All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1529: new task

The latest website: OK, what did you send to your uncle? "Shen Long understands that this is not New Year's greetings, but recognition of relatives, which is to introduce Arya to relatives in her family, meaning to tell them that this is the daughter-in-law of the old Shen family, and everyone will be a family in the future.

"Seal a red envelope, and then bring two bottles of wine and a cigarette in the past, I will help you prepare for a while." Mother said, the gift is also very particular, not the more the better, because relatives and family exchanges are mutual, The other party usually has to send back as much as you send. If you send too much, the other party will be under pressure.

It ’s better to just send red envelopes. It ’s a big deal, just change the red envelopes and send the money back. You ca n’t do that if you send cigarettes and alcohol. You have to change things. For example, if you send Moutai people back to Wuliangye, you send Chinese people back to Huanghe Tower or something.

You have to buy these things yourself. You give them too expensive. Uncle is inconvenient to send to others, so you can only smoke it yourself. Uncle will be distressed. This is what the so-called worldly scholars say.

Of course, Shen Long also understands that if uncle's family encounters something, it is a matter of course to help yourself. In such a place, don't let relatives worry about it.

After waiting for the meal, Shen Long put on a red envelope, carried the cigarettes and wine prepared by her mother and went to visit her uncle's house. When she saw Shen Long with her girlfriend, the uncle's family was also very happy. "Oh, Xiaolong, you have solved a big concern for your parents this time, and they will definitely be happy this year and this year."

"Sister-in-law, your name is the same as the two girls in" Game of Thrones "?" Aunt and Uncle haven't watched "Game of Thrones", but her cousin who is currently studying in college has seen it. When she heard Ai Leah's name became curious.

"Our family was originally named Stark, and then my father liked the song" The Song of Ice and Fire ", and helped me get this name." Aaliyah said that she had negotiated with Shen Long as an excuse. .

George Martin ’s "A Song of Ice and Fire", the first "Game of Thrones" was published in 1996. From this perspective, it is normal to see such a situation. As for the problem of appearance, Arya comparable TV series The cousin in here is much more beautiful, so the cousin believed it immediately.

After sitting at the uncle ’s house for two hours, I had a few drinks with my uncle. At about 9 o’clock in the evening, Shen Long took off with Aaliyah. When she left, her aunt took out a red envelope and stuffed it with Aaliyah, Ai Leah thanked politely and accepted.

Shen Long also told her this long ago. This is the rule of the place. When the new daughter-in-law visits for the first time, relatives will prepare red envelopes. The amount is generally half of the red envelopes they sent.

I went to my uncle's house on the first day, and ran several houses the next day. I went to the uncle's house first, then the aunt's house. The relatives were also very happy to see Shen Long returning with his wife.

Then it continued on the third day. During the period, nothing happened to the dog blood. They were relatives who were close to each other on weekdays. If they were not reliable, they would not be so close, even if someone occasionally spoke out. A little omission, Shen Long's EQ can also easily come back.

After three days in a row, until the fourth day, Shen Long ’s parents packed up and prepared to go back to his hometown with him. This year they planned to spend their New Year in their hometown. As soon as Shenlong paid to help them repair the new yard in their hometown, It has been repaired, but it is much more spacious and comfortable than the house in the county. The new house must have been here in the first year after the renovation.

As for the second point, it was hiding. Since Shen Long helped to start growing tobacco in his hometown, this industry has quickly become the new economic growth point of the county. Therefore, people from government departments often come to visit home since Shen Long. After the news came back, there were more people visiting the house. Who asked him to send it now, who did n’t want to get some investment from him? Their local economy is not very developed, and there are few big bosses of local origin. The presence of any one will attract the attention of relevant units.

Shen Long also understands their ideas. From the perspective of local economic development, these are also necessary tasks, and such visits are also good for his parents. If they encounter something in the future, Yes, can I ask them for help?

But he came back this time just to spend a good time with his parents and take a good rest. Such people will naturally be a little impatient, so it is better to avoid it for the time being, I believe they will understand their meaning and reduce visits. .

Now the Shenjia Village grows the tobacco and the economy has developed, and the lives of all the households are better than before. So when they saw the return of Shen Long, the big benefactor, all the households were very happy and came to visit.

The visits of these people are different from the visits of government units. They are all from their families, so they do n’t have to be so restrained. The big guys get together to chat casually with the dishes of their hometown, and several years old accompanied their parents to talk about past things. , Everyone is very happy.

Then naturally he continued to recognize his relatives. Shen Long took Arya from house to house in the village and ran from the east of the village to the west of the village. Each family sat for a while and left, sending a big red envelope and taking back a smaller one. Red envelopes; but they will not lose money. When the wedding is held, they will definitely return.

"This place is more interesting than the capital ~ ~ It would be nice if I could bring the coward back, so that I could ride it for a walk in the village." Looking at the large area of ​​farmland, Arya seemed Recalling the scene where I followed my father around the territory.

"Maybe I will come back in the future." Shen Long nodded and said, from the environment alone, the countryside is naturally much better than the capital, but the convenience of the capital is also irreplaceable in the countryside. Not to mention, at least after returning home, It is not so convenient for him to seek so many experts for consultation, so at least now, he has no way to leave everything in Beijing and go home.

After returning home, both Shen Long and Arya were a little tired, so they went back to the room early to take a rest. It was also very laborious to walk relatives or whatever.

Hey, the relatives of Shenjia Village are finished, but there are still a lot of nearby villages. They originally came back to rest and relax. Who knows that they are more tired than in Beijing, and repeating the same thing always makes people feel bored. It might as well give me a task or something for me to adjust.

Shen Long was lying on the bed and vomiting. He did n’t know if the system heard his voice. At this time, the reminder of the new task sounded again in his mind.

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