All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1545: Here comes the head

"Our family already knows that we are preparing to play His Majesty. Since there is news on Mao Shuai's side, it is better for me to play together!" Wang Chengen led the evil eunuchs to stay in Dongjiang Town, but also sneaked into the scope of Tatar's influence. The news, Huang Taiji made such a big noise, how could he not know.

And according to Wang Chengen ’s estimation, there should be several channels to hear this news from your majesty. Lu Wenzhao is a survivor of the Battle of Salhu. He hated Tatar, and as soon as he became the commander of Jinyiwei, he chose the elite Liaodong; In addition, there are as many as 300 young eunuchs who have learned to fight evil swords, and Dongjiang Town only sent a dozen or so. There must be many of the remaining people who have already entered Liaodong.

In this way, the news from Dongjiang Town, Jinyiwei, Evil Eunuch, together with Sun Chengzong and even North Korea, confirmed each other that His Majesty must be clear about the situation in Liaodong.

In fact, Wang Cheng'en is still the same. Shen Long is a traverser, and he knows everything about Chongzhen's major events. Chongzhen's first big crisis after his ascension, the change of Yi Si, of course, could not be more clear.

In October of the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led the army to claim more than 100,000, avoiding Ningyuan and Jinzhou, and splitting troops into the customs from Longjingguan, Hongshankou, and Daankou, and captured Zunhua, and directly approached the Jingshi; although Huang Taiji failed to take Under the Beijing teacher, the belly that had already been eaten just by looting around the capital was rounded.

Yuan Dudu was not only failed in Pingliao for five years, but was also beaten by Tatar to the capital, so he was executed late by Chongzhen. In addition, due to the fierceness of Tatar and the greed and shamelessness of the civil servants, many troops who came to Qinwang collapsed This not only caused Daming to lose a lot of troops, but also buried hidden dangers for future refugees.

The average peasant does not know how to fight, but these professionally trained soldiers are not the same. Many broken pawns were put into the ranks of the uprising of the refugees, and soon became the backbone, leading the peasant army to attack the city and eventually perish. Daming.

Counting the well-known leaders of the rebel army in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong was born in the border army of Yansui Town; postman Li Zicheng went to Gansu to work as a border soldier after losing his job; Wang Jiayin, one of the earliest peasant army leaders, also worked as a border soldier After fleeing back to his hometown, he encountered the year of disaster and could not survive it until he unleashed.

These man-made counter-attacks with professional skills are terrible. On the other hand, the pure peasant uprisings of Baishui Wanger can't make much noise, but they just whirled out; because they don't know how to restrain the management of the army, how to command combat, and I do n’t know the geographic road. I might be able to fight the next two cities at first, but soon I do n’t know what to do next.

In fact, most of the peasant uprisings from ancient times to the present are the same. Perhaps the main force of the uprising is peasants, but the leaders rarely have pure farmers. The private salt sellers of Huang Chao and Zhang Shicheng, Li Zicheng is a postman, and Hong Xiu is all a talented person. These people are all Only when you have seen the world more or less can you make things worse.

If there is no failure of the Yisi change and a large number of Qin Wangjun collapsed to join the peasant army, the forces of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others are absolutely impossible to grow to such a degree, so this battle should not only severely teach the Emperor Taiji, but also prevent King Qin. The army collapsed; compared to the former, the latter may be more difficult to handle.

Because it is easy to defeat Tai Chi, the enemy is on the bright side. Now, Teng Xiang's four guards have already practiced something. Sun Yuanhua has also created a lot of ordnance under the military battle. This army's combat power definitely exceeds the Eight Banners. Now, what is lacking is only the experience on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, according to the Jinyiwei detectives lurking in Liaodong, the slave chief Taiji has a total of 100,000 soldiers. It is fierce and you must prepare early!" Lu Wenzhao said after handing over the information to Shen Long.

"Supervisor Sun also has a playbook, saying that Ning Yuan has heavy soldiers stationed, and Tariko wants to enter Ningyuan with little hope; but Huang Taiji had just expedition to Chahar to win and he could bypass Mongolia and enter the gate from Jimen. You can avoid Master Sun. "Shen Long nodded and no one knew this better than him.

However, due to the existence of Mao Wenlong, the Emperor Taiji also had to prevent Mao Wenlong from attacking the flanks when sending troops, so the number of the Eight Banners soldiers sent this time may be less than in the original history.

"Wen Zhao, continue to inquire about the news, be sure to figure out the route and number of soldiers of Huang Taiji's march." Shen Long waved his hand and let Lu Wenzhao step back.

Lu Wenzhao was very worried about this, but Shen Long was very calm. No matter how many Huang Taiji came, it was just a gift. Most of the time he has been in the throne for more than a year, he has only spent time to hide his glory and did not do much. The action is because he has not established absolute prestige, and the arrival of Huang Taiji can undoubtedly help him brush a wave of prestige.

A little emperor who has just succeeded to the throne, and an emperor who led a big victory to Da Ming, have different weights in the hearts of civil and military officials and common people, not to mention Shen Long also prepared a special thing to defeat the emperor. After the Tai Chi, you can come in handy. At that time, with the prestige of victory, plus the bonus of that thing, you can temporarily suppress the courtiers.

After Lu Wenzhao left, Shen Long went directly to Teng Xiang's four guards and inquired about Ding Baiying's recent training. Ding Baiying reported: "For more than a year, the soldiers were fed and the military pay did not have a milligram deduction, so training was very hard. Except that the new ordnance is a little rusty, the rest are not weaker than the Zhebing soldiers in Hunhe. "

"It's so good ~ ~ Tariko is planning to enter the customs again. Soon they will have the opportunity to fight on the battlefield. This battle must be won. After winning, I will not be reluctant to reward, whether it is to add officials Jue is still gold and silver, and I will give it as long as they want. "After watching the training, Shen Long was very satisfied.

After coming from the station of Teng Xiang's four guards, Shen Long went to the military battle station again, "How many cannons and guns can be brought out of the military battle station within a month?"

"Now the craftsmen are becoming more and more skilled. The number that can be produced this month is 30% more than last month, but these are really too expensive, and a bullet will cost one or two silver, which is really unaffordable!" Sun Yuanhua Sighed.

"Haha, when fifty bullets can kill a tart, that's also a profit!" Shen Long didn't care about it, and could use money to smash the tart, which is too cheap, not to mention the craftsmanship Advancement and expansion of production, these costs can quickly be reduced.

After visiting these two places, Shen Long had the bottom of his heart. In the early dynasty, he took out Sun Chengzong's break, "There is another change in the slave building. Can Ai Qing have the strategy of retreating the enemy?"

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