All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1524: return

After a few days, Shen Long and He Xiaoping went on a business trip to the south, just to the city where Hao Shuwen is now. So after the meeting was over, the two planned to visit her together.

After changing their casual clothes, the two went out of the hotel together and planned to take the bus. Who would have thought that just after coming out of the hotel and not yet at the bus station, he heard a rapid motorcycle roar behind him, Shen Long immediately Being alert, he knew how chaotic the city was during this period.

He Xiaoping was guarded in front of his right hand, and then turned around quickly. I saw a motorcycle speeding towards him. The driver was wearing a helmet and a ten-year-old child was sitting behind him, stretching towards Shen Long. On the right hand, if he had not kept He Xiaoping in his arms, the child's hand just caught He Xiaoping's bag.

Shen Long was n’t worried about He Xiaoping ’s bag, but the speed of the motorcycle was so bad, it would be bad if he pulled people down. It ’s obviously not the first time this kind of thing was done if they acted skillfully. It was enough to meet it. Since she couldn't let it go easily, Shen Long glanced around, struck like a lightning, and hit the motorcycle driver's rib with a punch.

Only listened to the bang, the motorcycle turned a corner and hit the front wall, the driver and the child fell down, and Shen Longli immediately held them down.

Someone robs, who can help call the police! Shen Long greeted immediately, but most of the people on the side were timid and afraid, and it took a while for someone to secretly call the police.

what happened? The police asked immediately after coming.

Shen Long didn't like to be a pig or a tiger, and directly showed his ID. I came here for a meeting. I wanted to go out to meet a friend. As a result, I just met someone flying and grab a bag. Maybe I was injured.

Good head! The police immediately saluted Shen Long, and he even recognized He Xiaoping. Oh, aren't you the one who performed the members of the cultural troupe in "The Garland Under the High Mountain"? I used to be a soldier and also on the front line. Your movie was really good!

Now that I know it, the next thing is much easier to handle. The police took the two people back to prison, simply made a transcript, and even finished to Shen Long to guarantee that these two are habitual offenders. You helped us this time. Busy, as soon as the results come out, I will report to you immediately.

After hearing that Shen Long was going to visit friends, he also sent a car to send them to Hao Shuwen. When she met Hao Shuwen, she was surprised. Hao Shuwen had more plays than He Xiaoping in "The Garland under the High Mountain".

Hey, you said why did you film the movie so well that I was often recognized on the street when I walked on the street. Hao Shuwen complained, but in fact he was not happy, and a flower blossomed on his face.

Come on, Doudou, called Uncle and Aunt. Hao Shuwen asked her son to call Shen Long and He Xiaoping, and then took them back home. Hao Shuwen's home is very large. Chen Can has now mixed up. He is the first group of land reclamers from the mainland to the coastal area. His family has such a background. There are a few proper ways to do things, so when everyone feels bored to invest in the land reclamation, Chen Can has become the boss of electronic products, with one or two hundred employees.

You did n’t say anything, but said earlier that I let Chen Can wait at home; hey, he is now on a business trip to Xiangjiang, and he wo n’t be able to return in a while. Seeing old friends, Hao Shuwen was very happy.

We will also leave early in the morning tomorrow, and have to go back on time at night, so do n’t trouble Chen Can. He Xiaoping teased Hao Shuwen's child with a smile, come on, Doudou, and give aunt a smile.

Hao Shuwen has a nanny at home. The couple sit in the living room and chat while they wait for the meal to be prepared. I don't know who started it. Everyone talked about Lin Dingding again. Hao Shuwen still talked about her with disdain.

Lin Dingding is married again and has gone abroad. I heard that she asked her aunt to go out again and gave her a list of conditions. The first item is the person going abroad. Wang Jianghe abandoned her because she did not have the qualifications to go abroad. , So she married overseas, there is a layer of 'whatever you fall up to stand up' means.

At the beginning, I heard that she had a good life in Australia. She married a big owner of a chain restaurant and became a wife of Kuankuan; but I asked someone who had been there to inquire, and only then knew that she was playing. The swollen face is fat, but it's actually just a small fast food restaurant. Please don't ask anyone.

what? Can she survive this job? He Xiaoping was a little surprised, Lin Dingding was not such a rough job.

Can't help but also have to endure, she is helpless outside, what can be done? How old is she now? But it's not the little girl that someone else is clamoring for. At this time the meal was ready, Hao Shuwen tossed Lin Dingding aside and greeted them to eat together.

No one said anything about Lin Dingding at the dinner table. They were not friends at all, but at most they were roommates. Just two sentences to know the situation of the other party ~ ~ No need to say more.

After eating, Hao Shuwen drove them back to the hotel and made an appointment to see you next time when they returned to Rongcheng. After seeing Hao Shuwen leave, Shen Long and He Xiaoping went upstairs and returned to their room.

Soon after lying down in the shower, Shen Long finally heard the prompt sound of the task being completed temporarily. He originally thought that Liu Feng and He Xiaoping would lead a happy life. Even if this task is completed, even if this task is a long-term task, then There should also be a node that can return, but even the head of his group did not get permission to return temporarily.

Until today, he heard the long-awaited prompt from his mind, and thought about it a bit. Shen Long felt that Liu Feng was still somewhat resentful to Lin Dingding, right? If it wasn't for Linding, he wouldn't fall to that kind of situation.

But this kind of resentment is not much. I heard that Lin Dingding's life is not as good as expected, Liu Feng was relieved, and Shen Long's task was temporarily completed.

Well, Liu Feng ’s temper is pretty good, and it ’s still a little too honest. If you change to someone else, you have to clean up Lin Dingding hard to be satisfied; Shen Long is too lazy to find Lin Dingding ’s trouble. Lin Dingding, now I feel full of regret, right? Then let her continue to regret it.

Shen Long glanced at He Xiaoping who had fallen asleep next to him and silently chose to return. Anyway, according to the system's prompt, he could still come to this world in the future.

He had been in this world long enough, and he missed his family a bit. A white light flashed by, and Shen Long returned to the courtyard.

:. :

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