All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1527: What am I doing?


"Shen Long, is this?" The mother looked at Arya blankly. Since Shen Long said on the first day that she would bring her girlfriend back during the New Year, the mother was wondering with her father every day at home. What would he bring? When the girl came back, she didn't expect him to bring back a foreign girl.

"Hello Auntie, I'm Arya, Shen Long's girlfriend. I'm visiting you for the first time, and I'm in trouble!" Arya stepped forward and said hello.

"Oh, Xiao Ai, you speak Chinese very well!" My mother gave up half of her heart when she heard that Arya could speak Chinese. At least I don't have to learn to speak foreign languages. I'm so old. , You can't afford to let me learn this again.

"Mom, people don't have the surname Ai, and Arya's surname is Stark." Shen Long raised his hand and his name was Arya. Is that surnamed Ai? Besides, you bite a little Ai, and it makes me seem like Hou Liangping.

"It doesn't matter, I think Xiao Ai is also pretty good." Aaliya is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. They were also raised in aristocratic families, and they have been eye-catching since childhood. Knowing who needs the best relationship in this family, he immediately followed the tone of his mother.

"You see how many people talk." Shen Long's mother said something warm in her heart. The more she looked at Arya, the more she liked her. "Are you tired along the way? Ask me to say, just sit down If you come back by plane or high-speed rail, why drive? "

"I said, why have you been stuck at the door? Hurry to let the children in!" The father also came out and looked at his mother's helplessness. Hurry to let them in. "I'll come back and bring so much What's the matter? We don't have a shopping mall here, let's say we can still buy it online, let them send it to your door. "

Hey, I can't buy these things in shopping malls and websites. Shen Long put the big bags and small bags at home and put them away, "You sit first, there are still some things in the car, I will get them back immediately."

"How much? I'm going to take the hand!" Father will come out to help, Shen Long Na Ken makes him tired, and quickly ran away, and when he came back with something again, he found that Arya had already been with them. Mixed.

"Uncle, this is a specialty wine from our country. I heard that you like drinking, so I brought you two bottles, and I will open two bottles for you later. Auntie, this is our family's ancestral bracelet. Let me show you Does it look right? "

"How can ancestral things be given to me? But we don't have any other children in our family, so I will store them for you first, and leave it to you later." The mother watched Alia help her to wear her bracelet, " Yo, the size is just right, how do you choose this child? I just put it on! "

Can that be inappropriate? Do I still know how thick and thin my mother's wrist is? How could it be Arya ’s credit? Shen Long is starting to feel jealous. I have been standing here for so long. Why didn't I see anyone take care of me?

"This wine is good, this wine is good, just look at this bottle, this color, you know that it is good wine!" Father is also holding the bottle happily now. In fact, like his mother, he does not focus on these things. It was the person who gave them something, but it was sent by the daughter-in-law. After so many years of looking forward, it was a hope to see her grandson.

"Yeah, look at my memory, I went there with pleasure, and I forgot the time. You sit down and I'll cook for you! Xiaoai, are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat." It took a while for the mother to react and said she was about to get up, but her eyes kept falling on Arya, a little reluctant to leave.

Yes, let me come, Shen Long said speechlessly, "Mom, you still have a conversation with Aaliyah, I will cook, what do you want to eat at noon?"

"Yes, you are better than me." My mother is so happy. Now I can chat with my daughter-in-law for a while. "You are all people who open restaurants outside, and I won't fight you. Now. "

It was n’t like this when I went home a few times before. Did n’t I say that I had to work hard to cook outside? Did I rest more when I came back? Why did it become like this now? If you really have a daughter-in-law, forget it!

Stuffed the ingredients he brought back into the refrigerator, selected a few things that were good for the elderly, and began to get busy. After spending half an hour working, he made a table of dishes and carried them to the restaurant.

"I'll help you!" Arya met and hurried over to help. The two old men smiled at each other and nodded in satisfaction. Well, they know how to distress men and are willing to help with housework. This is a good girl.

At dinner, Arya accompanied Shen Long ’s father to drink two glasses of Qingting Island wine. The mother, who had never been drunk, picked up the glass and drank a little, and then asked the question they were most concerned about, “Yes, When are you going to get married? "

"Well, Mom, Aaliyah is still studying, how can she wait until she graduates?" I just married in the task world? Why are you getting married again?

"Still studying?" The mother stared at Shen Long fiercely ~ ~ You also provoke such a small girl? But since things have happened, and Arya really likes her, the mother can only turn to comfort Arya, "It is not to delay reading, but it does not matter, my child, I know that she will not disappoint you. , Let ’s study hard and wait for graduation as soon as we graduate! ”

"Well, I believe him too." Alia looked at Shen Long with a smile, but the two of you didn't know that he had more daughter-in-laws outside, and I couldn't count them.

"Oh, what are the rules of your marriage there? How many gifts? When should we visit your house?" Although it was still early, my mother had begun to think about these things.

Amount, Arya ’s parents are now gone, leaving her elder sister and cousin and younger brother. What kind of gifts should be given to them? Give embarrassing a "feminine psychological research"? Buy a bunch of Chanel fashions for Sansha? Give Bran an electric wheelchair? This can't be delivered now!

It took me a long time to explain it, and then I dealt with it. When the meal was over, my mother took Arya ’s hand and prepared to go out. “Go, I ’ll take you outside and go, our small place Some are fun, I guess you will definitely not see it when you are at home. "

"Yes, yes, I will go, I will go too." My father also got up to keep up.

Only Shen Long remained speechless, "So what am I doing?"

"You?" The mother looked back and then slapped her head, "Oh, the dining table hasn't been cleaned up yet, you cleaned up the table first, and the dishes and dishes were washed!"

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