All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1517: concert tour

"Go, you go back now to bring the information, go to the command with me, and make a report to the superior. Commander Zhang is now in the command, just to report to him." The chief was an impatient man, hurried Shen Long quickly action.

Shen Long went to He Xiaoping and Xie Dao, and they took the documents he had prepared and got into the chief's car. They rushed to the headquarters overnight and saw Commander Zhang.

After the war began, the commander-in-chief on this front was originally Commander Yang, but Commander Yang was not in good health. The specific combat plan was prepared by Commander Zhang, and most of the commands were directed by him; Commander Zhang was from the War of Resistance Against Japan The War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea have been fighting until now. It is one of the longest generals in the history of our army engaged in combat command.

Now due to the special circumstances, he has also served as the leader of Yunnan Province. This kind of work, which involves both military and political aspects, is perfect for reporting to him.

Shen Long saw this 60-year-old general, but unfortunately he had been fighting in Jin province in the world of "Sword", and General Zhang had never met in Jiangnan.

"Oh, Comrade Xiao Liu, I have watched the movies you made. They are very good and commendable; and the songs you wrote before are also very good." After meeting Shen Long, General Zhang first praised Took him a bit.

He had watched the movie in advance, and Shen Long was not surprised at all. After the movie was made, he must first get their approval before showing it to the soldiers. After a few words of humility, the chief who brought him over took this The purpose of the visit was a brief report to General Zhang, "... The specific plan for Xiao Liu has been drawn up, starting with Spring City, then going to Rongcheng and Lincheng. According to Xiao Liu ’s expectations, this plan can help We raised much-needed funds. "

"The country owes these soldiers too much." General Zhang sighed. "You are good, I think, not only your cultural troupes are going to join in, other cultural troupes can also perform the same charity performances near their station; principles I support your plan at the time, I will report to the central government, and strive to let more comrades on the arts and cultural front join. "

"I remember when I hit American devils, there were similar activities in China. Old artists like Chang Xiangyu and Tan Xiaopei raised a lot of money for us. Chang Baokun, the descendant of Chang's crosstalk, even sacrificed to go to the frontline During the performance. "General Zhang remembered that year.

"Xiao Liu, can you think of this way is good! You go back to prepare first, I will report to the superior as soon as possible for approval, and then call the comrades of Chuncheng, let them prepare for the work, wait for the notice to come to you The soldiers who can bring the cultural troupe to perform in Spring City! "General Zhang made a decision.

"Also, the training teachers can also be selected in advance, and the problems of the venue should also be planned early." Other heads added, "In this way, you can start immediately after the first charity charity is in place."

"Well, now some soldiers are ready to go home after being injured. Let them all stop and wait for the skills to be learned before going back. The disabled soldiers who have returned home should also notify them as soon as possible, reimburse them for the travel expenses, and let them come back. Study. "The big guy talked for a while, and the general plan for this matter came to fruition.

After the report, Shen Long returned to the cultural troupe, and together with Hao Shuwen, Xie Dao and He Xiaoping, they took the film and ran around to show the soldiers.

After the performance was over on this day, a correspondent found Shen Long and sent General Zhang ’s latest order. The central leadership had approved their plan to let them immediately go to Chuncheng for the first charity performance. Shen Long studied and cooperated with local governments to hold charity performances to raise funds for these soldiers.

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task! I will go back to arrange this and rush to Chuncheng tomorrow morning." After receiving the order, Shen Long immediately went back to greet He Xiaoping, Hao Shuwen and others to prepare, and at the same time sent a member of the group left behind Telegram, let them rush to Spring City as soon as possible to cooperate with the performance.

When they arrived in Chuncheng, they had seen the publicity information about the charity show in the local newspaper. The venue of the performance was arranged at the Tuodong Stadium. Although the current Tuodong Stadium has not been renovated, it can also accommodate tens of thousands of spectators. Shen Long I'm also worried that the venue is too big and the tickets will not be sold out.

As a result, the local comrades told him that since the news of the charity performance was published, people have been constantly asking when to start selling tickets. According to their expectations, let alone 10,000 tickets, even 30,000 or 50,000 tickets will work. Sold out, "Our people in Spring City are very supportive of soldiers, and it is not easy to enjoy such high-level cultural performances, and the big guys are very enthusiastic."

Shen Long They came to the site for a rehearsal after a short break. When the ticket sales officially started, there was a long queue at each ticket office. Everyone knows how to get a peaceful life in the rear ~ ~ Not only did more than 10,000 tickets be swept away, but the fund-raising boxes at the ticket office were also filled with several.

The performance officially began, and the members of the cultural troupe went on stage one after another, sending them "Bloody Style", "Goodbye, Mom", "Green in the Army", "Fifteen Moon" and "Cavalry Company, Charge ! "And other classic shows, but neither Hao Shuwen or Lian Yunwei are the most popular in this show.

The most popular program is "Restart from the Beginning" brought by a disabled soldier. Although his singing is not as good as Hao Shuwen and Lian Yunwei from a professional point of view, when he saw this man wearing military uniform and full chest The soldier with the medal came out, and all the audience stood up collectively, sending him stormy applause.

At this moment, Hao Shuwen, He Xiaoping, Lian Yunwei and Dolma could not compare with this soldier. This was also arranged by Shen Long. On this occasion, when such a hero appears, there is no doubt that Greatly arouse the emotions of the audience.

They performed three times in Spring City, and they did not satisfy the desire of the people of Spring City to watch the show. If the tickets for the Rongcheng show were all sold out, the leaders of the local relevant departments had to leave Shen Long.

After returning to Rongcheng, they were also warmly welcomed by the local people. The venue was full, and the funds raised were also turned up.

After three performances in Rongcheng, they moved to Lincheng in the neighboring province. The tour of the cultural troupe was very popular everywhere. They just got off the train and were surrounded by the people who were heard.

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