All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1551: Chase

The Napoleonic phalanx is a formation specifically designed to deal with cavalry. Because of its unmatched mobility, cavalry often detours infantry flanks or even attacks from behind. However, in this detour, infantry often cannot make timely adjustments. The phalanx just made up for the weak characteristics of the infantry's side. No matter where the cavalry charged the phalanx, they could make timely defenses, and the bayonet lined up made the cavalry's horses dare not move forward due to animal instincts.

The French phalanx that hit the Mamluk cavalry in the Battle of the Pyramids and the British phalanx that withstood the impact of the Napoleon breastplate cavalry in the Battle of Waterloo are typical examples of this tactical success.

Of course, any tactics are not flawless, and the square array is invalid when faced with infantry, especially horizontal lines, and is afraid of long-range fire attacks due to the dense formation.

However, Hou Jinbing obviously does not have this ability. Now Sun Yuanhua has not cast artillery in Denglai, Wuqiao ’s change has not yet happened, Kong Youde has not surrendered after the gold, and sent them cannons, plus Shen Long brought the lead In the era of more than 100 years of artillery and muskets, the Ming army was absolutely dominant in long-range firepower, and Huang Taiji could not bring out the firepower that could threaten the phalanx.

The barrage composed of shotguns and musket projectiles fired by the artillery stopped the army of Mangultai. The hunters moved freely in the formation and chose higher-value targets. With the scattered gunshots, the Lan's Jiala Ejin, Gushan Ezhen, and Niu Luzhen kept falling down, and without the command of these core grassroots commanders, the formation of Zhenglan Banner was even more chaotic.

However, the particularly eye-catching Mangultai is still alive. This is Shen Long ’s order to the hunters. This battle is easy to win, but it is impossible to keep all the gold soldiers behind. In such a situation, it is more beneficial for Daming to live alive than to die.

Mangguertai was in great pain. He looked at a warrior who had followed him for many years. He was killed by the Ming army without even slashing it. Looking at the front, the situation of the Ming army did not loosen at all. After he stepped on the battlefield, this was the first time he felt powerless. He began to feel that the Ming army across from him might not be able to defeat him. He also hoped to hear the order to withdraw troops when he attacked for the first time. If you fight like this, the Zhenglan Banner will be abandoned.

"Sweat!" Seeing that Emperor Taiji did not respond, Dege class could not help but shouted again. He thought the same as Mangultai. If Zhengzheng was broken, he and Mangultai would not have lived. It's better.

"Eight brother, the old five won't win anymore, so let's hurry up!" Amin also persuaded him. If Mang Gurtai lost too much, it would not be good for him.

"Can't withdraw troops! Since the father Khan Cavalry, my dajin has been invincible against Nanban. If he loses this game, the anger in our hearts will be extinguished!" Huang Taiji considered more profoundly He immediately issued a new order, "Let the Karaqin Division strike forward to consume Nanban's ammunition, and then the whole army pressed together. The Emperor Daming must be killed on the battlefield, leaving him to be my darling. Great trouble! "

A Min and Dai Shanlue thought about it and agreed with Huang Taiji's plan, so Jin Bing's formation moved, and Dai Shan, A Min, Yue Tuo and others commanded the Eight Banner Soldiers to supervise the war in the rear, forcing the Karachin Ministry The Mongolian cavalry rushed towards the phalanx, and the Karachi's Taiji people complained one after another. They entered the customs just to follow the Eight Banners soldiers to pick up bargains.

Mangguertai was all beaten up like this, didn't they go to death? But it ’s not okay to go up, Amin and Daishan ’s knives all showed up; so the Mongolian cavalry had to start charging, they learned the lessons of Mangultai, instead of charging from the front, they took a roundabout attack The way to prepare to attack the Ming flank.

However, the Napoleon phalanx can shoot from four directions at the same time, and the flanks are not weak. When the Mongolian cavalry rushed in, they were immediately sandwiched by the flanks of the two left and right squares, enjoying the baptism of the double barrage. heavy.

"This is impossible! How is this possible?" Huang Taiji and Chengtou civilian officials expressed the same emotion at this time, and they were all stunned by the scene before them.

Huang Taiji subconsciously wanted to retreat, but now he had to send his arrow on the string. He could only lead the remaining Eight Banner Soldiers with a scalp to suppress the past, hoping to defeat the Ming army with the advantage of the number.

"Change flower bombs!" The gunners in the phalanx received Shen Long's signal again. They took out the flower bombs and tucked them into the gun barrel, aimed at the enemy's densest place and started shooting.

"Boom!" A roar sounded in the Eight Banners Army formation, and the huge explosion scared the war horses 'laws and rhythms, delaying the Eight Banners' attack speed, and the splashed shrapnel tore apart one body after another. At that moment, the undead Eight Banners sent out waves of wailing.

"Now it's your turn!" Seeing that the opponents were all pressed up, Shen Long also sent his own reserve team. The tall guard grenadiers quickly entered the battlefield and began to attack the weak areas of the Eight Banners under the command of Shen Long. After a row of grenades, the grenadiers started a volley, and at once they crushed the enemy in front, cutting the formation of the Eight Banners.

Finally, some people could not bear to run away. A Mongolian tribe, Taiji, took the lead in leading their members back, and then the second and third appeared. Mangultai could not stand it anymore, so a chain was formed. In response, the Eight Banners soldiers also began to retreat.

"Tarzi lost?" At the top of the city ~ ~ A civil servant almost pulled out his beard, so the fierce Tatar was defeated by His Majesty so easily? How is this good!

what should we do? what should we do? Xungui, who had not performed well before, was also anxious. Your majesty lost but it was okay. If you win, you will come back with the power of victory. You really want to take back your title. How is it good!

"If your majesty withdraws troops here, this victory will be stable, but if you pursue, if Tatar kills a carbine, there may be changes in the battle." There are some military analysis, and the number of Ming cavalry It ’s not as good as the Eight Banners, and the formation of a battle can win, but it does not mean that you can also win during the march.

Then your lord, hurry up and chase it! Hearing this, many people began to pray.

"The whole army, chase!" Seeing the enemy gradually receding, Shen Long gave a decisive order, and all the phalanxes moved, slowly pressing against the enemy.

Has your majesty really pursued? Mrs. Hong, you need to be more powerful! Many officials turned their cheeks on and embarrassed Huang Taiji.

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