All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1533: Misfortune

The latest website: Guo Zhen is the **** in charge of the internal government supervision, responsible for the construction of the palace, and he is responsible for the treasure ship manufacturing, but Guo Zhen, the craftsman involved in the treasure ship manufacturing, is not only Guo Zhen. Among the remaining craftsmen and internal waiters, there are quite a few Ting Wenguan was in contact, so Shen Long changed the problematic part to the place where these people were responsible.

After changing the drawings, Shen Long found the treasure ship that caused the Emperor Apocalypse to fall into the water. Now this treasure ship is under the strict supervision of Wei Zhongxian's men. As soon as Wei Zhongxian ordered the investigation, Shen Long also modified the treasure ship. , So that the actual situation of the treasure ship can be matched with the drawings.

After finishing this, Shen Long felt a little relieved. In this case, even if Wei Zhongxian and Lu Wenzhao were investigating, they could not find themselves. This pot could finally be thrown out half.

Hey, I have to hang up, otherwise I can only kill Lu Wenzhao as they did in the movie. Zhu Youjian, look at you and see how big a mess you have left.

Shen Longyuan planned to leave directly, but when he flew to the palace wall, he thought about it and turned back. He came to the coal mountain and saw the famous crooked neck tree at a glance. If I were not in this world, it would be ten more. Next year, Xiao Zhu, you should be hanged on this crooked neck tree.

It's unlucky to stay here for this thing. Shen Long thought about cutting down the crooked-neck tree and saved him from seeing it in the palace in the future.

After returning to the palace for a night, Shen Long did not get the news from the palace the next day. Shen Long was not in a hurry, because as long as the Emperor Tianqi had three lengths and two shorts, the throne would definitely be his own. Son, the eldest son is the Tianqi Emperor Zhu Youxiao. The remaining six children died early, leaving Zhu Youjian alone.

Zhu Youxiao gave birth to three children, all of whom were uncultivated. Today, only Zhu Youjian is the closest to his bloodline. Once Zhu Youxiao collapses, the throne is definitely his own, so nothing is done at this time. The best choice, the more you do, the more likely you are to make mistakes. Anyway, according to historical facts, Zhu Youxiao will not have many days after falling into the water, and half a month of kung fu Shen Long still has to wait patiently.

The only thing that needs to be worried is that Wei Zhongxian will do harm to himself, but he will not be shaken if he inherits the throne of the law, unless Wei Zhongxian kills himself, otherwise it will be a stubborn thing for him to ascend the throne. Long was not in a hurry. Wei Zhongxian was afraid that he wouldn't have the ability to kill himself.

Then use this time to learn more about the situation in the Xia Chaotang, whether it is historical facts or the descriptions in the movie, it should still be different from the real situation you face. If you want to completely change Da Ming, you have to do more. Ready.

During the day in the day, Shen Long was studying the materials that Ding Wenzhao, Beizhai and others had brought back to him. In the evening, Ding Wenzhao secretly came over again. Compared with yesterday, Ding Wenzhao had a little more fear on his face this time. Seeing Shen Long, he quickly fell down, "Yongye Yingming, went to Gongguo Guo to inquire next day. This matter really has nothing to do with the lord. The subordinates dare to doubt the lord, it is a big deal, and the lord is asked to atone."

Lu Wenzhao is also wondering, killing the apocalypse and then supporting the letter to the throne, hasn't this been negotiated already? Why didn't I find out at this time that His Royal Highness hadn't done anything, then it would be inappropriate for me to say those words yesterday. If someone with the heart knows, won't this pot of dirty water splash on the top of the letter? Then he would die in death.

"Wen Zhao got up quickly. The lone king was really eager at first. There are some thoughts that the elder brother should not have. It is no wonder that you will misunderstand." Shen Long helped Lu Wenzhao up and took a wave of acting skills. "The lone king Unexpectedly, there are people in this world who really do not like this, Wen Zhao, can you find out who did it? "

"I also asked the lord to atone for his sins, the time is in a hurry, and I have no time to find out. I just listened to Guo Gonggong. He carefully recalled the drawings of the treasure ship. "It's quite involved with the outer court." Lu Wenzhao replied quickly. "We will investigate carefully in the next time, and we must find out the real murderer."

"It is a very moment right now. These people may have been targeted by Wei Zhongxian, and the people behind them will surely kill them. Wen Zhao must be careful and never put himself in danger." Shen Long was concerned. Exhorted.

"This ... If I don't find these people, I am afraid that the lord will not be able to feel safe in the future." Lu Wenzhao hesitated, no matter whether this matter was done by the king of faith, as long as the emperor Tianqi was not good, it must be the king of faith. His Royal Highness ascended the throne, and once His Royal Highness was ascended into the main palace, if there were similar people lurking in the palace, that would not be a good thing.

"It's okay, now we can use fake hands Wei Zhongxian to find these people, and we don't need us to go out and let Gong Gongguo send these news to Wei Zhongxian." Wei Zhongxian must be worried now, let him go to work, comparable to Lu Wenzhao, etc. It's much better for people to take risks.

"Moreover, now the elder brother still has hope of recovery. The lone king thought that some people did not want the elder brother to recover. Wen Zhao you first pay attention to the changes in the court." Shen Long buried another nail and collapsed in the emperor Tianqi During the process, there are more problems. Go to ~ to let Lu Wenzhao grasp the information, which is very convenient for things after he ascended the throne.

"Yes." Lu Wenzhao immediately ordered his order. After he knew that this happened, Wei Zhongxian would definitely investigate it. Guo Zhen, as the person in charge of the treasure ship, was bound to be regarded as an important suspect by Wei Zhongxian. With these evidences, Guo Zhen may be able to save his life for the time being. After all, he was born and died in Salhu once. Lu Wenzhao did not want Guo Zhen to die.

In addition, Lu Wenzhao also unloaded a big stone in his heart. This thing was not done by Xin Wang, although he was the one who helped Xin Wang plan this matter, even though Lu Wenzhao also believed that these things must be done. However, in the face of a hero who dares to kill a king and dare to kill his own brother, Lu Wenzhao is not very comfortable.

Now I know that this matter has nothing to do with the letter king. He can finally give a breath. Lu Wenzhao went out to investigate according to Shen Long's arrangement.

Lu Wenzhao left, and a visitor came again. This time, he came to Beizhai. Like Lu Wenzhao, he was also the iron of the king of faith. Shen Long also asked her to wait in the secret room first, and then went to the secret room to meet Beizhai.

After entering the secret room and seeing the appearance of Beizhai, Shen Long subconsciously covered his nose.

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