All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1530: "Embroidery Spring Knife"

The latest website: "The letter Wang Zhuyou from" Embroidered Spring Knife "asks you to help him rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, whether it is accepted, please confirm." The system announced a new task, this time it was Zhu You who asked Shen Long to help him realize his wish Prosecution, that is, Emperor Chongzhen of Daming in the future.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, this was the beginning of hell. When he heard this, Shen Long felt a headache. He had not done similar tasks before. Whether it was to go to the Song Dynasty to help Wang Anshi, or go to Datang to save the white-haired soldiers in the Western Regions. , Are to turn the tide and save the dynasty from crisis.

However, although these two tasks were difficult before, they were not irretrievable. The era of Wang Anshi was in the middle of the Song Dynasty. Although the court had various problems, it would not be ill-treated; and after the Tang Dynasty experienced the chaos of Anshi Despite the fact that it was long gone when the concept of Zhenzhen and Kaiyuan was lost, Yu Wei was still there.

However, during the Chongzhen period, Daming suffered from internal and external problems, internal officials were corrupt, party struggles continued, and Jurchens were messing up. In addition, the gods did not act beautifully, but they encountered the Little Ice Age. .

To help Zhu Youzhen realize this desire, it is much more difficult than the previous two tasks, but it is not impossible. At least the starting point this time is much better than the previous two. Shen Long has received a system prompt. The soul was dressed as Zhu Youjian. Once he became king, he could do much more than Wang Anshi and a veteran of the Western Region. He also carried a plug-in. There are also various magical abilities acquired from other mission worlds.

Recalling the movies I saw, Shen Long could n’t help but want to vomit. If Zhu Youzheng was as black as the movie described in the film “Embroidery of the Spring Sword”, then there was nothing like Huang Taiji, this guy is better than Zhu Youjian in history is much more cunning, able to bend, stretch, and kill decisively. Which is as undisputed as Zhu Yujian in history?

So, start preparing now, first watch both movies, and then look for experts related to Ming history to ask about the real historical situation of the end of Ming Dynasty, and finally collect some useful things into the portable space, and then go to the mission world.

However, I have returned home now, my hometown is no better than Beijing, so find so many experts there! At the thought of this, Shen Long had a headache, knowing that he would come back a few days later.

Although as long as they are willing to spend money, experts can always find it, let them come to the small county where they are from all over the country is not a problem, but if you do so, the movement is a bit too big, and you have to continue to go relatives these days Well, I am afraid that there is not so much time to meet these experts.

So, what should I do? Shen Long thought about it and found a solution. It seems that the so-called experts are not the real world. Experts in Ming history can be found in other worlds. Shen Long quickly thought of a suitable person. In the world of "The Name of the People", is Mr. Wu, Qi Tongwei's master and Gao Yuliang's wife, a Ming history expert? Just ask her if you want to ask?

As for collecting information, you can also do things in the world of "The Name of the People". Just send a sentence. Naturally, there is a secretary who helps with the work. What kind of information can I not find?

Thinking of these, Shen Long immediately made a decision, opened the door of time and space and entered the world of "The Name of the People". He first reviewed two films of "Embroidered Spring Sword" with Gao Xiaoqin in the home studio, and then asked the secretary to help I collected information in this area and studied it carefully.

After such a busy day of work, the necessary preparation work was done. Shen Long returned to Handong Province by holiday and came to visit Mr. Wu ’s house. He happened to meet Zhao Dong to take a landing and also come to Mr. Wu ’s house. , A few people haven't seen for a long time, naturally there are many things to say.

Zhao Donglai has also risen to become the leader of the public security system in Handong Province. He sat in the position where Qi Tongwei used to sit in the original TV series, but recently Li Dakang was transferred to another economically underdeveloped province as the leader. This arrangement can play Li Dakang Strengths, the more economically backward the regional problems, the greater the need for reform.

Li Dakang, a small reformer who has gone, naturally has room to play. As long as he does a good job, it is not impossible to go further in the future; it is just that he walked so far that Zhao Donglai lost his backing. His days in Handong Province are a bit different now. That's great.

But it doesn't matter much. His professional ability and personal qualities are nothing to say, and it is not easy to take him directly. Now the ministry intends to transfer Zhao Dong to Beijing to serve as the leader of an important department.

"At your level, it's a good thing to go to the capital. Other people want to ask for it, but why are you still suffering?" Shen Long said with a smile. Zhao Donglai now wants to make progress is nothing more than two choices, or go to politics and law Committee, or go to the ministry, and go to the Political and Law Commission. The road can be a little wider. When you reach the ministry, you can only stay in the public security system for a lifetime. Good thing.

"Don't I just worry about not adapting to the routines in the department!" Zhao Donglai smiled embarrassedly. In fact, he also thinks this is a good choice.

"It's okay, I still have some acquaintances in the ministry. I'll help him inquire about the situation later." Over the years, Shen Long's relations in the ministry ~ ~ There are quite a few who have made rapid progress, let It is not a problem for them to cover Zhao Donglai.

Zhao Donglai and Lu also came to visit Teacher Wu this time, and they simply walked with relatives. They didn't expect to encounter Shen Long. They had an unexpected gain, which made them overjoyed. After chatting for a while, Zhao Donglai also planned to give Shen Long Reporting on his recent work situation, Lu Ke also saw that Shen Long seemed to have something to say to Teacher Wu, so after a few words, he excused himself and had to work quickly to leave.

So there were only three Shen Long, Gao Xiaoqin, and Teacher Wu left in the house. Shen Long first asked about the current situation of Teacher Wu and helped her solve a little problem, and then began to ask her about Tianqi and Chongzhen. Historical facts.

Teacher Wu is worthy of being an expert in Ming history. Without the help of any tools, he answered the questions and solved several mysteries that puzzled Shen Long for many days. He revealed the truth hidden in many historical materials and made Shen Long realize.

Shen Long stayed in Jingzhou for a few days, brought Gao Xiaoqin over to chat with Teacher Wu for a while, and finally completed the preparation work.

After returning to the real world, he went to other mission worlds to fill up his personal space, so he chose to enter the world of "Embroidered Spring Sword".

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