All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1546: Huang Taiji

"The impeachment of Sun Chengzong, the imperial imperial governor of Liaodong, has no way to defeat the enemy, wasting the country's children. Liaodong spends millions of Liao rates a year, and has no way to raise troops. However, Sun Chengzong not only can't defeat the enemy, but he is incompetent!" It ’s talent, and the enemy is about to attack. They do n’t want to deal with the enemy, but they think it ’s a good opportunity to attack the enemy ’s gangsters, so someone will immediately stand up and impeach Sun Chengzong.

"The minister seconded that His Majesty should summon Sun Chengzong to return to Beijing, and choose the governor Liaodong." Not only did the Zhejiang Party and the Eunuch Party start impeaching Sun Chengzong, even some people within the Donglin Party also opposed him.

As for the reason, Shen Long can guess without thinking. As the person said just now, Daming smashed millions of silver coins in Liaodong every year, although the money in Beijing must be divided. Some, when households, workers and other ministries send grain and arms to Liaodong, there are certainly not so many, but the number of Liaodong inspectors can handle is also amazing. Sun Chengzong has been holding this fat difference for more than a year. He jealously jealous.

I ca n’t wait to fly to Liaodong immediately, and take a big bite on Liaoji. As for the matter of Tazi, they do n’t worry too much. Although the women are really dissatisfied, they are invincible, but as long as we do n’t fight out of town There are a few key points, I do n’t think Tatar can do anything with him? Yuan Chonghuan held this view. He didn't get much benefit in Beijing, and he wished to replace Sun Chengzong immediately.

When they are tired and robbed enough, they can go back. As for the lost money and the city, they can just throw the pot on Sun Chengzong's head, and they can make a fortune by rebuilding the city and recruiting troops again.

Of course, Sun Chengzong is not without supporters. Although Sun Chengzong is still clear, he has to obey some unspoken rules, so many people in the court have divided the benefits from the Liao rates. It is not easy to say that Sun Chengzong is so interesting. If the people who switch to the enemy party will not give themselves too many benefits, they must support Sun Chengzong.

For a time, Chao Tang was arguing about Sun Chengzong's problems, and he saw Shen Long wishing to take out Gatlin directly, killing all the gangs who had failed and failed, and all his mother's fast soldiers came to the city. You guys are still arguing about wool!

After a long quarrel, the party who supported Sun Chengzong was slightly in the upper hand, and Shen Long took the opportunity to help, "Sun Dushi is still trustworthy. Furthermore, it is a taboo for the military to change the coaching position. Let's talk about it after Tatar retires!"

"My Emperor Shengming!" Hurry up to support Sun Chengzong's side, and oppose Sun Chengzong. Since his majesty has said so, wait any longer. As long as there is a Tajikistan, Sun Chengzong will inevitably be affected, and then renewed at that time. Impeachment is not late.

"According to Supervisor Sun and the return of Jinyiwei spies, Jiannu is likely to bypass Mongolia and enter the gate from Jimen, so how can I deal with it?" Shen Long had to point out again that the most important thing at the moment is not impeachment Sun Chengzong, But beware of tatars, do you have any good ways?

To solve the problem, all my officials in the Ming Dynasty were dumbfounded. Many ministers in the court were watching their noses and noses, covering their faces with wat boards, fearing that his majesty would call his name.

"Your Majesty, it is necessary to rectify the Jimmen and the defense of the capital, and summon the army of kings everywhere to go to the capital." After a long quiet period, Liang Tingdong, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Defense, finally spoke. This was his own job. It would be unreasonable if he did not answer.

"Your Majesty, King Qin has to be cautious!" However, there are also some objections to this very normal suggestion, "If the border troops of all regions are not disciplined, if they enter the Gyeonggi Province, they will have a terrible trouble."

These are all mansions and land around the capital. They feel that Tatar may not come, and they may not be able to break this door. When they come to the capital, they will not have any impact on their own property. By the way, these will harm their own manor land.

"The minister seconded, not to mention the fact that Tatar hasn't buckled the border yet, so he called the king of the world, fearing that it would damage the court's prestige, and make the people of the world panicky." This disciple of several disciples served as a magistrate around the capital. What good job, in order to take care of his disciples, he also objected.

"Your Majesty, the household department has insufficient reserves, and I may not be able to supply the food and silver of the Qin Wang Army." The Qin Wang Army will definitely spend money when it comes. How can I embezzle the money for them? This will definitely not work.

"In this way, Qin Wang is all right. The subpoenas are forbidden. Without my will, Qin Wang is strictly forbidden, and those who violate the order will be severely punished!" Shen Longshun pushed the boat and promised to come down. When you arrive in the capital, those county officials will not give you meals, so why bother?

Anyway, I do n’t count on you in this battle, as long as you stay in your respective military towns without trouble or rebellion, it is my greatest contribution to Daming, as long as there are not too many broken soldiers to join the peasant army, this enough.

"My emperor is wise!" The ministers bowed down again, and they were proud and proud that they had prevented another scourge.

Shen Long sneered in their hearts, do n’t look at what they say now, and when Tatar is really in, they will definitely rush to urge King Qin to come sooner than one, and by then they ca n’t help them. Shen Long will give them a reason for today. Go back.

"Liang Aiqing, quickly send someone to rectify the defense of Jixian Town, let them repair the city's defense armor, and be ready to respond to the enemy at any time. If anyone dares to abandon the city and escape, I will punish it with stern penalties!" It certainly won't be able to stop Huang Taiji, but it's always good to do more preparations, and it can kill some tatars anyway.

This group of ministers has no objection, they still have a little bit of brains ~ ~ And repairing the city defense means spending money, and spending money means that they have the opportunity to embezzle. How can such a good thing be opposed?

Shen Long wrote down the reactions of these people one by one. When he began to rectify this town, he would let out the evil eunuchs. If anyone dared to reach out and wait for the retreat of the Emperor Taiji, Shen Long would copy their home. .

"British Prince, it's up to you to rectify the Beijing Camp and guard the capital." Finally, Shen Long set his sights on the British governor Zhang Weixian, who is in charge of the Beijing Camp. You have enjoyed the wealth for so many years. , Can't you do nothing at all?

Zhang Weixian dared to agree to come down, in fact, what kind of virtue Jingying is, he could not understand more clearly.

In October, Emperor Taiji travelled through Mongolia, guided by the Mongolian Karaqin cavalry, led the Eight Banners Army, detoured Mongolia, and raided Longjingguan and Da'ankou.


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