All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1540: These are the talents (thanks to the great reward of the light of the day ...

The latest website: It is a pity that the emperor who can spray his colleagues, the generals, and the sprayer can say nothing, but he can not spray the tatar. When the tatar enters the customs in the future, their spray power It's useless. I want to spray like I did when I was Ming, but before saying a few words, the knife came to my head. It really deserves it.

Shen Long did n’t pull it, it was just watching the monkey show. Anyway, most of them were going to clean up in the future. Let them jump now; after the dynasty, Shen Long called Yuan Chonghuan to appease him, probably meaning Well, hey, Yuan Aiqing is courageous and commendable. I am very appreciative of his courage in doing things. But the resistance is too high in the court, and I am not good to force it. You must stay in the middle of the DPRK first. Just let Yuan Chonghuan go, no matter how he said, Superintendent Liaodong certainly can't let him do it.

It made Yuan Chonghuan look dumbfounded, isn't it, Your Majesty, even if Pingliao doesn't work in five years, can we still discuss it, and I will admit that I don't go to Liaodong without money in the ten years or eight years? But toss these gangsters, it is better to go to Liaodong to deal with those silly warriors, how beautiful it is to take bribes and pay bribes.

It's a pity that Shen Long didn't give him a bargaining opportunity at all, and Yuan Chonghuan only walked so sullenly. He didn't expect that Shen Long didn't want to use him. Instead, he complained to the heads of the six big brothers and went back angrily to think about it. Ways to retaliate back.

This is the posture that the emperor deserves, he is not happy to do anything, and do n’t stand up and oppose, let the following people fight, so that the complaint will not fall on their own heads, and both sides hope that they can Help them a little bit more comfortable than being sprayed on the throne?

Of course, you still have to suffer when you should be sprayed. After spraying, pull out and chop. It just has to wait until something big happens. Such small things have to be sprayed, which is too wrong.

Yuan Chonghuan was sent away, and Shen Long called Guo Zhen again, "Which other ministers are now in Beijing?" Since Tian Qi was seriously ill and after he ascended the throne, many people who were driven out of the court by Wei Zhongxian saw the hope of resurgence He came to the capital one after another, and Shen Long planned to see if it was barely available.

Guo Zhen immediately reported the list of ministers who have now arrived in Beijing. Shen Long heard two people he wanted to meet, and ordered, "To summon Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua into the palace and play the right pair." Most officials left their mouths open in the late Ming Dynasty However, Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua are not such people. This is a real talent and must be used to great effect.

Not long after, Xu Guangqi took his disciple Sun Yuanhua into Shen Long ’s study. When they came in, they saw Shen Long staring at a globe on the desk and looked at God. When he saw this scene, Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua were overjoyed. .

As early as the Wanli period, Fujian's Xuezheng Li Zhizao made China's first globe. Li Zhizao followed Ricci to learn Western science, accepted Catholic teachings, and was baptized into the church. He and Xu Guangqi are not only friends and friends; see this In one scene, Xu Guangqi thought that His Majesty the Emperor had an interest in Western learning and was naturally very happy.

After the salute, Xu Guangqi couldn't help but ask, "Dare to ask His Majesty where this globe came from? It's quite different from what the old minister has seen."

This is of course. This globe was made by the secretary in the world of "The Name of the People" according to the first year of Chongzhen. The globe produced by later generations is naturally much more refined than this period.

"This globe opened my eyes, and I know the size of the world today." Shen Long did not answer, but said with emotion, "I am only a corner of the world, but I think that the world is up and not willing to look at the world. , It's really ridiculous. "

Being in the upper position has such advantages. If you do n’t want to answer the questions you do n’t want to answer, the following people do n’t dare to ask. After listening to Shen Long ’s words, Xu Guangqi became more eager in his heart. “It is true, although Xiyi does not understand Yi, but quite good in astronomical calendar, arithmetic and navigation, Zhenghe is used by me. "

"I called two of you today for this matter. Mr. Xu and Ai Qing came with me." Shen Long took them out of the study room and came to the front of a newly reclaimed land in the Royal Garden. Many varieties of seeds brought by Shen Long from the real world have been planted here, including corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes.

"This is sweet potato, but it is better than the old man's home grown. This should be potato and jade wheat." Xu Guangqi once introduced sweet potatoes from the coast of Fujian to Songjiang for planting, and also saw potatoes. China is gone, but there is no large-scale cultivation.

"Mr. Xu is indeed knowledgeable." Shen Long applauded and praised, Xu Guangqi's hometown is in Xujiahui today? Growing sweet potatoes in Xujiahui is extravagant enough, "the people who sent me seeds said that these good varieties are high-yielding and drought-tolerant, and they are not very picky about the land. Now. "

Next year, there will be chaos in Shaanxi due to disasters. This matter must be dealt with first, so Shen Long hopes that Xu Guangqi can shoulder this important task for himself and do a good job in cultivating and planting these few varieties.

"I heard that Mr. Xu is quite accomplished in agronomy. Isn't it possible for Mr. Xu to help me plant these good varieties widely?" Shen Long knew that Xu Guangqi was not very interested in merits and demerits, but instead he was quite keen on science and missionary, so he didn't agree with him. He turned the corner and went straight to the topic.

"Your Majesty's sweet potato in this imperial garden ~ ~ is more robust than the old minister planted at home." Xu Guangqi looked at the vine without blinking, if Shen Long was still staring at him, He wanted to reach out and dig.

Shen Long waved his hand, and his own **** started to dig a plant for Xu Guangqi. Seeing such a large sweet potato, Xu Guangqi's breath became more rapid.

"All sweet potatoes are grown in this field. If they are like this plant, the yield of this acre should be more than five thousand catties." This is the high-yield sweet potato seeds of later generations, which are far from comparable to those of Xu Guangqi, even if they are not. With chemical fertilizers, manure alone can grow to this level.

Hearing this, Xu Guangqi was even more excited and responded without hesitation. He did n’t even ask what official position Shen Long would give him; he could not ask, but Shen Long could n’t help but say, “Mr. Xu was originally a right-hand man of the Ministry of Rites Let Mr. Xu turn to Hu Shi You Shi Lang, who is specifically responsible for this matter. If I can handle this matter well, I will not hesitate to wait for it. "

What would a knight be if he could feed the belly of Daming people?

Xu Guangqi chatted with Shen Long for a while, feeling that he was in a better mood, so he asked carefully, "I don't know how Your Majesty thinks of Western religion?"

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