All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1550: No good, your majesty wants to win

"Five brother, the Ming army has never seen this position. Be careful when rushing." Huang Taiji studied for a long time, and did not see anything famous. Napoleon's slant square and the army array he had seen before It ’s weird compared to it, but Daming ’s army finally came out of the city. If he did n’t fight, he always felt unwilling, so he arranged for Mangultai to take his cavalry to try. Fan.

"Six brothers, you are sometimes too timid. Since Dajin had been soldiers, when did the wild battles suffer?" Mang Gurtai dismissed it, "Isn't it just some arrogance? Nan Manzi He ’s like a fire stick, so I took the head of Emperor Nanman. ”

Over the years, Hou Jin has fought against Daming repeatedly, and when he suffered a little, he developed the arrogant spirit of Mangourtai. He did not pay any attention to the Ming army in front of him.

That may not be the case. During the **** battle in the Hunhe River, if Yuan Yingtai was not frightened, and the artillery captured by the Ming army used to bomb the Zhebing formation, it is still unclear whether the winner or the loser is. Shouldn't it be unprepared? Seeing their posture of defending the city a few days ago, this is not a stupid person.

Huang Taiji muttered in his heart, but said nothing on his mouth, just patted Mangguertai's shoulder, "I'm here waiting for my fifth brother to win back."

Daming's civil and military officials have their own thoughts, and Houjin is not a rope. Nurhachi arranged for the four major Baylors to rule together. After his death, the emperor Taiji inherited the Khan position. Huang Taiji was very dissatisfied with this, and tried to weaken the powers of the remaining three Baylors. If Mang Gurtai could take a small loss this time, it would not be detrimental to him.

Tengxiang four guards have five or six hundred guards and one guard. Under Shen Long, these five or six hundred guards are solid. The four guards combined add up to more than 20,000; Twenty cattle records were flagged, and more than six thousand people rushed to the Deshengmen. In his view, the Eight Banner Warriors can fight against the Nan Manzi at least one, and he can play at least ten. He has more than six thousand people.

He is confident of winning. The reason why he brought so many people was to take down the Emperor of the Nanmanzi in one go. In that case, he will be in the limelight, and he will be able to sit and sweat a lot in the future. throne.

However, although Mangultai was grumpy, he was not a fool. His combat experience was extremely rich. Before the charge, he issued an order to let the Qi Ding under him slow down before reaching the range of the Ming Army ’s fire range to lure the Ming Army. Shoot early, then accelerate the charge, and use the gap between the opponent's reloads to break through their formation.

Mangguertai also saw that the Ming army lacked lances, swords and shields, and the proportion of gunmen was too high. Once they were approached, they were finished. "Oh, the emperor Nan Manzi is afraid that he has not fought. This The battle is cheaper. We are the blue flag! "During the charge, Mangguertai even had a leisurely joke.

Shen Long ’s Chinese army blew the horn, the gunners in the phalanx heard the order, and then ignited the cannon ’s lead. Each phalanx raised several white smoke, and the shells smashed into the Mangguertai army with a scream. .

The seemingly slow artillery shell is extremely powerful. When it hits a person, it can tear him immediately, and then still has the power to fly backwards, blocking him in front of the shell, whether it is a horse or a horse, there is only one dead path; a few The shells immediately hit several blood alleys in the Mangul Thai Army.

The Ming army ’s artillery is really powerful, but it does n’t matter. It takes a long time to launch the second time after the artillery is launched. This time is enough to rush to the Ming army. Mang Gultai used his previous experience in fighting with the Ming army. Judging by his judgment, most of his men are also veterans. Understandably, he was not frightened by the artillery, but dispersed the formation a little and continued to charge.

Unexpectedly, however, they soon heard the roar of the cannon again. The rate of fire of the Napoleon cannon was much faster than that of the red cannon. However, this time the lethality dropped due to the scattered formation of the Jiannu formation.

Although this surprised Mangultai, he was not too scared. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the Ming phalanx, Mangultai accelerated his horse speed.

"Change the shotgun!" The artillery in the phalanx changed the shells and began another round of launch before Mangultai entered the range. Countless lead shots were ejected. Mangultai's former army was almost thinned. The losses caused to Zhenglan Banner this time were more than the previous two combined.

"Your Majesty is going to win?" The civil servant of Chengtou was a little flustered.

"I'm not afraid, Jiannu is almost at the front, and the cannon can fire a round at most." There is a small military-savvy appease. This picture is too strange. The following is the Ming Army. You are so looking forward to it. Did the Ming Army lose?

The fact is that as they expected, after another round of shots was launched, Mangourtai ’s Zhenglan Banner was only a few steps away from the square, and it was not enough for the Ming Army to launch it anyway; there were many officials He couldn't help showing his face, but after a while, their smiles solidified.

I saw that the front row of the gunners started a volley, the dense projectiles drew a dead line before the formation, and the body of the cavalry under Mangultai piled up a long curved line on the battlefield.

Huang Taiji and others who were watching the battle from the rear straightened their backs immediately and couldn't help but take a breath of air. With such a kung fu, their losses exceeded the sum of Ning Jin Dajie and Ningyuan Dajie.

"Nanmanzi's firecracker is too sharp, let the old five come back!" Daishan was terrified ~ ~ It is really a loss now that they come back, they need time to fill the projectiles, and let the fifth brother continue to rush ! If you don't kill this Ming Ming army, sooner or later, it will become a big trouble for our Daikin! Although Huang Taiji was distressed, he still did not let Mangultai return.

"I hope as my eighth brother expected." Amin frowned, and although he had a disagreement with Mangourteiduo, the overall situation was still clear. He knew anyway that if they lost to the Ming Army, none of them Good fruit to eat, this is much stronger than Daming's civil servants.

However, the next scene disappointed them again. The previous round of gunshots just stopped, and the next round of gunshots sounded again. In the continuous gunfire, the pawns of the Zhenglan flag kept falling and the body was in Deshengmen. The outside piled up into a thick layer.

"Thank you, Jinming Jin to withdraw his troops, Lord Baylor can't stand it!" Mang Gurtai's younger brother Dege can't stand it anymore. Huang Taiji and others are also dumbfounded. When did Dajin fight such a fight! This is too bad!

Several civil servants in the city shook their beards in shock, no good, Your Majesty wants to win!

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