All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1535: Wei Zhongxian must die

The latest website: "Grandpa Wei, what's the point here?" Shen Long's tone was neither hot nor cold, neither trusting Wei Zhongxian like Tian Qi's advice nor hating Wei Zhongxian like Zhu Youxiao, the expression on his face It was exactly the same as when other emperors faced the former eunuchs.

However, this did not disappoint Wei Zhongxian, but relieved a little, because after the apocalypse, he knew that it was impossible for him to maintain the previous power. The **** and the civil official are different, and the eunuch's power comes from the emperor. Trust, as long as the emperor trusts you, you can do anything. Once you lose the emperor's trust, you will have nothing.

The **** of Daming was not comparable to the eunuchs of the Han and Tang Dynasties. The ten Chang Shi had the power. The emperor called Zhang Rang the father, because they held the eight captains of Xiyuan; Qiu Shiliang dared to abolish the emperor, because he controlled The gods plan the army and have the military power in their hands. This power is true.

No matter how powerful Wei Zhongxian is, there is no way to master the military power like Qiu Shiliang and Zhang Rang. Once the apocalypse crashed and Shen Long succeeded, he lost the foundation of power. This is clearly seen by Wei Zhongxian; if Shen Long warmly comforts him, even Trusting him as apocalypse, Wei Zhongxian will worry, because this is not in line with common sense, and no emperor will continue to retain his former eunuch.

If Shen Long was right, he would also be worried, because it meant that the new emperor hated him, and Wei Zhongxian did not necessarily take risks in order to save his life.

It ’s just as good as it is now, which means that as long as you give up your power, you can go to Fengyang to guard the emperor ’s mausoleum or guard the tomb of the first emperor, just like the great eunuchs in the past. If you lose your existing power, but you can still save your life, save a little money, and you may not be able to live in the future.

So Wei Zhongxian immediately asked to guard the mausoleum of the first emperor, and asked to resign from his current position. Shen Long hesitated, seeming to be moved, but he didn't make a decision immediately, but kept it a little bit before Wei Zhongxian retired.

When Wei Zhongxian left, he seemed to put down a big rock in his heart, and Shen Long sneered. He remembered the scene where Zhu Youjian bowed down to Wei Zhongxian in the movie. This plot was completely unreasonable.

If you are a great **** and you are awesome, that is also the emperor's slave. Do you dare to bow down to the master's knees, do you think you live too long? If it is a distant branch, it may be okay, anyway, these guys ca n’t find any trouble; but Zhu Youjian is Tian Qi ’s younger brother. Tian Qi has no children and is seriously ill. ?

At this time, Wei Zhongxian didn't have time to succumb to Zhu Zhu, but how dare he accept his kneel? As long as Zhu Youjian knelt in front of Wei Zhongxian, then Wei Zhongxian had only one choice left. He had no choice but to kill Zhu Youjian desperately. Zhu Youjian knelt to Wei Zhongxian was absolutely silly, Wei Zhongxian accepted Zhu It ’s even more silly to do nothing after kneeling by the prosecutor.

As for Wei Zhongxian recommending Zhu Youjian to Tian Qi, that is nonsense. Tian Qi is this younger brother, who can he give to Zhu Youjian without passing the throne to him? Wei Zhongxian also has a say in such matters? Does he have the eight captains of Xiyuan in his hand, or does he have a strategy? Teng Xiang's four guards are not comparable to the Xiyuan Eight Captains and Divine Troops, and they will not listen to Wei Zhongxian.

Do n’t look at Shen Long ’s lukewarm surface, but in his heart, he has already sentenced Wei Zhongxian to death. Many traversers will choose to temporarily save Wei Zhongxian ’s life and treat him as a mad dog, ready to bite those civilians at any time, Shen Long But he would n’t do that, because Wei Zhongxian ’s reputation was already so bad, and his dog already had his own plan. Such a dog could not continue to use, and the useless dog would have no value to continue to live. .

It is not wrong for Chongzhen to dispose of Wei Zhongxian, because Wei Zhongxian has been suffering for a long time, and Wei Zhongxian can earn prestige by tidying up. He was mistaken in clearing up the East Factory and Jinyiwei, so that the civil servants have no fear.

This reminded Shen Long of "The Name of the People", which is also to deal with the problems left over from the last session. Sari Jin's method is much better than that of Zhu Youjian. It is not difficult to clean up the problems left by Wei Zhongxian or Zhao Lichun. The difficulty is how to deal with them without affecting the stability under their own governance.

When Sari Jin came up, he first frozen the list of people left by Zhao Lichun, so that those who opposed Zhao Lichun ’s line of hope saw hope, and then did not end up on their own. They only watched Hou Liangping charge and fall into battle. This is the attitude that the superior should have. If the superior is off in person, then he will drop off.

With regard to the manpower related to Zhao Lichun, Sha Ruijin took a different approach to promote the easy learning that was ignored by Zhao Lichun. Please invite Chen Yanyan, who was suppressed by Zhao Lichun, to give a lecture in order to take the heart of opposition to Zhao Lichun's family; accept Li Dakang's sincerity In order to show that he did not come to engage in party struggles, he appeased those who were related to Zhao Lichun but were not dead parties.

In the end, watching Hou Liangping, they killed Qi Tongwei, Gao Yuliang, Liu Xinjian, Zhao Ruilong was a matter of course. Since these people have problems, they should deal with them, and quickly won the people of Handong Province. Goodwill.

Differentiated and drawn together, rigid and soft, Shi Ruijin's set of fists punched beautifully, which also made him completely firm in Hedong province.

On the other hand, Zhu Youjian is too young and thinks the problem is too simple. He thought that as long as Wei Zhongxian was solved, the world would be peaceful? That's such a simple thing ~ ~ You cut off a large number of officials in the court, and lost the constraints of the **** party. It sounds good. After all, without the **** party, would the people be right.

However, in fact, without the **** party, those Qingliu became unscrupulous, and it was not good for a family to stand above the court, which forced Zhu Youjian to come down and torture with those officials personally, and then be riched by those officials. With his experience, he can use his last power to kill people, but murder alone cannot solve the problem.

In this respect, I have to learn from Sharijin. Wei Zhongxian must die, even some of the sinister members of the **** party must die, but the banner of the **** party cannot fall down completely. You see, Sarijin did not put Are all the people left by Zhao Lichun solved? In this way, you can reduce your own pressure. On the other hand, you can also prevent Han Dong Province from becoming a big one. Did Li Dakang have to rely on Sarijin at that time? It is more useful to keep him than to kill him.

In addition, Jinyiwei and Dongchang could not be moved. Without the supervision department, it would n’t be strange for those officials to do anything to Shen Long. Shen Long used Sarijin as a reference, thinking about what to do after he ascended the throne.


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