All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1534: My brother is Yao Shun

The latest website: Well, I overreacted, coughing, and all of them were harmful to the Internet. Seeing the strange expression on Hokusai ’s face, Shen Long quickly put his hands down and asked what happened to Hokusai this time. child.

"Ming Gong, the little girl has done something wrong, and she is here to ask for guilt." He said that Bei Zhai Ying Ying bowed with a pitiful expression.

"Oh? What did you do wrong?" Shen Long asked, but he didn't get up to support him, because he had basically guessed what Beihai did wrong, and this mistake should obviously not be made.

"The little girl couldn't hold back, did not follow Ming Gong's teachings, and included Donglin party poems in the paintings, satirizing the current politics, and also arranged Wei Gonggong. Now ... I am afraid that something has happened." Back to exactly as Shen Long guessed.

Shen Long was speechless. He really didn't know what the girl's mind was thinking. Hokusai should resent Wei Zhongxian because his father was framed, and Hokusai's whole family died or became an army. He jumped off the Datong River on the way to being dispatched to the south as a skinny horse and was rescued, so he joined the ranks of the faithful in order to remove the traitor Wei Zhongxian.

But you also have to look at when it is now. When your own strength is not strong enough, the most important thing is to protect yourself, not to harm others because of your own self.

You have satirized Wei Zhongxian with poems on your paintings. What can you do besides venting yourself? Not only did he not hurt Wei Zhongxian in the slightest, he also exposed himself, and even exposed the letter kings, Lu Wenzhao and others behind her. If he had encountered Shen Lian's licking dog, he was killed at the time.

"It seems to be a lonely person who cannot be convinced by Mr. Beizhai. Mr. Beizhai will not listen to the words alone!" Shen Long sighed. This girl is nothing but good-looking.

"Ming Gong!" Even though Shen Long shouted out loud, Beizhai might still be able to accept some. Hearing Shen Long's feelings, Beizhai couldn't bear it anymore. She was saved from the river by the believer. , Beizhai either went to the south to be a skinny horse or drowned in the river. She owed her life to the faithful king and vowed to be loyal to the faithful king. Together with the faithful king, we killed Wei Zhongxian and let the world regain its light. She has always respected the letter king, so there is still calm in Beizhai?

"Please also ask Ming Gong to atone for his sins. The little girl was unwilling for a while, and it wasn't a serious matter of wanting to destroy Ming Gong." Bei Zhai lay on the ground, crying with pear flowers and rain.

"Yes, you can't stay in the capital, or leave the capital and go to Jiangnan." Shen Long said, he originally wanted Beizhai to hide in the palace, but think about it, the garbage has recycling value. Hokusai is not necessarily useless, so I changed my mind and maybe it is a good choice to go to Jiangnan.

"Minggong Mo wants to chase away the little girl. The little girl will be willing to obey Minggong's instructions in the future, and will not dare to do anything against it." But this terrified Beizhai, thinking that the big benefactor would drive himself away.

"It's not like this, just thinking alone, Mr. Beizhai went to Jiangnan, which is more useful for orphans." When a talented girl like Beizhai arrives in Jiangnan, I'm afraid it will quickly become the target of those literati talents in Jiangnan, and she is still the East Lin Dang's descendants have another layer of aura on them. Taking advantage of this relationship, Bei Zhai can ask himself a lot of useful information, which is much stronger than simply staying in Beijing as a vase.

"When you arrive in Jiangnan, you have to read more and think more, and do n’t listen to the beliefs. The literati are not all talking about the truth of the matter. Even the traffickers are pawns and the merchants and craftsmen. Talk to them and listen to them. The world in the eyes of literati is not the same as the world in the eyes of farmers. "

Hokusai is a bit idealistic. She likes to say, "I believe in myself, I believe that this world will not last long," but she can't see that Daming is already ill, and the world will only be more miserable in the future.

If according to her habit, after Jiangnan, it is estimated that it will only interact with those literary talents, what use is it? The root of Daming's disease could not be seen from them alone.

"You have to listen more, think more, and say less. You must not be as impulsive as this time. I will let Lu Wenzhao send people to protect you. What can you gain in Jiangnan? Please write to me as much as you seem to grow up and be sensible Then you can go back to the capital. "Shen Long helped Beizhai up and patiently advised.

"It turned out that in Minggong's mind, Beizhai was still a child." Beizhai's heart filled with sourness for a while. Deep down in her heart, she regarded King Xin as a crush.

"I hope you can grow up early in Jiangnan, but don't lose your heart." Shen Long again told Shen Long to let Beizhai leave, and at the same time notified Lu Wenzhao to send someone to protect her and send her to Jiangnan safely.

Since then, all the members of the Xinwang family have been quiet. After a few days, the emperor Tianqi ’s serious illness finally could not be concealed. Some inner attendants came to the palace of the letter to the palace to let Shen Long enter the palace quickly. Shen Long led Xie En and followed the inner attendant to the place where Emperor Tianqi recuperates. He knew that this time he entered the palace to determine the identity of his crown prince.

Entering the palace, I saw that Zhu Youxiao was swollen and bedridden, and Shen Long burst into tears, showing the attitude that a younger brother should see when his brother was seriously ill.

Zhu Youxiao was also very pleased to see his appearance, saying, "Come, my brother should be Yao Shun." This sentence established the identity of Crown Prince Shen Long.

Then Zhu Youxiao pulled Shen Long and told a lot. The focus was naturally Wei Zhongxian. It seems that Zhu Youxiao was not completely a fool. He also knew that his current drowning and the subsequent changes in his condition were somewhat strange, which caused some people In doubt, in his view, only Wei Zhongxian could be trusted.

The next day ~ ~ Zhu Youxiao summoned Cabinet Minister Huang Liji and said, "Yesterday I called the King of Letters. I am very pleased and I feel a little better."

But this sentence did not fulfill. After a few days, Zhu Youxiao collapsed into the Qianqing Palace, and Shen Long was succeeded by the emperor Zhu Youxiao as emperor and became the emperor.

Sitting in the dragon chair again, Shen Long couldn't help but think of what Zhu You proofread himself before. He shook his head secretly in his heart. In this world, when Yao Shun couldn't save Daming, he had to be a tyrant if he wanted to save Daming.

Shen Longju was condescending and observed many heavy ministers in the court. I saw that everyone was hiding different expressions under grief, and some of them were pale and worried. This view is Wei Zhongxian ’s dead party. Investigate the responsibility; others hide the color of joy, without thinking and knowing that it is definitely the opposite of the **** party, they seem to see their chance to turn over.

Shen Long did not express his opinion on the first day of the DPRK, and everything was handled in accordance with the usual practice. After the return of the dynasty, Wei Zhongxian came to see him.


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