All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1515: I'm angry

At the time of the official broadcast, the head of the military region came to the curtain to speak to all officers and men, "Comrades, today we would like to thank the comrades of the Modu Film Factory for bringing us a new movie about the war. Movie! At the same time, we would also like to thank our model art troupe and our local garrison for their contributions to this movie, everyone applaud! "

Wa la la la, there was a round of applause. The big guys had n’t watched movies before, but those movies told people ’s stories. Now that they have a movie that tells their own stories, they feel extra novel and expect.

"Tell us, what is this movie about?" There were also soldiers who wrote Xie Dao and they filmed. These people have become the focus of everyone's attention. Before the movie started, the comrades asked in a small voice. .

"Don't you say it all, we are talking about our fight." The soldiers who cooperated with the show scratched their heads embarrassedly. "They stopped for a while while filming the movie. They stood there and said a few words to change places. I don't know. What is the story, you will see it later. "

Xie Dao, Shen Long and others also took the stage one after another and gave a speech. Then the movie officially started. The lights dimmed, and a beam of light hit the curtain from the top of the soldiers, revealing the magic city film studio. Logo.

Shen Long they have returned to the front row at this time. They sat next to the head of the military region, and watched the movie together with the head. The head saw this film for the first time. He groaned dissatisfiedly, "This looks like a soldier!"

However, he did not blame Xie Dao, because he did see this kind of person in reality, and was quite dissatisfied with it. When he saw that Zhao Mengsheng ’s mother Wu Shuang helped him with his contacts, the head was even more upset because he He also received a similar call, but of course he refused mercilessly.

The chief's face continued to slacken until Liang Sanxi appeared. "Well, this is a good soldier, this guy played a bit of fun, like a soldier."

Lv Xiaohe quickly nodded his head and relieved himself a little, since even the head of the army said that he acted like that, it should be appropriate. This period of time was not hard.

The war started. After struggling for a while, Zhao Mengsheng followed Liang Sanxi and they were ready to go to the front line. The head nodded, "Isn't this kid completely saved?"

Then the cultural troupe sent off these soldiers and sang the scene of "Goodbye, Mom". The head heard a lot of emotions, "Xiao Liu, this song is very good, did you write it?"

Dear, if you are in the movie theater, you will be beaten while watching movies while talking, Shen Long vomits secretly, but no one here dares to beat him, and the soldiers behind are also talking about the plot in a low voice, he whispered He replied, "The lyrics were written by me, and the song was written by Fang teacher of our regiment."

"It's not bad, I will give back a few copies of the music scores, and I will let the soldiers of the troops learn." The chief exaggerated and continued to stare at the screen.

When they reached the front line, they saw the tragedy of the wounded soldier in the hospital, and Zhao Mengsheng was a little shaken. He said this on the phone with his mother. The mother was more worried and called the Chief Lei directly, requesting Chief Lei to take Zhao Mengsheng. Transferred to the rear, Captain Lei criticized this behavior at the conference without a name.

Then he personally came to the hospital to congratulate the wounded soldiers. He found that the emotions of the other soldiers were not bad, except that the disabled soldiers were very unstable and worried about their future; when Chief Lei had a headache, Hao Shuwen and others appeared again. Taking brackets to teach these disabled soldiers, Lian Yunwei sang "Restart from the beginning" to reawaken the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

"I just saw it in the newspaper and listened to people talking about it, and now I understand that your work was really good." The head began to praise Shen Long again. "I have also been to the frontline hospital, disabled. The warrior has also seen it. I ’m not afraid of your jokes. I did a lot of ideological work and did n’t make sense, or your work is better. ”

"Are we doing this professionally? The revolutionary division of labor is different." Shen Long said modestly, he was not proud of it, "but then again, it is more than a song to protect the lives of these disabled soldiers. That's it. "

"Yeah, we have to cooperate with each other and need a lot of financial help, but our country has no money now!" The Chief Minister couldn't help but sigh.

"Since the country is difficult, we can't all count on the country and we must promote self-reliance. Regarding this issue, I think of a way to report to you after the movie is finished." Shen Long also understands that with the current economic conditions, it is true There is no way to treat these soldiers too well.

"Oh, I still have my appetite." The chief smiled at him and refocused on the movie.

The movie gradually entered the climax, the battle started, and the war scene starred by real soldiers was very real ~ ~ When the gunshot sounded, the following soldiers subconsciously wanted to touch the gun.

Seeing this scene, Shen Long murmured secretly. Fortunately, I had thought of it for a long time. Let the troops put the guns in advance. Otherwise, they might encounter the situation of Chen Xiaoer and his father Chen. When I played "White Hair Girl", I was almost shot by a gun. No one is on the stage, but it's not good if the screen is broken.

When Liang Sanxi sacrificed, there was a cry of tears at the scene. These soldiers were for Liang Sanxi, but also for his comrades who sacrificed. The red flag that did not fall was deeply burned in their minds.

The chief's eyes also turned red. "It's a good soldier, a good soldier, it's a pity to sacrifice."

As the movie came to an end, the scene of Liang Sanxi ’s mother ’s debt repayment caused another wave of tears. Shen Long took the opportunity to say to the chief, "I heard that there are many martyrs in trouble at home. After their sacrifice, their parents even came to the martyrs’ cemetery to take a look No travel expenses. "

The chief just wanted to say something. The movie was over, the lights turned on again, and all the soldiers stood up collectively, applauding this wonderful movie.

Xie Dao took the creative staff to the stage to pay tribute, seeing the soldiers respond so enthusiastically, they all know that this movie is absolutely hot.

After the tribute, Hao Shuwen, Lian Yunwei and others went on stage to prepare the performances for the soldiers. At this time, the chief had no intention to watch. He greeted Shen Long, "Why don't you just say it when it's halfway? Let's go with me Say it and see what you have done. "

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