All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1549: Your majesty, don't come back

Those officials who stopped Shen Long ’s imperial conscription were afraid of another change in the civil castle, and those who looked forward to Shen Long ’s imperial conscription also thought of the change of the wooden castle. These days, Shen Long ’s changes made them afraid, if your majesty If we continue this way, how can we embezzle and accept bribes in the future? Such an emperor let Tatar kill him!

Anyway, I have so many clans in Daming, and I can always find one to inherit the emperor's throne. Of course, I can't find an emperor like Jiajing who can control the courtiers like that time. I can't find a good enough foolish person with enough brains. You can continue to master Korean politics and seek benefits for yourself for your family.

As for the outside tatars, since your majesty is so confident, can they suffer even if they can't win? In this case, even if the emperor lost, it should be possible to keep them out of the capital by relying on the Beijing camp? As for the surrounding people, just let them rob, and then order Zhubian Town to join King Jingqin, should these tatars also leave?

"Taizu and Chengzu are on top. I have this hero in Ming, and ZTE is hopeful!" At the thought of this, someone shouted on his knees and cried with excitement. It seemed that he was really happy that Daming had hoped for ZTE.

Hey, why did he suddenly change his mind? Do n’t say, no matter if my Da Ming ’s officials can handle things, at least they can sit in this position, it is absolutely no brains and not enough, someone immediately thought of going with him.

"Wei Chen wish your Majesty a triumphant victory as soon as possible!" Those honorables who had been scolded by Shen Long earlier also reacted. Yes, if he died in battle, wouldn't anyone be held accountable for my inability to fight? I can still keep the title of my family, and I can continue to enjoy the wealth, so for the wealth of my family, please ask your majesty to go out and die.

As a result, the civil and military officials above the city head suddenly changed 180 degrees. They persuaded Shen Long not to surrender, and changed to wish that he could leave as soon as possible.

"Come here! Send a messenger, make an appointment with the slave chief, and fight tomorrow outside the Desheng gate!" Of course Shen Long knew what they were thinking, but he didn't care at all. The other party hoped that he would die in the hands of Tatar. Wouldn't you like to use Tatar to establish supreme authority for yourself so that you can thoroughly reform Daming?

"He is willing to serve as an emissary!" When they were allowed to do something, they pushed back three times, but this time when they heard that Shen Long was going to fight against Huang Taiji, someone immediately stood up, but they did not worry about their safety at all. In his view, Huang Taiji was also sure to fight against Daming. He would not only have no risk at all, but also have a reputation.

"Well, Ai Qing and go! Tomorrow morning, I will go out of the city and meet for a while." Shen Long Susu Mingren planned to send this official to act as a messenger and hang him from the city head to the Houjin camp. Send war books for yourself.

Mangguertai and others heard that the Daming Envoy was coming, and dared to invite themselves to fight, immediately became very hot, and shouted and killed, but Huang Taiji thought that he had found an opportunity, he quickly stopped them, and calmed down with a warm voice. The messenger, the better the time and place of the decisive battle let him leave.

After the messenger returned, he sent a letter from the emperor Taiji. They saw on the city head that the post-golden soldiers that had been scattered now began to gather again, and it seemed that they were really preparing to fight the Ming army.

Shen Long went to the city to rectify the Tengxiang Four Guards, and many ministers of culture and martial arts secretly gathered together to discuss the countermeasures. "Your Majesty is so frivolous. If something unbearable occurs, how should I wait?"

"What did Yu Shaoba do back then? What did I do when I waited? Your Majesty didn't listen to my loyalty and insisted on going out of town. What can I do? I can't bury Daming's mountains just for His Majesty?" They were expecting Shen Long to lose, and they had begun to think about keeping the city gate tight after Shen Long lost, not letting him in.

"That's the reason, even though this may not be right for your majesty, but I'm waiting for Daming's Jiangshan!" My Daming officials, no matter how sloppy they thought, could always find a bright and solemn language to cover up themselves.

"But City Defense is now responsible for General Wu Xungui, and I can't say anything about it?" Some people expressed concern that if we didn't want to open the door, what if the defenders opened the city door?

"Oh, don't worry about this matter. Did you forget what your majesty called them?" Someone said, stroking the beard. His majesty planned to cut their knighthood. Do you still expect them to be loyal to your majesty? When was my Da Ming's honorable military commander so stupid?

"I still see Shi Gong far, I can't wait too far!" In the secret room, the group of ministers laughed together, but they did not notice, these words were clearly heard by people.

In the early morning of the following day, Huang Taiji led his army to withdraw from Wulidi, leaving the Ming army with space to leave the whole town, but he could not wait for the Ming army to battle out of the city.

Shen Long, wearing gold-colored armor, led Ding Baiying, Ding Jiaqian and others, led Teng Xiang's four guards out of the Desheng Gate, and stood against the wall to form a large square formation. In front were four rows of soldiers with muskets. The musicians and the reserve team are located in the center of the phalanx. The musicians are used to encourage morale and command rhythm. The reserve team is ready to fill the vacancy of the phalanx. The cannon is also arranged in the center of the phalanx. The gunners are sitting nervously before the launch Preparation.

During the period, there were also some hunters scattered between various phalanxes. They had the most accurate muskets produced by Sun Yuanhua in their hands, and they were all carefully selected sharpshooters. They had certain autonomy on the battlefield and specifically shot those killers. Enemy generals of higher value.

The tall grenadier as a guard guarded by Shen Long ~ ~ is ready to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time; they are equipped with grenades and muskets at the same time, and they have a strong melee combat ability, no doubt from the army The highest Ding Jiaqian led, is the decisive force that will be sent to the battlefield at a critical moment.

In addition, there are cavalry who provide cover for the flanks. When the enemy is defeated, they will become the main force to chase down the enemy and wield the saber to reap the first level of the enemy.

This is the Napoleonic phalanx that is more than a hundred years ahead of this era. Since the weapons provided by Shen Long to the Ming Army are more than one hundred years ahead of this era, it is natural to use tactics that can maximize the advantages of their weapons.

"If this battle wins, I will definitely be able to stay in the Central Plains!" Huang Taiji was cheering for the Eight Banners.

"You guys, let the tatars on the opposite side become your merits!" Shen Long seemed extremely relaxed and calm.

Your Majesty, do n’t come back. We will help you see Daming ’s mountains and rivers. Many civil and military officials in the city are praying.

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