All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1552: Zu Dashou

"Cao Huachun, go to the city to pass on the purpose and let them hurry to deliver the grain and grass supplies. I am not the generals. If the grain and grass can't keep up, I want their heads!" How could Shen Long not guess what the civil servants planned to do? Of course, he didn't expect the civil servant to be obedient in one sentence. He first let Cao Huachun speak out, lest someone would say that he was unteaching in the future.

"Li Fusheng, you immediately bring a few people to quickly notify Sun Chengzong, so that he must keep these tartlets in the gate!" The gate is behind, so let Cao Huachun go, and go to Sun Chengzong is far away, so get a martial arts Gao Qiang's messenger, Shen Long chose a martial artist from the evil eunuchs and asked him to do it.

"Slaughter-in-law!" Cao Huachun and Li Fusheng immediately took orders. The **** of Si Lijian immediately wrote the imperial edict, and then used the seal. They took the imperial edict and left quickly.

After only a moment of effort, Cao Huachun reached the top of the city. After reading the decree, he said, "The Hubei, Gongbei, and Bingbu, prepare the grain and grass supplies for your majesty at a constant speed, no mistake!"

"Grandpa Cao, who used to defend the city before, consumed a lot of grain and grass, and suddenly wanted to come up with so much, I am afraid ... I'm afraid ..." The big brothers of North Korea and China are also entangled now, don't give it, Your Majesty does not What should I do if I chase down? Give it, and I am unwilling, I want to deduct it from this expenditure, I am afraid it is a little difficult.

"No matter what difficulties you have in our family, our family only knows that this is what the grandfather explained to our family. If we ca n’t do well, we will definitely eat it, but before our family eats it, Dongchang will definitely be able to The heads of the people who let our family eat! "Cao Huachun's fierce eyes were swept across the faces of the ministers who were showing their faces, remembering them all in their hearts.

"Chen waits for obedience!" Sun Yuanhua took the lead, and now there are many ammunition and ordnance in the military battle, he has not much problems here. With his beginning, coupled with the threat of Cao Huachun, these people can only lead the decree .

But this does not mean that they will rely solely on the sacred purpose. You want food, okay, no problem, we will help you out, but now there is chaos outside the city, if there is an accident on the way, such as robber robbery, accidental fire That's not to be blamed on us; Yin Bing borrowed the tricks, fire dragons and fire bins and other tricks but played them for thousands of years, and they are also very familiar with this set.

Shen Long led the army to chase all the way, and Huang Taiji repeatedly deliberately exposed flaws all the way to lure him to be fooled. However, Shen Long inherited Li Yunlong ’s military talent and could use the eagle bird in the sky to observe the movement of the Eight Banners. Once, it made Huang Taiji lose a lot.

In the process of his pursuit, Li Fusheng also traveled day and night. He came to the Sun Chengzong army and learned that the emperor His Majesty was in the field. After the defeat of the Taiji in the field battle in Deshengmen, Sun Chengzong and Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and other customs The generals of Ning Army were greatly surprised. In their view, the undefeated myth of the Eight Banner Soldiers fighting in the wild was unbreakable. How could they be defeated by Daming's army?

You have to say that the Qi family army was still a little bit possible, but whether it was Jingying or Tengxiang Siwei, wasn't that all waste? His Majesty can rely on them to win Huang Taiji?

"This father-in-law, the war is over before you come?" Sun Chengzong couldn't help but want to confirm.

"Your Majesty Hong Fu Qitian, led the Teng Xiang four guards out of the city to fight against the slave chief Hong Tai, broke down the construction of 100,000 slave soldiers, Hong Tai has led the army to flee, His Majesty is chasing down; His wait is not quick to leave, go Block Hong Tai's way? "In Li Fusheng's view, their reaction was a bit overwhelming. Do you want to resist?

"Wei Chen is grateful for the gratitude!" Sun Chengzong is quite honest. Since His Majesty said it, let's hurry to send troops. He immediately arranged Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and others to lead their troops to Zunhua, Jimmen and other places to intercept .

"Your Majesty said that Liaodong consumes millions of grains and grass every year, and it is the fat of the people of the world. This time the establishment of slaves to join the army is already a neglect of duty. If anyone is afraid of the enemy, so that the slaves will not escape. Rao! "Shen Long is not at ease with civil servants, nor is it about those of Guan Ningjun.

Everyone agreed that they promised, and then they each led their troops to leave. After leaving the camp, Zu Dashou called his brothers and nephews Zu Dale, Zu Dabi, Zu Zeyuan, Zu Zefa and others to discuss the matter.

"Brother, it's better to be cautious as I wait. I don't know how powerful Jiannu is. Were the slave chief Hong too cunning, how could he be defeated by the Tengxiang four guards?" Boldly, "He must have robbed enough to withdraw his troops this time. His majesty can't get through, so if you say that, you can't take it seriously!"

"Yeah, I rushed to Zunhua when I took the risk and happened to meet Tatar's main force. What should I do?" Someone nodded.

"Even in case of a lucky victory in the capital, we can't stop the slaves. Brother, we are now millions of people a year. Although we still have to share a large sum for the adults in the capital, we can get it right. There are also a lot of them; if we do n’t have Hong Tai and no slaves, will we find so much money there? "Someone analyzed the matter from another angle.

"Is Ning Yuanbo really unable to settle Liaodong? If he was willing to go to great lengths, with the 8,000 family members, the barbarians of Liaodong had already been slaughtered. Why didn't Ning Yuanbo do this? Qi Shaobao did it at Jimmen. Good, but he did n’t block the book after all. "Others used Li Chengliang ’s example to persuade Zu Dashou to take care of himself.

"But ~ ~ Your Majesty has already given the imperial edict. If I can't wait for Zunhua, then my head can't be saved!" Zu Dashou certainly thought of these, but he still had some concerns.

"So what? As long as the Tatar of Liaodong is still alive, who can your Majesty rely on besides us? As long as you don't leave Liaodong, no one can help you!" Someone helped him.

"Okay, since you all think so, then I can't go against the will of the people; let go of the night on your hands and check the news of the slaves, slow down the march, slow down the soldiers, but the soldiers are taboo!" Zu Dashou Make a decision immediately.

Whether it was a civil servant in the capital or a general in Liaozhen, they thought they were doing well, but unfortunately they did n’t know that their every action fell into the eyes of the evil eunuch, and soon they were sent to Shen Long on.

"Your Majesty Qi, on the way to the transportation of grain and grass, some people tried to prevent fire, some wanted to contact the bandits, and some even wanted to inform Jiannu. Most of them were stopped by me and waited, and only a small part was burned."

"Zu Dashou's march is quite slow, and it seems that the tiger has returned to the mountain."

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