All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1518: Employment Training Center

Shen Long, when they came to Lincheng, enjoyed the treatment of the future emperor. In addition to the lack of cultural life in this period, more importantly, the people ’s support for the military, especially when the border is now fighting, they The enthusiasm for the soldiers grew even higher, shouting the name of the disabled soldier.

They almost blocked them at the gate of the station and couldn't get out. They were sent by a lot of local policemen to help them out of the crowd. After getting on the police car, these policemen took out pens and papers and asked them to help sign .

This situation happened in many cities at the same time. After the success of Shen Long, the cultural troupes in other places also quickly carried out charity performances and learned their appearance. They invited soldiers who made contributions to the front line to participate in the performance. Soldiers who have gone to war come to the scene to tell the story of what happened on the battlefield.

These stories are true. Sometimes the soldiers on the stage cried, and the following cried, but the effect was very good. After watching the performance, the donation box placed on the spot The audience was moved by the crowd, and then the money was sent to the border, and at the same time began to build a re-employment training center for disabled soldiers.

Also strongly supported these at the local level, and mobilized technical experts to train these soldiers; when the first training institution in Yunnan Province was completed, Shen Long was called here again to attend the opening ceremony.

"I thank you for these heroes who have contributed to the country! If you hadn't figured out the way of the charity show, we still don't know when we would start this booth." General Zhang attended the ceremony in person and shook hands when he met Thank you, the reporters of the central media next to each other took photos and this picture will be broadcast in the evening news.

After a brief greeting, General Zhang came to power and began to speak to the first batch of soldiers who participated in the training, "You were all injured in order to defend the motherland. It stands to reason that the country should support you for life, but ah, everyone knows that now the country The economic conditions are difficult, and I ca n’t give you too good treatment; but now it ’s okay. Only with the help of our comrades on the literary front and the support of the people of the whole country, can we have this reemployment training center for disabled soldiers. ”

"There are only so many teachers, only such a school." General Zhang reached his finger to the rear, which was temporarily rebuilt using an abandoned place in the local area, made a simple painting, connected with water and electricity, and transported some canopy beds The conditions are relatively shabby, but there are everything that should be available. All the desk blackboards and teaching equipment and consumables were bought with the money raised by Shen Long. They are now installed and ready to use. Too.

"I hope everyone can study hard here and learn how to do it well. Even if I go to a place in the future, I can support myself and my family with our skills! You tell me, can you do it!" General Zhang shouted.

"Can do it!" The soldiers from the audience responded loudly. Seeing this scene, General Zhang couldn't help but recall the scene in which he mobilized the troops to fight on the front line. At that time, he also asked this question, and then these heroic The fearless soldiers really knocked the devils back, not only regaining the land, but also causing huge damage to the enemy.

After General Zhang finished his speech, a representative of a disabled soldier walked up to the stage and began to use himself as an example to tell him how he was desperate after being disabled, how he was awakened, and revived his fighting spirit, "... If we are soldiers, we must have the spirit of not accepting defeat. If we can win the devil, we can certainly overcome our physical defects! "

"I'm learning how to repair electrical appliances like radios and TV sets. I'm okay. After graduation, I will go back to my hometown and use the disability pension that the army gave me, as well as the help that the cultural troupe has performed for us. A small stall to repair electrical appliances; we do not cause trouble to the country, we can not only feed ourselves, but also live a good life ... "

The payment is also the welfare that Shen Long helped them, which is equivalent to interest-free loans. After their business is on track, the money will be returned to the department that issued the payment, and then the department will use these funds to help those who need help. soldier.

In fact, it is not that they have no money to send to them, but they feel that people still have a little pressure. With the pressure of repayment, these military personnel will seriously think about how to do their own small business well and make more money; when they are really Once you have made money, it is not a big deal to return this payment, but you can also give the money to someone who needs it more.

In case of bad luck or something, if you do n’t get the money, you wo n’t be chasing them and will help them find a new way out and provide them with a second payment.

If you are facing ordinary people, Shen Long may not dare to do so, because it is difficult to guarantee that those who ca n’t help the wall will come over and over again, take the payment to eat and drink, and then continue to ask for it ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ But he believes that the soldiers will definitely not be like this. They are the most sturdy people, and some do n’t even plan to ask for the money, but plan to raise money by themselves after going back to support the small stall, in their words. That is, the money is still reserved for those who need it more. I can learn the craftsmanship is satisfied, and we will not cause trouble to the country.

After the simple opening ceremony, this re-employment training center officially started classes. A famous soldier chose his own craft according to his specific situation. Some learned to repair home appliances, some learned massage and massage, and some learned to prepare herbs ... They all learn very seriously, because they know this opportunity is not easy to come by, they want to master a skill that can make a living through their hard work, and lead their families to live a good life.

Under Shen Long ’s proposal, in addition to pure technical teachers, he also invited some successful stall owners to tell these soldiers the secrets of doing business, how to greet customers with smiles, how to operate in good faith, and how to better serve customers. Wait, doing business is not just about craftsmanship.

In addition, people from various departments came to tell them what process they should take when handling related businesses, such as what to do when renting a storefront, how to deal with business licenses, and what policies the country has recently benefited them. The representative of the local armed forces came out to speak. If they felt these troubles, the armed forces could do it for them, as long as they took the veteran certificate and went to find them.

Seeing this, Shen Long was finally relieved. As long as it was not particularly unlucky, with such careful preparation, these disabled soldiers might have a better life in the future.

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