The latest website: There are many ways to dump the pot, for example, as Zhu Youjian did in the movie, just kill everyone who knows this, and put Lu Wenzhao, Guo Zhen, Ding Baiying, Beizhai and others If they were killed, no one would know the truth about Zhu Youjian ’s conspiracy to kill Emperor Tianqi.

In the movie, Zhu Youjian does not have this ability, and can only fake his hands. However, Lu Wenzhao, Ding Baiying and others did not give power to let Shen Lian know the truth of the matter, so that he would be defeated. If Shen Long came out of the horse, there would naturally be no such problem. You can kill all these people.

But this is not a good choice. First of all, this can only cover up the truth, but not maximize your own interests. Second, Lu Wenzhao, Ding Baiying, Beizhai, etc. are the few celebrities who just killed them. It is equivalent to breaking one of their arms and going there to find such a reliable manpower after they ascended the throne?

Moreover, Lu Wenzhao, Ding Baiying and even Shen Lian did not do anything wrong. It was a little bit unbearable to just kill them like Shen Long, which was against the principle of being a man.

Lu Wenzhao is a survivor of the Battle of Thrall. He walked out of the Shura field and climbed to the position of a thousand households. It looked like an old official fritters in the officialdom. He has always dreamed of being able to achieve the goal of the King of Letters, Kuang Fu Daming, revenge for the Daming generals who died in the battle of Salhu.

It's just that he thinks it is simpler, and regards Wei Zhongxian and the **** as the biggest obstacles to the resurgence of Ming Dynasty, which is a bit of a pain. Wei Zhongxian didn't come to power when the battle of Salhu, to say the battle of Salhu Failed, but there were more pots in the culture management system. He hated Wei Zhongxian perhaps because Wei Zhongxian had mastered the political affairs, but he only cared about his own personal interests, but he failed to help Daming resurrect?

He thought that after killing Wei Zhongxian, Daming would naturally get better, but this was taken for granted. Daming is now ill, and it is not a problem that can be solved by solving someone; there must be a revolution from top to bottom. The so-called The revolution is to break an old world and build a new world.

Killing Wei Zhongxian so that Zhu Youjian ascended the throne may be regarded as breaking the old world, but it is still far from the establishment of the new world; no, not even breaking the old world, Wei Zhongxian fell, and there are civil service systems, and honors There is also a clan. If the problems of these people are not resolved, Daming still has no hope.

So Shen Long decided not to try to cover up the truth by killing everyone who knew it, as in the movie, but toss this pot to others.

"Yongye!" After hearing that Shen Long denied that he was implicated in the matter, Lu Wenzhao was both confused and alert at the same time. Didn't the lord want to die?

"Guo did indeed order Guo Zhen to pay attention to the treasure ship, but he never let him murder the elder brother." No matter whether it was Zhu You's inspection, Shen Long could not recognize it, compared with the killing of Lu Wenzhao and others, Shen Long felt that it would be better for them to suspect that someone else had done this thing. With Zhu Youjian's ability, he would not be able to lead the disaster, and it does not mean that he is not good.

"Although Lonely hates Wei Zhongxian's misfortune and chaos, but the elder brother is my elder brother and my emperor's emperor. After all this chaos, lonely will not do it!" Shen Long emphasized this point again, Zhu You The inspection did indeed contact Guo Zhen through Lu Wenzhao, because Guo Zhen, Shen Lian, and Lu Wenzhao crawled out of Sarhu ’s dead man together. Lu Wenzhao also moved Guo by virtue of this relationship. It really belongs to Zhu Youjian.

But this does not mean that Lu Wenzhao knows all the details that Zhu Youjian ordered to Guo Zhen, then Shen Long can take this opportunity to make an essay, first deny this matter, and then proceed to dump the pot.

"The matter of falling into the water ..." Lu Wenzhao was also puzzled. He also heard it. The king of the letter didn't seem to want to kill his mouth, but really didn't know about it.

"Now inside and outside the hall, it is not only the lone king who hates Wei Zhongxian!" Shen Long sighed. In fact, from the historical facts, Tianqi fell into the water, but the civil system has more suspicions. "Maybe some people have noticed our contact with Guo Zhen To take advantage of it! "

Shen Long decisively dumped the pot to the civil service system. Anyway, for him, whether it is Wei Zhongxian or the existing civil service system, they are the enemies they will deal with. It is better to take the opportunity to let them bite each other first. It's good.

"At that time, Emperor Wuzong should be killed by falling into the water, and now the elder brother was also seriously ill because of this, plus the first emperor Kao because of the court's tribute to Hongwan and Long Yubintian, the lone king had to have this doubt." Shen Longyou Taking the example of Emperor Zhengde and Emperor Taichang for comparison, these two emperors also died a little bit inexplicably, but afterwards analysis, it was the civil service system that got the most benefit.

"Wen Zhao, let's go and investigate the matter first, and remember that you must not leak the news, otherwise we have to deal with us more than Wei Zhongxian." Shen Long knew that it was absolutely useless to say that he had to use it. Lu Wenzhao can only believe what he said when he sees the facts.

"Yes!" Lu Wenzhao is in a state of confusion now, and he doesn't know what to do now, so he has to retreat temporarily. When he left Xinwang Mansion, he carefully watched all the way behind him and found that no one was following him. His intentions.

"I'm tired ~ ~ I'm going to rest, if there is something important, don't wait to disturb." After Lu Wenzhao left, Shen Long drove out the waiting female court ladies and lay alone. Room rest.

After a while, Shen Long made a stand-in with magic and stayed in bed. He walked out of the palace in stealth and went straight to the palace. Now Lu Wenzhao has already begun an investigation and must quickly complete the finishing work.

Entering the palace, Shen Long glanced at the direction of the palace. For example, should Emperor Qi be lying in a hospital bed today? With his own ability, he can definitely help him back, but as an emperor, he ca n’t resurrect him, and it will also hinder himself from completing the task, so let him go.

Shen Long first found Guo Zhen, and now Guo is really in a state of panic. After all, he just did something to kill the king. He used magic to hypnotize Guo Zhen. Shen Long entered his memory and searched for a Some useful news, and then tampered with several key memories, so that in Guo Zhen's memory, he had nothing to do with the death of Emperor Tianqi.

In a flash, Shen Long quietly entered Jinyiwei's case library, and found the treasure ship's manufacturing drawings. This time the super powers obtained from Zhou Xingxing finally came in handy. He used the super powers to modify the drawings and transfer Guo Zhen The left hand and tail are erased, and then think about it, leaving a flaw in several other places.

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