All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1543: Just quarrel, don't do things

There are many paragraphs on the Internet about the Donglin Party, such as "Ming died in Donglin", "I usually talk about the nature of my mind with my hands, and report to the king when I die," "The water is too cold, and the scalp is itchy."

However, these paragraphs are not all right. Daming the country is too big. The Donglin Party alone can't bear it. It must be counted. The Eunuch Party, the Zhejiang Party, Chongzhen, Jin Merchants, the Clan, Xungui, Xiaobinghe Many reasons, such as the period, combined to lead to the demise of Daming, not just because of the Donglin Party.

In the 17 years of Chongzhen dynasty, there are 50 cabinet ministers, and there are 11 people belonging to the Donglin Party; 17 Chongzhen dynasties, 3 Donglin parties, Zhou Daodeng, Han Yao, Cheng Jiming, Zhou Dengdao After six months as the first assistant, Han Xuan became a year, and Cheng Jiming was only for six months. The Donglin Party was not the most powerful party in the Chongzhen Dynasty.

"Water is too cold, itchy scalp" is only Qian Qianyi, Donglin Party members who died in war or died in the country have Xie Xuelong, Gu Xichou, Jiang Yueguang, Liu Zongzhou, Sun Chengzong, Li Banghua, Li Ruoxing, Song Shixiang, Huang Daozhou, Qu Shiyun, Cao Xuequan, Han Xu, Shi Kefa and many other representatives; and even Qian Qianyi, during the Shunzhi period, he secretly organized anti-Qingqing restoration many times. This person was really complicated.

There are also many Donglin Party members who have made a lot of contributions to Daming, such as Xu Guangqi, Sun Chengzong, Li Zhizao, who was just appointed by Shen Long, and they are also Donglin Party.

Even compared with the Eun Party, the Donglin Party may have stronger morality. The Donglin Party has Qian Qianyi. The Eun Party has Sun Zhilu, who advocates shaving and easy service. This guy is definitely more than Qian Qianyi. Shameless.

But this does not mean that the Donglin Party is a good person. There are a few pots that the Donglin Party can't get rid of. The most important point is that the trend of party competition in the late Ming Dynasty was initiated from the Donglin Party.

In the 33rd year of Wanli, Gu Xiancheng and his colleagues Gao Panlong, Qian Yiben, Xue Fujiao, Shi Menglin, etc. gave lectures at Donglin Academy outside Dongmen, Wuxi, satirizing political affairs, criticizing people, attacking the regime, incumbent officials Zhao Nanxing, etc. People echoed each other, forming a powerful political force.

At first, the dispute between the Donglin Party and the three parties of Qi, Chu, and Zhejiang, and later evolved into the dispute between the Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party. In the days of the Apocalypse, the party struggle became more and more fierce. He had to form an alliance with the **** party headed by Wei Zhongxian to jointly deal with the Donglin Party.

Reached a pot of porridge in the court, who still wants to do things! In the end, these ministers did not do anything for a day, so they were busy arguing, compared with the Niu-Li party struggle in the late Tang Dynasty and the old and new party battles in the late Northern Song Dynasty. On the partisan, how can the Korean government be better if it goes on like this? If it is stated that the biggest cause of death is party struggle, then the Donglin Party really has to recite most of it.

Looking at the opinions of the Donglin Party members, it is nothing more than opening up the way of speaking, opposing the eunuch's administration, and abolishing the industrial and commercial tax. The first and second articles are old-fashioned repetitions. This has not been new for thousands of years.

As for the third article, some people called it an urgent need for the germination of capitalism. This proposal of the Donglin Party catered to the trend of the times, but unfortunately it was interrupted, otherwise China may enter the capitalist society in advance .

However, this is also nonsense, to say budding, I was also budding in Song Dynasty? Why haven't they developed? In the final analysis, although the Donglin party group began to use industry and commerce to make a lot of money because of the developed economic conditions in Jiangnan, they still have the landlord in their heart, which is completely different from the germination of Western capitalism.

Expect them to develop capitalism, it is better to expect Li Hongzhang and Zhang Zhidong to do a good job in modern industry! Has the money they earned been used to expand factory production? Is it used to develop new technologies? Is it used to open up markets? I am afraid that most of them are used to enjoy extravagant life, to merge land, and to pay bribes. How can capitalism be developed in this way?

Moreover, the Donglin Party advocated the weakening of monarchy, but the capitalism of the Western world was developed only when the monarchy was concentrated. It was the establishment of the Napoleonic Empire in France and the reunification of Bismarck in Germany. Without a strong central government, How can a standardized market be formed?

Teacher Wu quoted the evaluation of Mr. Wu Han, a famous historiographer, when he talked to Shen Long about the Donglin Party: from a rational point of view, in most cases the Donglin Party members were right, but they only quarreled and did nothing.

History experts are far more reliable than the Internet, but people still look down on the Donglin Party; for people who only know how to criticize and do n’t know how to do things, Shen Long also sees much more. Is n’t that known on the Internet?

Earlier, Shen Long agreed with their remarks, but only after entering the society and being beaten by the society did they know that they were all fart. Later, after seeing the tragic situation of Er Maozi, Shen Long knew what it was like to know how to govern the country. Since then, he has been too lazy to pay attention to these people, and now he looks at the Donglin Party, just like these people.

The court does not need to criticize ~ ~ but more people who need to do things. The kind who only criticizes and does not do things is enough. To really fill such a hall with such people, then The country is really a pill.

Jin Yiwei, who was reorganized by Lu Wenzhao, acted quickly, and the East Factory that Cao Huachun just took over urgently needed to get rid of the shadow of Wei Zhongxian and prove his ability to His Majesty the Emperor, plus Li Sancai was dead, so he quickly found out Evidence that Li Sancai was corrupt and vain in those years.

Shen Long immediately became furious, and ordered Lu Wenzhao to copy the house to Li Sancai, and once again harvested millions of silver, Shen Long sent the money to the household department, which eased the pressure of Daming's finances.

After this incident, the Donglin Party's momentum was extinguished, and the pursuit of the castration party members was slowed down, allowing the castration party, the Zhejiang party and other parties to relax and form a stalemate in the court.

In this way, both parties in the party dispute rely more and more on Shen Long ’s ruling. Shen Long continues to use the contradictions among many parties to achieve his goal. Although he has not completely mastered the politics of the DPRK, he can do what he wants. Things are up.

For example, for the delivery of Mao Wenlong to Dongjiang, he personally sent Wang Chengen to deliver this batch of grain and grass. Now Wang Chengen ’s magical swordsmanship has achieved little success, at least it has exceeded the upper limit of the "Embroidered Spring Sword". Fear of his safety is not easy.

Moreover, Wang Chengen learned many advanced methods of the KGB and the FBI from Shen Long, and he was all loyal to Shen Long. Those corrupt officials who want to corrupt in front of him are not afraid.

I hope that with these grains, Mao Wenlong will be better there!

:. :

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