All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1513: Marrying is quite troublesome

"Xiaoping, congratulations." It seems that this is done, and there is no one else. Xiao Suizi and Dolma stepped forward why Xiaoping sent congratulations, and at the same time he felt emotion in his heart, hey, so long, the two of them Finally came together.

"Thank you." He Xiaoping did not deny it, but began to ask Xiao Suizi for help, "Suizi, do you know how to write a relationship report? Do I have to give it to the report first?"

After all, the military is no less than the general place, and the requirements for military marriage are stricter. First of all, military marriage must meet the legal age, and it is best to be married late. They are basically up to the standard.

Moreover, after a cadre establishes a love relationship, he must actively report to the party organization that the military party organization and political organs must conduct the necessary political review of the cadre's love object. This is also necessary; if a serving officer is married to a foreigner, or the same If a person who has committed a criminal law is married, this is an obstacle that must be maintained, and the purity of the army must be maintained.

The cadres below the military battalion apply for marriage and are reviewed and approved by regiment-level political organs; the cadres above the regiment apply for marriage and are reviewed and approved by the political organs at the next higher level; To go to the local marriage registration authority to go through the marriage registration procedures.

Shen Long now happens to be at the camp level. Due to the level of the cultural troupe, he and He Xiaoping still have to apply to the higher authorities if they want to get married, but it does not matter. Ning Political Commissioner is now in charge of him and is also an acquaintance.

"Well, according to the regulations, the officers and soldiers of the grass-roots units must first determine the love relationship half a year in advance and report it to the organization; the love relationship report mainly indicates the personal information and family information of the love partner, which is used for the politics of the love partner in the later period of the army. After reviewing, after reporting to the organization for love, it is allowed to establish a relationship. "Xiao Suizi was a little surprised, and was he thinking about getting married as soon as the relationship was confirmed?

But it is quite reasonable. Both of them know the truth and have worked together for so many years. Now that they have decided to be together, they will definitely think about getting married in the first place. "This report is not difficult to write. I saw it with the political commissar. After that, I will tell you that you just write as you please. "

Back in the tent, Xiao Suizi found a paper and pen for He Xiaoping, and recalled a little bit, "Write a love report at the top, then start a new line, and write to the Political Department of the Cultural and Cultural Regiment: I He Xiaoping, born in that year and that year, what nationality , Where did you come from, when did you join the army, what position are you holding, what is your political outlook. "

"I met Comrade Liu Feng on that day and that day, oh, yes, here I have to write down his specific situation, too, the date of birth, the place of birth, the position, the political outlook, and so on. Then write Through exchanges, mutual affection, emotional foundation and other aspects have been stabilized. With the consent of the parents of both parties, the love relationship is determined; report to the superior for approval, hope to approve; this report, the reporter: He Xiaoping, and finally add the time of the report. "It was originally a very simple thing, and Xiao Suizi retold the whole content with a little thought.

"Ah, parents' consent is required? Then I have to go home again?" He Xiaoping was a little embarrassed, Liu Feng did not have such a problem there, his family was gone, "Also, my dad went out Question, will it affect him? "

"It shouldn't be. What kind of group of people are you and Liu Feng still unclear?" Xiao Suizi also knew the situation of He Xiaoping's family. "Since so many honors have been given to you before, and your application for joining the party has been approved, That means that the organization does not think how serious your dad ’s problem is, is it not rehabilitated already? "

"That's good." Xiao Suizi breathed a sigh of relief, writing the love report word by word according to Xiao Suizi's words, and prepared to hand it to the political commissar as soon as she returned to Rongcheng.

After writing, she asked again, "It means that it will take half a year for the report to be submitted to get the marriage certificate? What procedures do I need to get married?" She thought that since she had to do it, she would do it all at once.

"The marriage application report is similar to the love report. The previous personal situation is exactly the same, that is, the last paragraph is changed to both parties that the time is ripe. With the consent of the parents of both parties, it is enough to apply for registration of marriage." Xiao Suizi continued to introduce. , "Xiaoping, you two have to go to Modu to register again."

"Don't forget to bring us candy at that time." Dolma hugged He Xiaoping, "Oh, so, you are the oldest married in our dance team, and it must be lively and lively."

"Yes, yes, so many of us are working together as bridesmaids." The rest of the girls also coaxed together, but they all knew that there was only one bridesmaid. This position was probably snatched by Hao Shuwen, who let her be related to He Xiaoping. Okay.

"It's not long to think carefully for half a year. We still have to console the performance everywhere. You still have to prepare furniture, appliances, and new houses ~ ~ These things are very annoying to think about. "." Xiao Suizi broke his finger and gave He Xiaoping what to prepare for marriage.

"If you marry someone, that's really a headache, but why wouldn't our head of the house? He can handle the new house and new furniture, and buying electrical appliances is not a problem. The head of the house has a manuscript fee, and his pockets Thick, Xiaoping, you do n’t have to worry about anything, just wait to marry and enjoy the blessings! ”Dolma was actually envious when she said this. She did n’t know what kind of people she would marry in the future.

"Then I will set the date for the wedding this time!" It is estimated that there will be a banquet or something. Dad must be very happy to see me get married; if he used to, He Xiaoping would not want to hold a banquet, and Shen Long secretly obtained the certificate, and returned to the cultural troupe to give wedding candy to the big guy.

But now, she is not afraid of that family anymore, and from the letter sent by her mother to herself, she and her stepfather appreciate Liu Feng more and should not stop them.

Moreover, even if you have an opinion, don't be afraid, as long as he is there, anything can help me solve it! He Xiaoping is full of confidence in Shen Long.

Soon after Shen Long came back, their wave of sympathy members should go back to rest. After the new performance team came to the front, they embarked on the train back to Rongcheng.

Back in the cultural troupe, Shen Long and He Xiaoping gave the love relationship report to the political commissar for the first time. After reviewing it, they submitted it to the Ning political commissar for approval. Good thing, I definitely support it. "

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