All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1547: Lay down

"Your Majesty! When quickly summoning King Qin's army into Beijing!" They had previously blocked the King Qin's army in every possible way. Now that Tatar has broken through, they immediately changed their minds.

"Oh? Didn't you say that the military discipline of the various towns was not repaired, and you entered into Gyeonggi to have a serious fear of trouble? Also, isn't the Hube no money? The army entered Beijing, how to solve the problem of food prices?" Shen Long said with a sneer. Since Huang Taiji had rushed over to prestige himself, he was too lazy to continue to hide his honour, and he went back unceremoniously.

If ordinary people hear Shen Long's own words, they may have bowed their heads in shame, but my Da Ming official's face is not generally thick. Someone said immediately, "At this time It is a prudent act for the minister to oppose the king of Qin Qin, but now he is calling the army to Beijing for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji! "

Ha ha, if it is really for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji, then you should quickly resign and roll back home early, your kind of people get out of the way is the greatest contribution to Daming!

"Ridiculous, as a minister of the court, how can you go back and forth?" Shen Long was too lazy to care about him, these brazen people, when the emperor Taiji left and cut the house directly.

"This soldier, how is the town of Jixian rectifying?" No matter what, Shen Long didn't plan to call King Bingmaqin. The four guards of Teng Xiang alone had been enough to defeat the Imperial Great Army. They could only do bad things. They will also give Gao Yingxiang and Wang Jiayin their enhanced strength. Shen Long ignored King Qin's request and turned to the military headquarters Shang Shuliang Tingdong instead.

He has now figured out the rules of the Ming Dynasty. As an emperor, he may not be able to do something, but if he does n’t, he will definitely not be able to do it. Without his own will, the military town dares to send troops and kings? Unauthorized transfer of soldiers to Beijing, it is a big crime of rebellion, you have to lose your head!

"Don't dare to slacken off after taking the lead from Weichen, he immediately selected officers to go to Xifengkou, Zunhua, Jimen, Tongzhou, Sanhe and other places to rectify the city's military defense discipline. The ministry was in short supply and failed to complete the repair. ”Liang Tingdong came down with cold sweat. If these places were broken, then he would be finished, so by this time, he would not have offended his colleagues and quickly dumped A few bites of pot.

"What does Liang Shangshu mean? There is no money in the household department and there is no way to get out!"

"Yes, the Ministry of Industry is still struggling to supply Liaodong, and is there any excess? If Liang Shangshu is dissatisfied, the minister has not resigned." Some people even felt the danger and were going to run.

The two sides were frantic in the Chaotang, and immediately Yu Shi came out and impeached the crime of losing their appearance in the palace, and the officials stopped to petition Shen Long.

Shen Long did not take care of them, and turned his attention to the British public, Zhang Weixian, "If the British public, if Jiannu enters the customs, can the Beijing camp be a battle?"

"Your Majesty, Jingying has been deserted for many years. If you are fighting in the wild, I am afraid that you are not the opponent of Tatar!" Zhang Weixian can only answer with a scalp, what is the fighting power of Jingying now?

I am Daming to raise you honors and hopes that you can lead troops to fight. Now it seems to be Bai Yang. Shen Long stared at Zhang Weixian and continued to ask, "Will it be possible to defend the city?"

Now Zhang Weixian can't say no more. If he can't fight or defend the city, what would the emperor want them to do? "Secretary-in-law led the Beijing camp to defend."

"That's fine." At last, if you are a little bit good, if you continue to say no, then the British public department will be cut off from you. Shen Long withdraws his gaze and glances at the officials of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Military Affairs. But it is necessary for the public, as long as it can be used for keeping the city, all will be reported to me, and I will let the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Defense solve it! "

"Your Majesty, even if Jingying is able to defend the city, when there is no Qinwang army, when will Tatar retreat?" Some people strongly demanded to call the army Qinwang, Shen Long still did not agree, and directly announced his retreat.

After the dispersal of the dynasty, the officials were apprehensive, and the army of Tatars had already entered the customs, but His Majesty refused to summon the king of the army, should they count on Jingying? That Beijing is dangerous! No, I can't stay in the capital and wait to die, so some people start to pack up their money and change their property, and resign from their official positions to run away.

"The resignation of the resignation will remain intact, and all of their names will be written down. I want to see who dares to escape and wait for me to retreat from Tatar, and come to settle accounts with them!" Shen Long ordered, Cao Huachun and Lu Wenzhao immediately led the order, Dongchang and Jinyiwei went out at the same time, and they would definitely be able to dig out the details of these people.

"Guo Zhen, whenever there is a change of property, you will send someone to slash the price!" Well, this is a good opportunity to make money. They are all in a hurry to run away. The industry, which is usually worth 12,000, may now Two thousand two thousand and one thousand two can get it, and now it is definitely a big profit to buy.

"Ding Baiying, training troops for a thousand days, I have never treated Teng Xiang four guards in these two years. Now is the time for you to play for Daming! Is that possible?"

"Seniors will not lose the emperor's grace!" Generals Ding Baiying, Ding Jiaqian and other generals saluted on their knees. After more than two years of training, coupled with a variety of new artillery and muskets, they were full of confidence in defeating Tatar.

"Okay, wait until you go down to make preparations, let Jingying block for a while, and wait for Tatar to be frustrated, and then you will lead the army out of the city to fight." After all, this is the first time they have entered the battle. Shen Long feels better to be careful.

Only six days Kungfu ~ ~ The Emperor Taitai Army broke through from Xifengkou, captured Zunhua, Jimen, Sansan and Tongzhou, and then arrived directly under the capital of the capital, which is more than the original history. It took a double time, it seems that Shen Long asked Liang Tingdong to rectify the city, and it still played a role.

When the flag of Tatar appeared in the suburbs of Beijing, the capital immediately became chaotic. Many officials and citizens fled out of the city with little care. For ordinary people, Shen Long didn't care at all; but the official, the relatives of the emperor's family, and the honorable children dare to escape He asked Dongchang and Jinyiwei to write down the names of these people and wait for them to settle their accounts with them in the future!

At the same time, it ordered that officials in Beijing, relatives of the imperial family, and heroes will take their family members to patrol and guard the city wall to strengthen the city defense.

Shen Long also put on armor and boarded the tower with many ministers of the North and Central China to watch the movements of the Imperial Taiji Army from a distance. The Royal Taiji led the great Belle Daishan and Bellezier Harang, Yue Yao, Dudu and Saha Lian et al., Commanding the Manchu right-wing four flags and the right-wing Mongolian soldiers, opened their positions outside the Deshengmen and started to invite the city head to fight.

The generals of the Jingying camp, who saw this, bowed their heads and did not dare to go out of town and meet Tatarko.

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