All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1548: Royal driving

"Tarzi is so elite! I am afraid there are hundreds of thousands of people?" Seeing the smoke rising from the cavalry under the city, seeing the banner waving in the wind, the civil and military officials who followed Shen Long were terrified, and the girl was dissatisfied. The invincible claim is burned into their bones, and now there are more than tens of thousands of tartars under the city. How can this be?

"There are 100,000?" Shen Long scoffed, but he had commanded the 100,000 troops of Zheng'er Eight Classics. He took a telescope and estimated the number of Manchu tartars. What's more, how about the population of Tatars? Could a hundred thousand army come together? It would be better if the 100,000 troops came, and they were all crushed at once, and Tatar kneeled completely.

"Your Majesty, when quickly summoning the army's King of Military Affairs!" After seeing this scene, some old words have been reiterated. The defenders in the city alone can't stop these army. What kind of virtue is Jingying they can't understand; oh Maybe Sun Chengzong had the responsibility of guarding against tatars, and he could be a king without a decree, but maybe Sun Chengzong and Jingying alone are not enough?

"Hugh wants to make a noise, I already had a plan, don't want to leave this time when Huang Taiji is here!" Not to mention that Teng Xiang's four guards have already been trained, and it is also a problem to assassinate Huang Taiji just by the evil eunuchs under his hands. No, the Emperor Taiji hung up, Daishan, Amin, Mangultai still have their minds to fight? I am afraid that he will immediately compete with Dorgon and others for the position of sweat? Therefore, Shen Long is full of confidence in the victory of this battle.

"British public, order people to cheer on and cheer, if I can block Tatar, I will be rewarded!" Shen Long didn't bother to pay attention to these civilian officials, and ordered Zhang Weixian to wait for Wu Wei in the future.

"Your Majesty, it's still ... it's better to rush down to King Qin, Jingying ... Jingying might not be able to stop Tatar!" Zhang Weixian also panicked.

"Oh? Really?" Shen Long looked at Zhang Weixian with his eyes full of power, "British father, why can my Da Ming's nobles rest with the country and enjoy the wealth of more than two hundred years? Do you still know?"

"Yes ... it's because my ancestors are slightly weak, Taizu and Chengzu treat me favorably, and so on ... in addition, I and other honorable men can lead soldiers to fight for the Ming Dynasty ..." The British government did not dare to look at Shen Long His eyes, but he was terrified. Why did your majesty appear to be so mediocre in the past, so scary today?

"Oh, you still know?" Shen Long sneered, "Then tell me, if the honorable man can't even fight, what use do I want you to have? If it's blocking Tatar this time, it's okay. Can't help, you riches who have been honored for more than two hundred years will be cut off from you! Come and tell me, can you block Tatar? "

Wow lala, the nobles at the scene knelt down, they felt Shen Long's anger, but they were more angry than frightened, what do you mean, didn't you, the old Zhu family's rivers and mountains, beat down from our ancestors? Now that the enemy is present, are you going to kill the donkey? They have taken their wealth for granted for a long time, and have never thought about what they have done for Daming in the past two hundred years.

And your majesty, even if you are dissatisfied with me, do n’t you have to say that? This is where the emperor should be! But Daming's Xungui had been interrupted by civil servants for a long time. Even if Shen Long said that, they would not dare to refute.

"Old veteran ... Even if the old veteran has his life, he must block Tatar!" Finally, Zhang Weixian still had a bit of guts and tried to support, he understood that since the Emperor Chrysostom was already open, if they could not fight well this time, these honours Expensive is really over; well, in fact, if you can't win, you don't need the emperor to do it, and the tatars outside the city can't let them go!

"The British father still has a bit of ancestry on his ancestors!" Shen Long's eyes swept over the honorables in turn, "I will put my words here today, and after the repulsion of Tatar, I will check and wait. The performances in this battle are timid, dare not to fight, those who fled, and violated military discipline.

"Of course, if anyone fights well, I will not begrudge the reward. The ancestor is the ascending marquis of the earl, the ancestor is the ascending marquis of the marquise. "

After scolding Xungui, Shen Long scolded the civil servant again. "I waited for me to remember, how did you do in the past? I don't care. Today I dare not deduct it. I can't peel the grass. can also!"

"British public, let people beat the drums to cheer!" Soon after Shen Long's order, the walls of the capital immediately sounded a heated drum of war. Under the coercion of Shen Long, he was inspired by the money moved from Hube and Neiku. Next, the soldiers in the Jingying camp finally showed some fighting spirit.

Huang Taiji outside the city heard the drums, and there was an ominous feeling in his heart. He immediately ordered the Eight Banners soldiers to expel Mongol from the army and start attacking the city.

However, Tatar was not very good at siege. In the past, in the Liaodong city, the Ming army had already scared away, or used the internal response to open the city gate; now, the city wall of Beijing is stronger than the outer wall of the customs, and the city ’s detailed work They were all swept away by Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and they could only fight hard.

The defending army was condescending, and Shen Long was wearing a yellow robe and stood in the most conspicuous place to inspire morale. The first wave of attack of the Emperor Taichi failed, and after dropping many corpses, he slowly retreated and cheers rang from the walls.

In the following days, Shen Long transferred Teng Xiang's four guards to the city in batches to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield ~ ~ The defenders at the head of the city successively repelled the attack of Tatar. The loss under the city wall is not small.

Huang Taiji also realized that these emperors who had just entered the throne were more difficult to deal with than they thought. It seemed that the capital could not be won; of course, he did not think of entering the capital when he entered this time. He just wanted to In order to grab more things to go back, Huang Taiji thought of changing the offensive strategy, leaving a group of soldiers to watch the capital, and the rest scattered to plunder the surroundings.

Shen Long had an insight into Huang Taiji ’s thoughts, and the Tengxiang Fourth Guardian had adapted to the atmosphere of the battlefield and was able to go out of the city to fight in the field. Then he announced his intention to prepare the Tengxiang Four Guardian to prepare for the battle. , Kill the enemy with Seoul! "

Hearing this, the warriors of Tengxiang's four guards are long lived, and all the officials of the military and military are ashamed; even some imaginative people immediately think of the change of the wooden castle. The battle of the wooden castle took place before today. Ten years, that year also happened to be the second anniversary. Is it possible that after 180 years, I will lose another emperor?

"Your Majesty, don't make it!" Wen Wen and hundreds of officials bowed down on their knees and pleaded, but some people were thinking, maybe it would be good to have a car.

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