping rushed into Shen Long's arms, hugged him tightly, his head buried in his chest and cried, making Shen Long somehow inexplicable.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Shen Long didn't dare to struggle. He could only hold He Xiaoping so embarrassedly. After another look, Dolma, Chen Can and Xiao Suizi all came over and had originally ran I was very anxious, but when I saw this picture, I quickly slowed down and looked at each other, a little overwhelmed.

"Are you all right?" After crying for a while, He Xiaoping finally came to a halt, raised his head and looked at Shen Long, and his consciousness still touched two behind him.

"It's okay, what can I do? What news have you heard?" Shen Long is still in a cloud of fog, "Yes, what happened to the few of you?"

"No, I heard that there was a war ahead, and the place you went to also participated in the battle. I was worried. I just asked someone when I saw someone passing by. They told me that you came back with the wounded soldiers. I thought You ... "Speaking of this, He Xiaoping realized that he was not doing right now, and his face turned red when he brushed his face, and he flew back with lightning.

"Oh, maybe it was a misunderstanding. I just took a hitchhiker. Since it's all right, let me help!" We are still transporting injured soldiers over there. We said here that this seems a bit inappropriate, Shen Long. They took them to take their hands, helped the wounded soldiers to the hospital, and worked hard for a while before coming out.

"Head of the group, you don't know, since you left, Xiaoping almost waited at the intersection every day, as long as he met the person who came back in front, he should ask you about the situation." Zhuoma said, holding He Xiaoping's shoulder , "Just when she heard that you came back with the wounded soldiers, she thought ... I thought you were wrong, but scared Xiaoping and cried at the time."

"Head of the group, I can also testify." Xiao Suizi looked at them with a smile, "You are worried about our Xiaoping, how can you compensate Xiaoping?" She and He Xiaoping were in a dormitory, and they understood it carefully. Observing, why can't you see that He Xiaoping has long been in love with the leader, and she feels that the leader may not be interesting to He Xiaoping.

At least when I was writing with myself, and when I was with He Xiaoping, there was still a slight difference in the expression on his face, but unfortunately He Xiaoping was a little timid, the leader was always busy, and the relationship between the two had not progressed. Xiao Suizi felt that this was the right time, but made certain things clear.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't go to the front to make you worry. Well, let's drink some wine from the comrades in front. Let's drink it in the evening. It's just to make you guilty." .

Back in the tent, he turned over a bunch of food, and the big guy sat in the tent, drinking and listening to Shen Long talking about the front line. Whenever he talked about those things on the battlefield, He Xiaoping exclaimed from time to time. , "......... How dangerous is that ... Are you okay ... I'm scared to death!" Concern was overwhelming.

"Actually, it doesn't matter much. Squad leader Zheng took care of me very much." Speaking later, Shen Long also felt that it was hard to say much, so as not to worry He Xiaoping.

"Oh, how are they, Hao Shuwen? Did the recording go smoothly?" Shen Long started the conversation.

"It's going well, I see Hao ... Lian Yunwei sent a telegram saying that the recording work has been completed and they all went back to the group. The post-production progress of the movie is also relatively smooth. The above is also very good for this film. Pay attention, turn on the green light all the way, it is estimated that we will be able to see this movie here in a while. "Chen Can replied.

At first, he wanted to say that Hao Shuwen was here. Later, he changed the emergency to Lian Yunwei, a male singer who recorded with Hao Shuwen at Modu. However, he turned a little stiff, and many people heard it. Everyone understood it immediately. Hao Shuwen and Chen Can are getting well, otherwise why would Hao Shuwen send a telegram to him alone?

Xiao Suizi's eyes showed a bit of bleakness, because she also liked Chen Can a little bit, but she was not as bold as Hao Shuwen; in fact, even if she was bold, Chen Can and Hao Shuwen were not only good because she looked good, but more importantly, With the background of Hao Shuwen's family, Chen Can has always been calm, but will not be blinded by love.

Hey, I do n’t have a chance, and Xiaoping and I ca n’t be the same, so Xiao Suizi stood up, “It seems that I drink a little too much, my head is dizzy, Dolma, will you go back to rest with me?”

Dolma received her eyes, then Xiao Suizi's cover hinted to Chen Can and others, so the big guys got up and left, "It's not early, the head of the regiment just came back from the front, it must be hard, it's still early have a rest!"

After a while, the people in the tent were all gone. Only He Xiaoping and Shen Long were left. He Xiaoping lowered his head and was a little flustered at first ~ ~ But slowly, the accumulated Confidence made her raise her head and look boldly at Shen Long's eyes, "Head ... Oh no, Liu Feng, I have something to tell you."

"Recalling the past few years in the group, probably the happiest time in my life?" He Xiaoping suddenly sighed, "No one here bullies me, no one laughs at me, I finally have friends, Shuwen, There are Xiaoping and Dolma. Compared with the past, I feel like I am in heaven. "

"But ah, people are always unsatisfied. It stands to reason that I should be satisfied now. I'm so happy now than before, but I still want a little more."

"It's okay to say I'm greedy or to say I'm not content. I feel that if I don't say it, I will regret it all my life!" He Xiaoping stepped forward and hugged Shen Long again, "Liu Feng, I like you , I ca n’t say when it started, maybe I unknowingly fell in love with you, I want to be nice to you ... "

I don't know how long after that, Xiao Suizi and Zhuoma, who were all anxiously waiting in the female soldier's tent, finally heard the footsteps from outside. They quickly got up and took out the flashlight, and then they saw He Xiaoping.

He Xiaoping still has tears on her face, but the expression on her face is so happy, her teeth are exposed, and her eyes are bent into the moon.

This smile came from the heart, Xiao Suizi knew at first glance that she must have encountered the happiest thing, so she hugged Dolma's shoulder and sighed, "Hey, everyone has objects, and it's left Two of us! "

:. :

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