All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1514: "The Garland Under the Mountain" is released

Submitted to the regiment, the Ning political commissar naturally will not object. After reviewing it in accordance with the regulations, it was passed. Both sides are soldiers and party members. They have also received commendation and rewards from higher authorities for many times. Together it can be used as a model to promote, so what else is there to say?

"The two of you have just returned from the front line, you can rest for a few days according to the regulations, and just give you two more days to go home to see it. Although your parents have agreed on the phone, such a big thing is justified. It ’s okay to talk face to face. ”The political commissar also gave them a holiday with reasonableness.

So Shen Long took He Xiaoping around and bought some souvenirs from Rongcheng to pick up. All the way to the train to visit her parents, he first found He Xiaoping ’s biological father. He Xiaoping ’s father was a cultural person. Now his daughter is married A person who can write something, and this person looks reliable, what else is he dissatisfied with?

He personally cooks two dishes for Shen Long, and the two drank the wine. He Xiaoping ’s father told Shen Long about He Xiaoping ’s affairs while he was drinking. Labor reform, no time to take care of Xiaoping, this child has suffered a lot. I ca n’t help it anymore in the labor reform farm. Until she wrote a letter saying that she had arrived at your cultural troupe, and I took care of you, I just put a little snack. "

"Now Xiaoping has grown up and has grown up, and I have found such a good person for you, and I have nothing to worry about. After getting married, you two can definitely live a good life; Xiaoping, Liu Feng since being After you have led, you must be busy with your work. You have to take care of his life. Liu Feng, my girl is not so confident. You usually pay more attention to her emotions. If you find any problems, you should ask them in time, so that she will not do anything. All suffocated in my heart. "

He Xiaoping also cried with his father. Shen Long nodded and remembered her father ’s words one by one, "You can rest assured that I can definitely take care of Xiaoping; I do n’t have a family now, and you will retire in the future. , Just move in and live together, Xiaoping and I can take care of you too. "

Shen Long, the mother of He Xiaoping, is not worried. They find a good man, and they can enjoy the retreat even if they do n’t work. They take care of them properly. She also has children there, so do n’t worry about having no one to care for. He Xiaoping's father was a bit lonely, and he wouldn't be worried if he was left here alone.

Heard Shen Long ’s statement, He Xiaoping cast his eyes gratefully. In fact, she had thought about this, but she was embarrassed to speak, who would like to drag on for more than one reason? Shen Long didn't care about this, didn't he just feed an old man, and on his terms, he wouldn't be afraid of a few more.

Lived in He Xiaoping's father's house for two days, leaving something behind. As a result, He Xiaoping's father stuffed them with more things. They went to He Xiaoping's mother again and saw her mother and He Xiaoping's stepfather's family.

This meeting was very different from when He Xiaoping was at home. The attitude of the whole family was greatly changed. The stepfather gave thumbs up to Shen Long, "I heard that you just got a first-class merit, or got it on the battlefield. Are you a good soldier! "

"You are far from your uncle, I heard Xiaoping say, when the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation ..." Shen Long responded with a smile, He Xiaoping's stepfather was an old revolution, and then followed the liberation of the magic capital. 'S army came to the city and then stayed.

"Haha, she told you all these things?" Old people love to remember the past, especially in the most glorious moments in life, the old man heard laughter, "This girl is always dumb when she is at home, I I thought she didn't know! "Even taking his impression of He Xiaoping was a lot better.

"Boss, take out the Maotai you sent me with Uncle Xu. I want to have a good two cups with Xiao Liu." The treatment was also directly upgraded. Two soldiers from different eras talked about Maotai on the battlefield.

Shen Long was also an experiencer of the two wars that year. He continued to add various details along the words of the old man, and said the old man happily, "... Yes, right, this was the first thing, oh, it ’s hard for you young People, remember clearly what we old men did in those days. "

The old man is happy, that marriage is not a problem, he waved his hand, "Xiaoping is also my girl, don't worry about the banquet. I will arrange it to ensure that it is lively and busy. You two will come back on leave when the time comes! When the time comes, I will let those old men look at it. I have found a good son-in-law! "

Is so young that he is at the camp level, but there is also a first-class merit, several second-class merits and third-grade merits, bringing out a team with honorary titles, whose young people are more than their son-in-laws? Well, the old man wanted to host the wedding, not only because Shen Long coaxed him happy, but also to show up in front of the old guys.

This person is old, can't compare with who has more parts intact, who lives longer, and whose children are more productive? It can't be compared to others ~ ~ Shen Long promised to be simple, but privately gave the wedding banquet to He Xiaoping's mother. He Xiaoping was not his biological child after all. Really let the old man pay the money, and those of his biological children will certainly blame; in this way, the face of the old man has been treated, and the children of those children are not lacking in money.

After busy with this, Shen Long took He Xiaoping to the big shopping mall of Modu, bought some clothes for her, and supported her with a manuscript fee. Shen Long ’s economic conditions were better than most people today.

"No, both of us are soldiers. It's enough to wear military uniforms. Why do you buy these?" Although he looked like it, He Xiaoping was not willing to waste Shen Long's money.

"Isn't it time for a vacation? It's not convenient to go out wearing military uniforms, and it's easier to shop in a few casual clothes." Shen Long bought the clothes and jewelry uniformly and couldn't allow her to refuse.

He Xiaoping also bought Shen Long's two men's clothing and leather shoes with his own allowance, and he was satisfied; Shen Long was also very happy. In fact, he didn't care about this, but he didn't care about the other party's heart, he wondered Lin Tingding probably won't do this.

After shopping, he went to the Modu Film Factory and met with Xie Dao. He looked at the progress of post-production and made a few comments. The two returned to the cultural troupe.

After going back, when they were about to go to the frontline to console the performance again, Xie Dao came from Modu. The "garland under the high mountain" has been completed. He will go to the frontline with Shen Long and show it to the soldiers!

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