All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1526: Go home for new year

It was no one else calling, it was Shen Long ’s mother, who immediately answered the phone, "Hey, Mom, are you and Dad okay recently? Is your home okay?"

"Okay, it's okay, don't worry, I just called to ask, when will you come back? Isn't it about ten years before the Chinese New Year?" The mother asked.

Shen Long could hear that his mother's body was full of breath, and he should be more at ease, and then he patted his head. Oops, I went to do manual work these past few days, and almost forgot the time, if I didn't pay attention It's almost New Year's Eve, there was no way to go to work in the past, I can only rush home and get stuck, now it's different, I have time.

"I'm preparing to go back!" It was closed just a year ago. Anyway, when I opened my own store, I just wanted to pass the time. I don't expect to make money on it. If I close the door, I close it.

"That relationship is good, you can finally come back early." This can make the mother happy, "When will you arrive? My dad and I will pick you up at the station? No need to bring anything, everything at home, as long as Just come back! "

Hey, this is what parents are like. They do n’t want their children to add anything to the family. As long as the children can be safe and healthy, they will be happy. "No need, I'll drive back this time. Your second old man is just waiting at home. I'll prepare the new year, so don't worry about it."

What does Shen Long want now? What precious ingredients are not a problem for him. As for the drinks, Lafite in 1982 and Maotai in fifty years, we have in the mission world.

"It's up to you to listen to you." Mother also knows that Shen Long is getting better now, so she didn't refuse, and she didn't care about these things, "Yes, and, what you said last time ... said that Girlfriend, can you bring it back to meet this time? "

Shen Long held his forehead, hey, no matter which world it was, the mother would urge this. Fortunately, he now has a solution, "You can rest assured, this time, I will bring it back together, and I promise you see."

"Eh, hey, that ’s good, that ’s good, do n’t say it, I ’ll cook for your dad, I ’ll talk about it to your dad, he may not be happy about it What! "Mother hung up the phone cheerfully.

"Alia." Shen Long shouted and stretched her neck, and Aria came out of the room. She has now finished the test leave and is nestled in the room to play games.

"What's the matter? Do you want me to help me?" Arya asked, pointing at the stone blocks, she thought Shen Long asked her to come out to help.

"No, tidy up, come home with me, now it's about ten years before the New Year, I will take you to my house for the New Year!" Shen Long touched Arya's head.

"New Year?" Arya froze for a moment, and her eyes glowed. "Is it the world's grandest festival? I watched it on a video site. It's fun, what do I need to prepare?"

"At least in my country, this is the case; you don't need to prepare anything else, just bring a few pieces of clothes for change; um, I'll go find something, and say it was given to my parents!" Shen Long said.

"Actually, when I came out of the house, I brought something with me. Can you see these as gifts for your parents?" Arya Tengteng ran back to the room and took out a box to show Shen Long, "This belongs to me I have read the treasures of the Internet and said that the first time the woman goes to the home in the south, she must prepare gifts. "

What did you read? Even knowing this, Shen Long glanced at the box, which was filled with jewelry made of gold and gems. This gift was definitely sent to the door!

"It's a little too expensive! And my mother doesn't like to wear too much jewelry." Shen Long flipped it out of the box. "This bracelet is not bad and can be taken back. As for my father's preference for drinking, he gave two bottles of green Give him the wine from Pavilion Island. I brought some when I left Westeros. "

Qingting Island wine is the best wine in Westeros. Sending jewelry to mother and wine to father, this gift is just right.

"Wow, I haven't been drinking this wine for a long time!" Aaliyah looked a little greedy. Although she had drunk a variety of better wines, the taste of her hometown was still memorable, but she still didn't. Open to drink, after all, this is a gift to Shen Long's father.

"I brought a lot. You can take two bottles if you like, and I don't have to worry about drinking. I also brought some grape seeds out. Then we can brew it ourselves." Shen Long smiled at her Too.

"You pack things at home first, and try this kind of bar by the way, but you can't drink too much. When I come back, we will get on the bus and leave." Shen Long still has some friends in Beijing. ?

He first brought a gift to Academician Ma Lin at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave him a hundred-year-old mountain ginseng, greeted him for a hundred years, and heard him talk about the development of several new drugs.

Then I met Shi Pu ~ ~ I sent a calligraphy I wrote, and then went to other friends to shake it for a while, it was almost night.

Returned home, Arya was ready, Shen Long gave her car a trunk full of precious new year goods brought back from various mission worlds, then boarded the car with Arya and drove home overnight.

"I met your parents, what should I say?" Arya was a little nervous. When Shen Long went out just now, she had checked the Internet and knew the special significance of this matter.

"Don't be nervous, my parents are very gentle people, and they won't be embarrassed for you." Eh, it is estimated that I will scold me, saying that I am all so big, and it also harms the little girl studying.

All the way back to Arya ’s various problems, pressing the maximum speed limit of the highway to drive the car fast, it is night, and it has not reached the peak of the Spring Festival. There are not many cars along the way, and they drove very smoothly.

When it was almost time to eat at noon the next day, Shen Long went to his yard and parked the car. Arya was holding a box with bracelets and a bag with red wine. Shen Long was carrying big bags. New Year's goods knocked on the door of his house.

There was a rush of footsteps from the horse in the room. The mother came to open the door and saw Shen Long's face full of joy. "I came back so quickly? I thought I would be here at night! Come in and come in."

Said she stretched her neck to look behind Shen Long, intending to see what her daughter-in-law looked like, and was startled. Why did she bring a foreign girl back?

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