All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1539: 5 years in Pingliao

The latest website: Ah, Yuandudu is here. Shen Long is a bit interested in this controversial historical figure, so he ordered Yuan Chonghuan to enter the palace and wanted to hear his views on the war in Liaodong.

Yuan Chonghuan was overjoyed at the post and felt that his opportunity to recover was coming, so he immediately prepared to enter the palace to play the right pair, and his friend asked Xu Yuqing, "The element can tell what happened to your majesty's call?"

"It must be asking about the Liao affairs." Yuan Chonghuan was full of confidence. He had previously supervised Liaodong and had won the Ningyuan Dajie and Ningjin Dajie. He was proud that now Da Ming fought against Jianrui, and few of them had won, so I feel that now The new emperor ascended the throne, and to make a difference in the Liao affair, he must reuse himself.

Xu Yuqing nodded slightly, and inevitably had some jealousy in his heart. It was also because he offended Wei Zhongxian and returned to his hometown. Yuan Chonghuan saw the hope of reusing it, but he had not landed yet.

Yuan Chonghuan caressed the long beard with his left hand and extended five fingers with his right hand. "If your majesty asks, I will promise Pingliao for five years, so I will be able to supervise Liaodong again!"

"Five years in Ping Liao!" Xu Yuqing was frightened by Yuan Chonghuan's words. Although you fought Ning Jin Dajie and Ning Yuan Dajie, the two battles were far less successful than the **** battle of Hunhe, and they did not hurt Jianrui's muscle , Where did you come to Pingliao for five years? Xu Yuqing couldn't help but ask, "Dare to ask what is the strategy of the element?"

Yuan Chonghuan shook his head slowly. "It's just comforting His Majesty's words." He has a good relationship with Xu Yuqing, so he dare to tell the truth in front of him.

Xu Yuqing was terrified by him, "How can you deal with the emperor wisely. He pursues results in accordance with the deadline, what should you do?"

Hearing this, Yuan Chonghuan also felt that he was a bit overdone, so he quickly added, "Pingliao in five years is certainly not easy, but if your majesty is willing to delegate authority to me, but within five years, the household ministry transfers military rates, the Ministry of Industry supplies equipment, and the officials In order to succeed, the Ministry of the Armed Forces must select the generals for internal and external affairs.

Yuan Chonghuan has thought of a way out for himself, yeah, I said that Pingliao is not fake for five years, but the court has to cooperate with me fully, as long as it is related to Liaodong, I have to make the final decision. Jianru, if that department fails to do so, it is no wonder that I have been delayed for five years.

There he thought that Zhu Youjian in the original history was so good, he was very excited when he heard the four words of Pingliao in five years, and he did not hesitate to agree to all the conditions of Yuan Chonghuan. He could n’t stand Yuan Chonghuan in the air. He went to Liaodong with a scalp. As a result, let alone Pingliao for five years, Jianru hit Beijing in the second year.

Yuan Chonghuan's remarks not only harmed himself, but ended up being executed late, but also harmed Daming, causing Daming to lose countless money and soldiers, but he became fat to the end of the Liaoxi warlords and corrupt officials.

Xu Yuqing felt that the emperor could not agree to his conditions, so he was relieved, "I wish Brother Elemental the best of luck and return to Liaodong as soon as possible." If Yuan Chonghuan regained his position, would he have the opportunity to go further?

"Thank you for your honesty. Your Majesty is still waiting in the palace. I will say it later when I play right." Yuan Chonghuan followed the inner attendant into the palace with full confidence and came to Shen Long.

This time Shen Long did not arrange for him to play the right pair on the platform like Chong Zhen, but in the study room where he usually summoned the minister. Yuan Chonghuan saw Shen Long and immediately worshipped. Shen Long asked Liao after a few words. The matter, "Yuan Aiqing was in Liaodong for many years, and dare to ask me how Daming should deal with Jianru?"

"The strategy of breaking prisoners is already in the minds of the ministers. As long as His Majesty is willing to let the ministers re-supervise Liaodong, the ministers can be in Pingliao for five years!" Yuan Chonghuan really promised Pingliao for five years as he said to Xu Yuqing.

Shen Long frowned slightly, and there was a moment of anger in his heart. Not to mention the general plan, he only said Pingliao for five years. Is this bullying my young ignorance and not military? This is by no means the attitude that the minister should have towards the emperor!

He is not a military impersonator. In Datang and Song, he personally led the army for many years, and the gains he obtained might be more than the gains from Daming ’s foreign battles in the past hundred years. The first ancestors and ancestors at the beginning can be compared. Yuan Chonghuan bragging in front of himself is afraid that he might find the wrong person.

"Oh, how dare you ask Yuan Aiqing how to plan Pingliao for five years?" Based on this sentence, Shen Long's evaluation of Yuan Chonghuan was much lower, whether he colluded with Jianru as written in some, At least this hat that talks big and loves power can't be taken off.

"If Your Majesty is willing to delegate authority to me, but within five years, the Hube Ministry will transfer military rates, the Ministry of Industry will supply equipment, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will use personnel, and the Ministry of Warfare will select troops. Just prepared excuses.

Okay, not to mention how to train troops, how to attack, how to defend, so I stretched out my hands to ask for money and power. It ’s strange that such a person can believe you, but Shen Long did not refute on the spot, "I know, Yuan Aiqing will follow me tomorrow Let's go to the morning together! "

Of course, Shen Long can scold Yuan Chonghuan, but this is too cheap, so he decided to let the ministers in the court to deal with Yuan Chonghuan ~ ~ , Aren't you snatching meat from the mouth of these gangsters? I don't believe they can agree.

Yuan Chonghuan was a little dazed, but he did n’t dare to say much, and he could only obey; Shen Long called Yuan Chonghuan on the second day, and asked Yuan Chonghuan in front of the ministers. Yuan Chonghuan could n’t change his mind at this time. Can only continue to come up with a five-year strategy of Pingliao.

As soon as I heard that he was going to stretch his hand on his site, Shang Shu and the servants of the Hubei Ministry of Industry and Military Affairs suddenly fry the pan. When Yuan Chonghuan was arrested, he screamed together. Yuan Manzi, you know that you can make me less How much is it? Your majesty is nothing more than that. I want to grab a meal from my bowl and eat it!

So the group of officials began to siege Yuan Chonghuan. Starting from his military literacy, he questioned his personal morality all the way and scolded him for nothing; Yuan Chonghuan was also unambiguous, and the technology of spraying people was also first-class, with more than one enemy. Still the wind did not fall at all, and immediately confronted these ministers.

Shen Long looked at the throne on the throne, um, it was more interesting than Guo Degang ’s crosstalk, I originally thought your dad planted loquat trees at home is already the highest level of cursing, but compared with these people, it is still far away, Listening to the eloquence of others, my minister of the Ming Dynasty really put all his skills into practice.

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