All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1541: 1 Must promote the business of copying the house

It ’s worthy of being one of the three pillars of Christianity. Seeing that I do n’t dislike Western things, I immediately thought about helping Christianity speak, and Shen Long replied, “If Ricci, Jinni Pavilion, Guo Jujing and others are willing to spread in my Ming Dynasty Western Science, I will not object, and I am willing to let Li Zhizao preside over this matter. "

Among the missionaries who came to Daming during this period, there were quite a lot of scientific attainments. Matteo Ricci can definitely be said to be a big scientist, let them spread knowledge, Shen Long is also happy to see.

"But if they want to preach in my Ming Dynasty, they have to answer a few questions first." However, Shen Long is another concept of preaching. "I heard that the believers of Taisi respected the pope, and the pope once appointed Taisi I have to ask the power of the king of the country. Between me and the pope Tess, who should I listen to?

"Secondly, after Yang Tingyun's belief in Western religion, many incidents occurred in Nanjing. If Mr. Ricci and others were allowed to preach in Daming, Mr. Xu might guarantee that such a thing would not happen again?" Yang Tingyun, Li Zhizao and Xu Guangqi merged Called the Three Pillars of Basic Education, this is also Xu Guangqi's friend. Xu Guangqi also knows these things very well.

"Third, ancestor sacrifice, Confucius sacrifice, and Western religion are quite different. I heard that Long Huamin of the Christian religion opposed the worship of ancestors and Confucian worshippers. How did Mr. Xu solve this matter?" Direct rejection may hurt Xu Guangqi's enthusiasm. , So Shen Long chose euphemism.

These three problems could not be solved by Xu Guangqi. He did not expect that His Majesty the Emperor had such a deep understanding of the basic religion. All the problems hit the key, especially the first one. Presumably no emperor would allow such things to happen.

Seeing that Xu Guangqi became silent, Shen Long did not continue to persecute, "I believe that Mr. Xu ’s loyalty to my Da Ming, but there is no way to keep a fool and a fool easily deceived, so after waiting for Ricci and others to enter Beijing, Mr. Xu can A small church was built in the house for the prayers of Matteo Ricci, Mr. Xu and Li Zhizao, but public missions were forbidden until these three issues were resolved. "

"The old minister obeyed." Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua bowed their salutes. This reply made them a little relieved. Your majesty did not strictly prohibit it. It seems that your majesty is very interested in Western learning. If you can start from this aspect, maybe in the future One day it might make His Majesty relax, Xu Guangqi became more and more determined to promote the promotion of sweet potatoes and other things.

"I have finished reading it here. I gave Mr. a token so that he can go to the palace to study these at any time. Oh, yes, I still have the relevant notes left by my predecessors. Mr. Xu can conduct research against it." Shen Long According to the scientific research results of later generations, it was revised and changed into a language that Xu Guangqi could barely understand. I hope these manuals of agricultural science that have been beyond this era for many years will make him very rewarding.

I was anxious to hear Sun Yuanhua here. Why did I just arrange work for the teacher, what about me? Fortunately, Shen Long didn't let him wait for a long time, and soon took them to the battlefield in charge of ordnance manufacturing, where the muskets and cannons that Shen Long brought from the portable space were placed.

"This is it?" Sun Yuanhua is an artillery expert. As soon as he saw these, he immediately realized that he had a place to use them. But when he looked closely at these guns and artillery, it was very different from what he had seen in the past.

Since it is going to be hung, it must be bigger, Shen Long has no interest in playing from the turtle turtle, he directly took out the flashlight gun that has been leading the world for more than 100 years, and the warhead, gunpowder, metal bottom fire The serialized integrated bombs, as well as a full set of manufacturing drawings and principle descriptions, if these Sun Yuanhua still can't figure it out, then he would let Shen Long too disappointed.

As for the cannon, it is not a clumsy red cannon, but a cannon of the Napoleonic period, which is also ahead of this era for more than 100 years. From four-pound guns, six-pound guns to twelve-pound guns, the shells are divided into solid shells, Grenade and shotgun also have a full set of drawings and principle descriptions.

"I know that Chuyang is particularly good at making artillery. He is the chief of the Chuyang Military Department and specializes in researching and manufacturing these muskets and cannons. Everything needed is supplied by the military. It is necessary to build these muskets and cannons as soon as possible!" After this thing, Huang Taiji will go to bed and sleep, it's nothing for you.

"Chen used to be somewhat self-conceited in making artillery. He thought that even those Taisi artillery divisions were just like that, but today he saw the musket and artillery of His Majesty here, and then he only knew that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well!" After the shooting, Sun Yuanhua admired the five body cast, which was much more powerful than the cannons he made in the past.

But there are real things, as well as detailed drawings and craft manuals, Sun Yuanhua also has a little confidence, "Chen will try his best to build these muskets and cannons for your majesty!"

At this time, Master Xu Guangqi and apprentice Shen Long are both happy. One side has the space to display their talents ~ ~ The other side has powerful staff. He not only let these two people make it, but also from the craftsmen. Selected some smart young people, let them follow Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua to learn, and after they learn, they can become the backbone of the Ministry of War, Household, and Ministry of Industry.

Hey, there are still few people available. Hurry up and summon Li Zhizao to Beijing. He is also quite accomplished in astronomy, mathematics and geography. With the help of Matteo Ricci and others, he can build a science university The basic skeleton is now; oh, by the way, there is Song Yingxing, this big brother ca n’t forget either.

According to the information collected from later generations, Shen Long tried to gather all the scientists in this period and prepared to build a university in Beijing for teaching scientific knowledge.

In addition, he also called Sun Chengzong back to let him continue to supervise the customs. He did not expect Sun Chengzong to solve the imperial tai chi, which was obviously beyond Sun Chengzong's ability, or whoever came to the land in the northeast, as long as there was Liaoxi The pig teammates of the gate, as well as the civilians in the Chaotang, are lagging behind, and trying to solve the Huang Taiji can only be a fool's dream.

He just hoped that Sun Chengzong could make Huang Taiji a little more troublesome, and give himself a little more time.

When Sun Chengzong was sent away, Lu Wenzhao came back from copying his family. He was pleased to report to Shen Longhui, "Your Majesty, the micro-ministers checked the property of Wei Zhongxian, Xu Xianchun, Tian Ergeng, etc. There are millions of them, and now they have been sent to the internal storage. "

"Well done!" There is no shortage of money for now, hey, it's still a quick move to copy money, and we must carry forward the business of copying money in the future.

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