All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1544: Supervisor Wang Chengen

"Remember, this is the first time we have done something for Your Majesty. If we dare to be negligent, our family will take your head!" After leaving Beijing, Wang Chengen began to warn the eunuchs who accompanied him to Denglai this time; This time, Shen Long sent ten eunuchs who had practiced evil spirits and special training to perform this task, and Wang Chengen was the director of these eunuchs.

"The little ones are deeply empressed by the emperor, how dare to slack off." These little eunuchs were born in hardship, and they only lived a good life under Shen Long. Shen Long taught them such a profound martial arts and knowledge. At least now, they are against Shen. Long's loyalty is absolutely without doubt, even if Wang Cheng'en doesn't say it, they dare not have the slightest sloppy.

Wang Chengen took these eunuchs to Denglai day and night, and found Denglai governor Sun Guozhen. This time Shen Long's order to Wang Chengen was to go to Mao Wenlong to serve as a supervisor. By the way, this batch of grain and grass was transported from Denglai to Dongjiang Town.

Sun Guozhen was different from other civil servants. During the Apocalypse years, the Ming Navy attacked the Dutch navy that occupied Penghu. Sun Guozhen personally led dozens of warships and sent firearms to strengthen the offensive. Until August, the Dutch naval commander Sun Ke led the army. Sun Guozhen surrendered, and the Penghu Islands returned to the embrace of Daming.

Sun Guozhen was also promoted to the governor of Deng Lai. During his tenure, he always supported Mao Wenlong and provided timely logistics supplies to Dongjiang Town, so that Mao Wenlong won the battle of Ding Mao; Shen Long knew these, so although there were many The impeachment of Sun Guozhen by the Donglin Party Secretary was a castration party, and he did not remove Sun Guozhen.

No matter whether he is an eunuch, as long as he is an individual, as long as he can provide strong support to Mao Wenlong, no one can take away his position as governor of Deng Lai; in order to appease Sun Guozhen, Shen Long also deliberately aimed at him in Dingmao The performance in the battle was commended, and he was urged to continue to provide support to Dongjiang Town. Sun Guozhen was moved when he accepted the order.

"The minister should have bowed and tried his best to repay the emperor's grace!" Sun Guozhen originally thought that Wei Zhongxian had finished after he fell down. He heard that there was an imperial edict to him, and he thought that he had come to ask for sin. Unexpectedly, Shen Long not only did not ask for sin, but also gave a reward. But he completely rested his mind and quickly guaranteed that he would deliver the grain and grass supplies as soon as possible.

"Our family told Sun Guozhen that no matter how he used to be, he would dare to lose one or two silvers in the future, and His Majesty would take his head. He is now guilty of meritorious deeds, and he certainly does not dare to be ambiguous, but those below him are not easy to say. After all, you have dispersed all these days, quietly inquired about the news, and sent it to Your Majesty. "After the purpose was issued, it will take time to raise the grain and grass ships, so Wang Chengen and others have to stay in Dunlai for a few days.

It is reasonable to make the merits better than the past. After a few days, Sun Guozhen really put together the grain and grass supplies that he should give, and he did not dare to embezzle much, even if there was something that could not be pushed, he secretly handed it to Wang Chengen, Wang Chengen immediately sent someone to pass the news to Shen Long. His task this time was to supervise the army in Liaodong, but he did not clean up the corrupt officials. This matter was handled by Lu Wenzhao himself.

After boarding the ship, the officials from Denglai who went to Liaodong also wanted to see the jokes of Wang Chengen and others, and felt that they would certainly not be able to suffer the storm, but he knew that Wang Chengen was armed with martial arts and walked on the ship, not only did not have the slightest Uncomfortable, and secretly made them clear on the door.

The ship arrived in Dongjiang Town, and Wang Chengen again issued the decree, which also rewarded Mao Wenlong, and then announced that he had become the supervisor of Dongjiang Town. He would stay with Mao Wenlong for a while.

"Mao is handsome and rest assured that His Majesty had told our family before leaving the palace, let our family come to Dongjiang Town with only eyes and ears, listen more and watch more, but it is never allowed to interfere with Mao Shuai's strategy, Mao Shuai just follow I have done my own thinking well. "After issuing the decree, Wang Chengen also explained.

Hearing this, Mao Wenlong and Dongjiang Zhong will be relieved a little bit, and the grains and grass transported by Wang Chengen this time will not be countless less than before, and their impression of Wang Chengen is better now. Laughing and inviting Wang Cheng'en and Deng Lei's civil servants to come in to catch up with them, Wang Chengen smiled and agreed to come down.

Shen Long told me that he knew that Mao Wenlong was a man of skill, and it would be better to let him do it than someone else. After Huang Taiji enters the border next year, Mao Wenlong can start from Dongjiang Town and put a knife in his waist; of course. He didn't trust Mao Wenlong at all. Mao Wenlong had the ability and many problems.

At least he hasn't fallen behind the bad habits of collecting Ding. It is just an expedient measure to use him at present. If he is interested in the future, it will be no problem for him to use the credit of Dongjiang Town to let him get his wish to be a feudal lord, but Shen Long will sooner or later want to clean up these warheads. Yes, if he does n’t know what to do, there wo n’t be any good endings. Yuan Chonghuan can kill him, and Shen Long can naturally.

Of course, if he wanted to kill Mao Wenlong, he would certainly not be as rash as Yuan Chonghuan. Yuan Chonghuan was good at killing Mao Wenlong, but he started a big bad head. What is more foolish is that Chong Zhen did n’t respond to this at all ~ ~ There are a lot of generals in the world, so they were killed?

Mao Wenlong was killed by Yuan Chonghuan and whether he was guilty or not are completely two concepts. Even if Mao Wenlong was unforgiving, at his level, Yuan Chonghuan could not be killed casually. To kill him, there must be solid evidence and he will be returned to Beijing for questioning Then, after the canon of Ming Dynasty, the Wumen decapitated and then decapitated, so that it was in compliance with the law and the rules.

Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong, and Chongzhen did not have any punishment, which caused a very bad influence, and the Ming Dynasty completely lost the credibility in the mind of the military commander. Mao Wenlong almost came to the extreme that the martial arts could reach, so casually Was it killed? What shall we do? Would you like to come as a civil servant and say that I can Pingliao for five years and then kill me, and your majesty will not control me? Such a court, what else is worth selling for?

Fortunately, Yuan Chonghuan was left in the capital by Shen Long. Mao Wenlong will not be in a short time, and he will continue to contain Huang Taiji.

After handing over the grain and grass supplies, the officials of Denglai went back and Wang Chengen and others stayed in Dongjiang Town. As he said, every time Mao Wenlong discussed, he only came to see and listen, even if Mao Wenlong took the initiative Asked, he also did not express any views.

But this does not mean that Wang Chengen did nothing. In private, he and those eunuchs who are warding off evil are slowly figuring out the situation in Dongjiang Town, preparing to go back and report to Shen Long.

After spending several months in Dongjiang Town, Mao Wenlong suddenly got the news, so he immediately informed Wang Chengen, "Duke Duke, according to the spies' report, the slave chief Hongtai is rectifying the soldiers and horses, it seems that there is a movement!"

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