All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1523: Lindin's misfortune

Lin Dingding wore military trousers and a red plaid coat with a bright head, and a thin ponytail appeared to be incompatible with her age. The little girl had better keep this hairstyle, but she has been married for a long time now. Then it seemed a bit immature; Linding changed a lot, but they recognized it at a glance.

"Yeah, Xiaoping and Liu Feng are also here." Lin Dingding's title to Shen Long also changed. She used to call the leader when she was in the regiment. In fact, Xiao Suizi just called the name just now. It's just that Shen Long can feel the two people's tone is completely different, one person is intimate, the other is a little proud.

After saying hello, Lin Dingding began to complain about Xiao Suizi, "Are you a big writer now, have you forgotten all of us small people?" Compared with those years, Lin Dingding has become a bit bitter.

Xiao Suizi smiled and did not speak. Everyone in her capital knew that Lin Dingding would have come if she wanted to find her. As for her, she might not even be able to enter the courtyard. The local people did not invite them, so how could they rashly visit?

Lin Dingding looked at the bookcase that was skewed because of too many books, and then went to the writing desk. There was only two elbows. There were papers on the left and right. A large stack of manuscripts was buried in the thin dust. Two books have been published, which is considered to be a great achievement among the younger generation of writers, but by reading these materials and manuscript paper, we can understand that Xiao Suizi deserves his grades.

Lin Dingding browsed slowly, but she picked up the books or manuscripts and put them down. She could n’t read them. “I heard people say that you have two books, what award did you get, I want to see if I can I can't write my story. "

Shen Long and He Xiaoping smiled at each other. She didn't even know what book Xiao Suizi wrote and won any award. How can you say that? You have to pretend if you come to help? She didn't ask Shen Long to write songs for her. It was estimated that she felt a little bit in her heart, knowing that she wouldn't move Shen Long.

Xiao Suizi did not agree or refuse, but turned the topic off, "It's almost time to eat, everyone is not easy to come, I invite everyone to have a meal, but our unit canteen is not comparable to the chief small stove, Tintin you can Don't disdain! "

Lin Dingding just smiled. She was not pleased at home. Instead, she spent more time on the walk outside. The chief director Xiaozao really didn't eat much.

The four people went to the cafeteria together. Xiao Suizi asked everyone about their tastes. They bought five or six dishes such as steamed lion head, dried bean curd and dried pork, and bought a donut for her at the request of Linding. By the way, Lindin Ding ’s habit of eating desserts and snacks has not changed at all.

But her original childishness, she did n’t know whether it was true or not, she had disappeared, became ... became vulgar, and she shed tears when she was eating Lin Tingding, Xiao Suizi was a little flustered, what the **** is going on? ? "Don't be here, don't be here, go back and cry again."

Originally Shen Long and He Xiaoping planned to leave after eating, but it was not appropriate to see this scene and left immediately. Anyway, Lin Dingding was also He Xiaoping's roommate, so they went back to Xiao Suizi's house again.

Crying in Xiao Suizi's arms for a while, Lin Dingding said, "He wants to divorce me, Wang Jianghe wants to divorce me."

Wang Jianghe is Lin Dingding ’s husband, the child of the chief executive ’s family. Xiao Suizi asked why Wang Jianghe wanted to divorce Lin Dingding. Lin Dingding only said that he could not get along with several of the Wang ’s daughters-in-law and daughters. said.

Just begged Xiao Suizi to give her the lead, "Suizi, please help me write an essay, exposing their family to a high-ranking position and bullying me, the daughter of the civilian family."

Xiao Suizi only smiled bitterly. She is now the creator of Zhenglian. How big can she be for her? And I am afraid that things are not just like Linding?

He Xiaoping secretly pulled Shen Long ’s clothes. She did n’t want to listen to other people ’s privacy. Shen Long got up and excused herself to have a meeting in the afternoon and turned away.

After returning to Rongcheng, Shen Long put the matter aside, until Hao Shuwen came back from the south, he and He Xiaoping learned about Lin Dingding's current situation.

"Lin Dingding and Wang Jianghe have left." Hao Shuwen's tone was a little disdainful and a little gloating, "She, do you think Wang Jianghe and the photography officer and the doctor are fooling?"

"Well, Wang Jianghe's temperament is a bit soft. It's actually quite easy for Linding Ding to want to coax him, but Wang Jianghe has father and mother and brother-in-law. They are a little bit blind to Linding." Hao Shuwen is also in the compound. The children, plus Chen Can has been doing business all these years, not many people who come from him are familiar, so Hao Shuwen still knows about Lin Dingding's situation.

"This kind of person finds a daughter-in-law, either the right person or the family can help the family, even if you can't help yourself with too many men ~ ~ Don't hold back?" Hao Shuwen analyzed, " But for Lin Dingding, if you ca n’t read, you ca n’t do good work. When you were in the group, you still looked a little bit timid and shy away when you were at home. Who likes to have such a daughter-in-law? "

"It's just that. You are staying at home and staying steady. Anyway, their family is not able to feed Lin Dingding, but she is good, she ran outside and went to the cave? Someone said to the Wang family when they went back outside. However, it was not enough to make the Wang's grandfather angry, and Lin Dingding was humiliated.

Perhaps this is the real reason why Wang Jianghe wants to divorce Linding? He was a younger brother in the courtyard. His daughter-in-law ran outside to go for a hole show. It was so shameful to say that the outsiders saw him. I was afraid he might not even be able to feed his wife.

Hey, Lin Dingding, this is a good card that is playing badly. Shen Long shook his head secretly. Originally, he was wondering whether he was going to clean up Lin Dingding and give a breath for Liu Feng. Now it seems that it is no longer used. The end is unfortunate.

"So how is she doing now?" He Xiaoping asked curiously, divorced and no job, Lindin Ding's life must be very difficult, right?

"She, she has now moved out of the Wang family and rented a house outside with the money earned by walking away. She is asking her baby aunt to help her find a suitable object. The child is at least an overseas Chinese. Southeast Asians are not to be ignored. They are not European and American. "Hao Shuwen said vividly, and her eyes were full of disdain," Look what she can find! "

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