All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1542: Donglin

With this money, Xu Guangqi's money for cultivating improved seeds, Sun Yuanhua for building armaments, and Ding Baiying's military training was almost enough. Shen Long asked Lu Wenzhao to send the money to the inner bank, and then let the inner bank allocate it to Xu Guangqi, Sun Yuanhua, and Teng Xiang.

"Wen Zhao's hard work, let's go to rest for a few days." After checking the account book, Shen Long let Lu Wenzhao retreat first, Lu Wenzhao was a little surprised, because this is just the leader of several eunuchs, Wei Zhongxian Yu Dang It hasn't been completely cleaned up yet. Why must he listen to His Majesty's intention to stop?

"Weichen obeyed the purpose." But Lu Wenzhao did not dare to ask more, and had to hide these questions for the time being, and bowed down after saluting. Since the king became the emperor, Lu Wenzhao felt more and more unpredictable. Too.

"Is there a chorus today?" After Lu Wenzhao left, Shen Long began to read the chorus. These were read by the cabinet bachelor first, and then the comments were written on the paper and posted on the zigzag with the "small note ink book", which is The legendary "ticket draft", so Shen Long does not need to go through each of the coupons in detail, only need to look at the "ticket draft" to know what is written in this coupon.

According to Daming ’s system, the emperor would use the red letter to reply after seeing the “vote plan”, commonly known as “approval of red”, but since Xuanzong, the power to approve the red has fallen to the **** ’s hands. Pen and Suitang eunuchs approve the red; of course, it depends on the specific situation. If Zhang Juzheng and other powers are in power, then Zhang Juzheng must be the final one; if he encounters power eunuchs such as Wei Zhongxian and Liu Jin, he will naturally listen to the **** of.

With Shen Long ’s ability, it ’s naturally no problem for him to master the power of criticism, but he has just ascended the throne, and he does n’t want to be too eye-catching, and it ’s really too tiring to criticize so many; Putting it aside, those irrelevant ones will be handed over to the Si Lijian for approval, and only a few key ones will approve it themselves.

Ha ha, really it was the trees falling down, the walls falling down, and everyone pushing. When we saw Wei Zhongxian fall, most of the breaks sent were attacks on the eunuchs. It seemed that we wanted to wipe out all those who stayed in the court. It's not much to say about the right thing. Are my Daming officials too busy doing anything?

Or are they too enthusiastic about party struggles, and do n’t know what to do except for this? Shen Long carefully looked at each of the "ticket plans", analyzed the attacked castration members based on the intelligence collected by Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and the historical data in his own mind, and then dealt with them according to the specific circumstances.

Those who do nothing, know that corruption and bribery, what is the use of retention? Directly allowed to play, let Lu Wenzhao copy the house to go to the end; those who still have some ability, can do practical things, or leave it in the middle, or do another job, warning them to let them do things for the court. .

Hey, let me just say, this **** wo n’t sit and wait for death. Shen Long turned over for a long time, and finally saw a mantra that impeached Donglin ’s party members. It was n’t anyone else who impeached this mantra. The dead Donglin Party tycoon, former right lord of the capital, Yu Shi, Cao Yun, and Hushang Shangshu Li Sancai.

Li Sancai called the King of the Tower at the East Forest Point. Forty-two years in the Wanli period, Liu Guangfu, the emperor of history, participated in Li Sancai and embezzled 220,000 roots of the imperial wood (building the wood of the three halls) to build a private house.

Wanli sent people to inspect Li Sancai ’s private house and found that “Cui Wei is vast and very magnificent”. The wood used is mostly from the southern Chinese fir, and it also occupies the site of the royal wood factory and the Hubu government. The wood used could not explain the source. Procurement of Wangmu merchant Wang Xin and others testified that the wood was bought privately by Li Sancai ’s slaves; so the three law divisions agreed to demolish Li ’s private house and return the wood. There are still 24,000 pieces of wood missing, Li Sancai So he was dismissed for the people.

This is the kind of person. Gu Xiancheng, the party leader of the Donglin Party, boasted that "the wind is good enough to be stubborn and cowardly for thousands of years," and "compared to Confucius." Shen Long also didn't know what to say. The governor's people can still be clean officials? Who believe it?

This is a clever man. He knows that the castration party is now stinky and it is difficult to turn over in a short time. At this time, it was written to argue that the castration party is not only useless, but also introduces disgust; but this does not mean that he does anything. No, the Donglin Party can impeach the **** party, then he can also impeach the Donglin Party.

As for the target of impeachment, if you are impeaching the Donglin Party gangsters who are currently in the imperial court, I am afraid that they will not be able to get rid of it. Now they are in the limelight, and His Majesty has summoned Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua into the palace The two are quite trustworthy, and it seems that His Majesty also trusted them.

Then just impeach one who is already dead. Li Sancai's sons and daughters haven't made much fortune. After so many years of death, Gu Xiancheng and Ye Xianggao, who supported him, also died; but he and the eunuchs earlier dealt with Li Sancai's Zhejiang. However, there are still many people in the Party, the Propaganda Party and the Chu Party.

Impeach his supporters and few opponents ~ ~ or it may be passed, and as long as the situation of Li Sancai is checked, the reincarnation of Confucius in Donglin Party's mouth turns out to be a big corrupt official? What would His Majesty think? His impression of the Donglin Party will naturally be bad, and this will leave opportunities for other parties to recover.

Shen Long saw this person's thoughts, but he did not feel unhappy because he was also waiting for a similar setback. As a high-ranking person, if the next big company is alone, this day will definitely not be better, disagreement is the only one Kingship! The **** party certainly wants to suppress it, and the Donglin party can't make them too happy, as do the other members of the Zhejiang and Chu parties.

Before the big bosses who were always castrated, it ’s time for Donglin Party now, so let ’s start with Li San! Water transportation is a fattening problem in the world. Li Sancai has been in charge of water transportation for such a long time. Even when he built a house, he embezzled 220,000 royal woods. What a big family business! It is estimated that the money obtained from copying his home will never be less than that from copying Wei Zhongxian!

Although Xu Guangqi, Sun Yuanhua, and Ding Baiying have money right now, there are so many places where Chaotang needs to use money, and Shen Long will not be too scornful of copycats. Huang Taiji will fight in next year, so we have to prepare early No.

Shen Long first left the concert, and then ordered Dongchang and Jinyiwei to check Li Sancai. After finding conclusive evidence, he could copy the house of the Donglin Party gangster.

After reading these breaks, Shen Long leaned back in his chair and began to think about what the Donglin Party was based on the information collected in these days, as well as many historical materials, academic monographs browsed in later generations, and the experience of communicating with Teacher Wu. WTF.

:. :

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